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OpenAI is a private artificial intelligence research group created by Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba, and Elon Musk in December 2015.

The fundamental point of establishing OpenAI was to responsibly develop and promote benign AI. The creators believed that AI had the ability to aid in the resolution of some of the world's most urgent issues.

Starting off as a research organization in the field of artificial intelligence, it eventually developed GPT-2, a language model capable of producing human-like prose, as well as OpenAI Gym, a toolset for designing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.

Aside from research and development, OpenAI is involved in policy work, education and outreach, and the development of AI applications. The company also has a number of agreements with other AI-related organizations, including Microsoft, Google, and IBM.

DALL-E, another AI model, was one of OpenAI's core efforts. It is a generative model capable of producing graphics from text descriptions. It is based on the GPT-3 model, which is one of OpenAI's most advanced language models.

The board of directors of OpenAI removed Sam Altman, the organization's co-founder and CEO. The principal reason given for his dismissal was a lack of constant openness in his discussions with board members, which was considered as impeding their ability to carry out their obligations efficiently.

This decision was the result of a rigorous evaluation process by the board, which resulted in a lack of trust in Altman's capacity to lead OpenAI in the future.

Mira Murati is the new interim CEO and CTO of OpenAI. Murati is also one of the leading developers of ChatGPT.

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