Dipika Chikhlia, who became a household name as Sita in Ramayan, recently welcomed Farah Khan into her Kerala-style home for a cooking session. The visit was filled with fun conversations, touching memories, and a closer look at Dipika’s life beyond her iconic role. From her family’s anecdotes to her timeless charm, the session gave a glimpse into how Dipika has gracefully balanced fame and family over the years.
Farah Khan couldn’t stop admiring Dipika’s beauty, saying, “You’re so beautiful. You still look the same! It’s been 35 years, but you’re exactly how you were in Ramayan. I was wondering how you’d look now, but you’ve maintained yourself so well.” Dipika thanked her warmly, and the duo shared a lighthearted moment over her timeless charm.
Farah was left impressed by Dipika’s serene home, exclaiming, “This house is so beautiful. It doesn’t even feel like it’s in Mumbai!” Dipika explained that her home is inspired by Kerala architecture, with terracotta accents and earthy elements creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.
Dipika shared a sweet story about meeting her husband, Hemant. “Hemant’s sister was married to my cousin brother. I used to call her bhabhi. He would take my pictures, and one day, I told my mom it felt odd. But eventually, love happened,” she said. Farah quipped, “This feels like a Sooraj Barjatya film!”
Dipika revealed, “People often tell me their mothers and grandmothers are fans. I jokingly ask them, ‘Aren’t you my fan too?’” She added that her role as Sita continues to resonate with audiences across generations.
Juhi, Dipika’s daughter, confessed, “Growing up, I didn’t watch Ramayan because seeing mom like that felt weird. But in 10th grade, I watched it during a Hindi lesson.” Dipika added that the family watched it together during the Covid rerun.
Farah was awestruck by Dipika’s spacious kitchen. “It’s so big and airy! We have a cramped galley kitchen. This is so bright and open,” she exclaimed. Dipika shared her love for the kitchen’s natural light and functionality.
Ruhi revealed how her mother’s fame often leads to overwhelming fan interactions. “People come to touch her feet wherever we go,” she shared. Dipika added, “Sometimes my saree almost comes off when crowds fall at my feet.” Their stories highlighted the devotion fans still have for the iconic Ramayan actress.