#Greenenergy, such as solar, hydraulic #energy, and wind power, slashes carbon footprints. With advancing technology, renewables offer cleaner, more accessible electricity. They mitigate greenhouse gases and stimulate local economies. Challenges remain, but innovation promises a #sustainable energy future. Embrace green energy for a smarter, cleaner tomorrow. So here are 12 ways you can start to #protect the #environment today: 1. Consume less. 2. Compost. 3. Choose reusable over single-use 4. Upcycle more. 5. #Recycle properly. 6. Shop secondhand. 7. Buy #local. 8. Use fewer chemicals. 9. Walk, bike or carpool. 10. Use less water. 11. Use your purchasing power for good. 12. Conserve electricity. To See More Details 👉 https://lnkd.in/dJyy-mgU You can report and manage individual and corporate #CarbonFootprint calculations with our product "CarbonIT", the software of which we developed. Heen Technology Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/didNgRBS Carbon IT LinkedIn Page Adress: https://lnkd.in/gkmQ_ZJt Carbon IT Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/dRxWCGTJ #Technology #Health #Sustainability #World #Earth #Future
CarbonIT Global
Çevresel Hizmetler
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Take a Step for a Sustainable Future!
Take a Step for a Sustainable Future! Personal and Business Carbon Footprint Calculations - The Measure of Being Environmentally Friendly
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- 2022
- Uzmanlık Alanları
- Sustainable, Future, Carbon, Carbon Footprint, Water Footprint, sustainability, footprint calculator, footprint, carbon footprint calculator, environmentally, environment ve Carbon Reduction
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Teknokent 3. Arge Binası No:1-2 Beytepe
Ankara, Ankara 06520, TR
#Greenenergy, such as solar, hydraulic #energy, and wind power, slashes carbon footprints. With advancing technology, renewables offer cleaner, more accessible electricity. They mitigate greenhouse gases and stimulate local economies. Challenges remain, but innovation promises a #sustainable energy future. Embrace green energy for a smarter, cleaner tomorrow. Easy Things You Can Do To Protect Drinking #Water Sources • Use and dispose of harmful materials properly Don't dump hazardous waste on the ground. It can contaminate the soil, which could also contaminate the groundwater or nearby surface water. A number of products used at home contain hazardous or toxic substances that can contaminate ground or surface waters • Volunteer in your community Find a watershed or wellhead protection organization or a source water collaborative in your community and volunteer to help. If there are no active groups, consider starting one. Use the Source Water Collaborative's How to Collaborate Tool Kit to get started. • Join in a beach, stream or wetland cleanup You can make new friends while you help protect source water. • Prepare a presentation about your watershed for a school or civic organization Discuss water quality threats, including the dangers of polluted runoff and habitat loss. In your presentation, highlight actions people can take to protect water quality, such as limiting fertilizer use and eliminating the use of herbicides and pesticides. • Organize a storm drain stenciling project Stencil a message next to the street drain. This will remind people not to dump waste into a street drain because the water drains to the river. Use simple images and words when stenciling to help make the connection To See More Details 👇 https://lnkd.in/esTgPukn You can report and manage individual and corporate #CarbonFootprint calculations with our product "CarbonIT", the software of which we developed. Heen Technology Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/didNgRBS Carbon IT LinkedIn Page Adress: https://lnkd.in/gkmQ_ZJt Carbon IT Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/dRxWCGTJ #Future #Sustainability #Climate #Enviroment
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#Greenenergy, such as solar, hydraulic #energy, and wind power, slashes carbon footprints. With advancing technology, renewables offer cleaner, more accessible electricity. They mitigate greenhouse gases and stimulate local economies. Challenges remain, but innovation promises a #sustainable energy future. Embrace green energy for a smarter, cleaner tomorrow. Options for using renewable energy include: • Generating #renewableenergy on-site using a system or device at the location where the power is used (e.g., PV panels on a state building, geothermal heat pumps, biomass-fueled combined heat and power). • Purchasing #greenpower through a green power procurement process that involves the generation of renewable energy certificates (RECs). • Purchasing renewable energy from an electric utility through a green pricing or green marketing program, where buyers pay a small premium in exchange for electricity generated locally from green power resources. To See More Details 👇 https://lnkd.in/dzG3CrfX As Heen Tech, we are developing technologies for #healthcare and the #environment. Technologies have evolved, cloud-based servers offer access to data, and people are working to obtain the maximum benefit utilising this data. We have completed projects for the government which has enabled us to develop greater expertise to deliver cutting edge products for the end user. Heen Technology Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/didNgRBS Tabip Health Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/dUxpGF3d Tabip Health LinkedIn Page Address: https://lnkd.in/dPQ896c8 Carbon IT LinkedIn Page Adress: https://lnkd.in/gkmQ_ZJt Carbon IT Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/dRxWCGTJ #Future #Sustainability #Climate #Enviroment
#Greenenergy, such as solar, hydraulic #energy, and wind power, slashes carbon footprints. With advancing technology, renewables offer cleaner, more accessible electricity. They mitigate greenhouse gases and stimulate local economies. Challenges remain, but innovation promises a #sustainable energy future. Embrace green energy for a smarter, cleaner tomorrow. Options for using renewable energy include: • Generating #renewableenergy on-site using a system or device at the location where the power is used (e.g., PV panels on a state building, geothermal heat pumps, biomass-fueled combined heat and power). • Purchasing #greenpower through a green power procurement process that involves the generation of renewable energy certificates (RECs). • Purchasing renewable energy from an electric utility through a green pricing or green marketing program, where buyers pay a small premium in exchange for electricity generated locally from green power resources. To See More Details 👇 https://lnkd.in/dzG3CrfX You can report and manage individual and corporate #CarbonFootprint calculations with our product "CarbonIT", the software of which we developed. Heen Technology Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/didNgRBS Carbon IT LinkedIn Page Adress: https://lnkd.in/gkmQ_ZJt Carbon IT Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/dRxWCGTJ #Future #Sustainability #Climate #Enviroment
#Greenenergy, such as solar, hydraulic #energy, and wind power, slashes carbon footprints. With advancing technology, renewables offer cleaner, more accessible electricity. They mitigate greenhouse gases and stimulate local economies. Challenges remain, but innovation promises a #sustainable energy future. Embrace green energy for a smarter, cleaner tomorrow. Why #Humanity Must Save #Nature To Save Itself Our #planet – the only home we have – is at breaking point. Two thirds of our earth’s oceans and three quarters of its land have been damaged by humans. One million species could vanish by 2050 – accelerating the #global extinction rate potentially hundreds of times faster than over the last 10 million years. One fifth of all nations could see their ecosystems collapse completely, according to insurer Swiss Re,due to destruction of wildlife and their habitats – on which we ourselves depend. Our earth can only continue to sustain us if we protect its biodiversity: the individual, yet interconnected chain of plant and animal species that hold our world together. Every life form, however tiny, is essential to the whole. As Sir David Attenborough put it: “Every breath of air we take, every mouthful of food that we take, comes from the natural #world. And if we damage the natural world, we damage ourselves." To See More Details: 👉https://lnkd.in/gHStaCj2 You can report and manage individual and corporate #CarbonFootprint calculations with our product "CarbonIT", the software of which we developed. Heen Technology Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/didNgRBS Carbon IT LinkedIn Page Adress: https://lnkd.in/gkmQ_ZJt Carbon IT Web Site Page Address: https://lnkd.in/dRxWCGTJ #Carbon #Future #Sustainability #Nature #Energy #Enviroment
Game-Changing Strategies for Climate Action The Paris Climate Agreement represents a crucial step in global efforts to combat climate change, building upon the foundations laid by the Kyoto Protocol. While we've made significant progress in calculating and reporting carbon footprints, it has become clear that this is no longer enough. As carbon emissions continue to exceed acceptable limits, the rules of the game are evolving. To make a real impact, we must now focus on capturing and storing carbon at deeper levels. What is Carbon Capture? Carbon capture technology prevents #CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels by safely storing the captured carbon deep underground. In alignment with these advancements, the UK government is increasing its commitment by funding £21.7 billion over the next 25 years for carbon capture technologies. CarbonIT Global: The Comprehensive Solution for Your Carbon Footprint CarbonIT is a holistic solution that allows you to calculate, manage, and reduce your carbon footprint simultaneously. This tool offers a complete approach to environmental responsibility and emission reduction, in line with global sustainability standards. Whether you’re calculating individual or corporate carbon footprints, CarbonIT enables you to report and manage your impact efficiently. Embrace these game-changing strategies for a sustainable future with CarbonIT! #carbon #carbonfootprint #climatechange #climateaction #CarbonCapture #sustainability #CarbonIT Heen Technology CarbonIT Global
Game Changing in Climate Action The Paris Climate Agreement marks a crucial step in international efforts to combat climate change, building on the foundations of the Kyoto Protocol. While we’ve made strides in calculating and reporting carbon footprints, it's clear that this is no longer sufficient. With carbon emissions exceeding acceptable limits, the rules of the game are evolving. We must now focus on capturing and storing carbon at deeper levels to truly make an impact. What is Carbon Capture? Carbon capture technology prevents CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels, safely storing the captured carbon deep underground. In line with these developments, the UK government is stepping up its commitment by funding £21.7 billion for carbon capture technologies over the next 25 years. It’s time for us all to embrace these game-changing strategies for a sustainable future! #ClimateAction #CarbonCapture #Sustainability #CarbonIT International Energy Agency (IEA) Climate Change Committee Heen Technology CarbonIT Global https://lnkd.in/d5r9w3v2
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#Çevre Dostu Modaya Geçiş: #Sürdürülebilir #Giyim Trendi #Moda dünyası, uzun yıllardır sürekli tüketim ve hızlı moda anlayışıyla büyüyen bir sektör. Ancak bu büyüme, çevreye ve doğal kaynaklara ciddi zararlar vermeye başladı. Hızlı moda, düşük maliyetli ve kısa süreli kullanım için üretilen giysilerle doğrudan bağlantılıdır ve genellikle büyük miktarda atık yaratır. #Çevre dostu moda, bu zararın önüne geçmek için daha sürdürülebilir ve sorumlu bir yaklaşımı benimseyen bir hareket olarak yükselmektedir. Haberin Detayları : https://lnkd.in/dCmTH28E #Sürdürülebilir #Sustainable #Environment #Fashion
CarbonIT Global bunu yeniden yayınladı
🌍 Birleşmiş Milletler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri Raporu'na (2024) göre, her yıl yaklaşık 4,2 milyon insan dış ortam hava kirliliği nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmektedir. 2010-2014 ile 2015-2019 yılları arasında ince partikül madde (PM2.5) maruziyetinde %9'luk bir düşüş yaşanmasına rağmen, bu seviyeler hâlâ önerilen hava kalitesi rehberi olan 5 μg/m3'ün üzerindedir. Hava kalitesi izleme sistemlerindeki gelişmeler, bölgesel başarıların doğrulanması ve politika kararlarının yönlendirilmesi açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. 2011 ile 2022 yılları arasında küresel izleme kapasitesi altı kat artarken, bu büyümenin %92'si yüksek ve orta gelirli ülkelerde gerçekleşmiştir. Türkiye'de, T.C. Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı ile İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara Bilgi Teknolojileri ile birlikte HEY Portalı'nın (Hava Emisyon Yönetim Portalı) üçüncü aşamasını geliştirmektedir. Bu yenilikçi portal, gerçek zamanlı kirlilik verilerini toplar ve meteorolojik ve topoğrafik verilere dayalı olarak yapay zeka kullanarak dağılım haritaları oluşturur. Bu girişim, hava kalitesi izleme konusunda bilimsel yaklaşımlarda ve ortaya çıkan eğilimlerde önemli bir adımı temsil etmektedir. Hep birlikte daha sağlıklı bir hava için çalışabiliriz. #HavaKalitesi #Sürdürülebilirlik #İnovasyon #HalkSağlığı #Çevre -------------------- 🌍 According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Report (2024), approximately 4.2 million people die annually due to ambient air pollution. While there has been a 9% decline in global exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from 2010-2014 to 2015-2019, levels still exceed the recommended air quality guideline of 5 μg/m3. Advancements in air quality monitoring systems are vital for confirming regional successes and guiding policy decisions. Between 2011 and 2022, global monitoring capacity grew sixfold, with 92% of this growth occurring in high- and middle-income countries. In Turkey, the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, alongside Istanbul Technical University, is advancing the HEY Portal (Air Emission Management Portal) in its third phase with Ankara Bilgi Teknolojileri. This innovative portal collects real-time pollution data and utilizes AI to generate distribution maps informed by meteorological and elevation data. This initiative represents a significant step forward in scientific approaches and emerging trends in air quality monitoring. Together, we can work towards healthier air for all. #AirQuality #Sustainability #Innovation #PublicHealth #Nature
CarbonIT Global bunu yeniden yayınladı
🌍 The Importance of Carbon Footprint Calculation for a Sustainable Future According to the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) Sustainable Development Goals Report (2024), approximately 4.2 million people die annually due to ambient air pollution. This alarming statistic highlights the critical need for organisations to reduce their environmental impact. At Heen Technology, we're proud to offer our AI-supported solution, CarbonIT Global which helps organizations measure, monitor, and reduce their carbon footprint in line with #ISO14064 standards. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, CarbonIT empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, contributing to a healthier planet for all. Let's work together to create a sustainable future, one footprint at a time. 🌱 #CarbonFootprint #Sustainability #AI #ISO14064 #EnvironmentalConsultancy #CarbonIT #GreenTech #SDGs #SustainableFuture #ClimateAction Ankara Bilgi Teknolojileri, United Nations, United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) ABM International Consultancy https://lnkd.in/dZidUHsW
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“The financing of activities related to fossil fuels, which constitute the primary source of carbon emissions (mining, transportation, processing, and energy production), is at the center of emission reduction strategies. In this context, the number of banks that have made clear commitments to reduce or terminate financing for activities directly linked to coal is 11, with a total sector share of 42%.” Sustainable Banking Questionnaire Findings Report August 2024 Banking Regulation and Supervision Authority of Turkiye Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu (BDDK) #SustainableBanking #Green_Finance