Today is the UN International Day of Happiness and what a great way to start the first day of Spring! This year's theme is 'Caring & Sharing' which, according to @actionhappiness reminds us that lasting happiness comes from caring for each other, feeling connected and being part of something bigger. Take a look at the services we offer if you need us; if you don't feel connected in your community. We take time to understand your entire situation and not just a single issue: . . #HappierTogether #dayofhappiness #werehereforyou #multiservicecharity #suffolkcharity #mindfulness #happiness #supportinghappiness #ACTservices #supportingpeople #InternationalDayofHappiness #ActionforHappiness #community #communityinvolvement #communityconnectors #communityoutreach #DayofHappiness #HappinessDay #Happiness #MarchEvent #CelebrationDay #HappyDay
Anglia Care Trust
Individual and Family Services
Martlesham, England 662 followers
Helping people to keep a roof over their heads, to stay safe and to be heard
About us
We are a charity providing services to vulnerable people in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex. Our services can be categories as: Community safety: working with male and female victims of domestic abuse and providing outreach, crisis and intensive support along with advice and guidance on surrounding issues; alcohol recovery project Housing services: helping vulnerable individuals to gain the necessary skills to maintain tenancies and live independently. We deliver housing services both on an independent basis and as part of a group of agencies working together and known as the SNAP Consortium. Advice & guidance and - helping people to be heard. We provide money advice, employment advice; we run an Appropriate Adult scheme; we provide mentoring services and Independent Visitor services and mediation services. We also part of the Ipswich Local Advice Partnership (ILAP), a partnership of 12 local agencies working together to improve the provision of advice for the people of Ipswich. We have over 100 staff and over 275 volunteers - they are all amazing people, providing the best services and all of whom are dedicated to their work; our staff have taken part in many fundraising events to help provide extra services and we have created an Empowerment Fund to empower our service users to change their lives for the better. Grants are awarded for activities, training and support that’s proven to have a sustainable, long-term effect, and which can’t be gained elsewhere.
- Website
External link for Anglia Care Trust
- Industry
- Individual and Family Services
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Martlesham, England
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 1968
- Specialties
- fundraising, money advice, housing advice, domestic abuse advice, advocacy, community safety, counselling, mediation, and alcohol recovery
8 The Square
Martlesham, England IP5 3SL, GB
Employees at Anglia Care Trust
Chris Hall
NED and Pharma Devices Consultant
Rob Preston
Domestic Bursar, St Edmund's College, University of Cambridge - also - Director, Trustee, Non-Executive Director
Sue Bishop
Life Coach | Supporting individuals through transformative journeys ⭐
Ian Burnett
Money Advisor, Anglia Care Trust and Free-lance Business Coaching Consultant
Today is #SocialPrescribingDay - a day to highlight services that help connect people to activities in their community and to help eliminate loneliness and isolation. Although all of our services are person-centred and joined up, two are specifically geared towards ensuring that people are able to integrate into their community: Community Outreach: Our team of volunteers support vulnerable people who are experiencing isolation in their own homes and communities, until they are confident enough to access community groups and activities independently: Community Connectors: We provide those who have been discharged by secondary mental health services the opportunity to access support through signposting to other services, finding activities, peer groups and courses and encouraging individuals to work towards agreed specific goals to help improve their mental health. Take a look at all of our services here: . . #socialprescribing #socialprescribingday #loneliness #isolation #combattingloneliness #combattingisolation #communityinvolvement #community #communityoutreach #communityconnectors #volunteers #personcentred #suffolkcharity
Here's a great article that could help you, or could save the life of a friend, colleague, family member or neighbour - it outlines some of the signs of domestic abuse: If you recognise any of these signs, from unexplained injuries through to constant excuses, we're here 24/7 for support, advice and action. Get in touch when it's safe to do so: 0800 977 5690/ . . #domesticabuse #coercivecontrol #controllingbehaviour #coercion #domesticabusesupport #domesticabuseadvice #suffolkdomesticabuse #suffolkdahelpline #suffolkdomesticabusehelpline #financialabuse #domesticviolence #knowthesigns #recognisingabuse
To find out about what we do, why not listen to stories from our, staff, our volunteers, and our service users: They'll tell you how it is in their own words. Whether you want to know what we do, or you want to know about volunteering, listen to the people in the know! Take a look at all of our services:, how to volunteer: and, if there's anything else you need to know, get in touch with our team: 01473 622888 or . . #gettoknowact #storiesfromstaff #storiesfromvolunteers #storiesfromserviceusers #fromthehorsesmouth #volunteering #volunteeropportunities #ourservices #whatwedo #aboutact
Here's an interesting article on people's perceptions of 'homelessness', showing that many people only consider rough sleepers as homeless: Many people are unaware that temporary accommodation, squatting and sofa surfing are forms of 'hidden homelessness' and that homeless figures don't take these into account. With rising rents and no-fault evictions, more people are finding themselves struggling. Help our outreach teams to help them by reporting homeless people via: . . #homeless #homelessness #roughsleeping #hiddenhomeless #sofasurfing #squatting #nofaulteviction #rentrises #temporaryaccommodation #streetlink #homelessteam #homelessoutreach #roughsleeperoutreach #localservices #riseinhomelessness #sleepingonthestreets
At the end of 2015, new legislation came into force, recognising people who are subjected to repeated or continuous coercive or controlling behaviour by a family member or someone they are or have been in a relationship with and provides greater safeguarding outcomes with offenders facing up to 5 years imprisonment. Do you recognise any of the following: Are they isolating you from family and friends? Are you being monitored via online communication tools such as social media? Are they taking control over aspects of your everyday life: your money, where you can go, who you can see, what you wear and when you sleep? Are you deprived of access to support services, such as specialist support or medical services? Are you repeatedly put down or being told you're worthless? Are they enforcing rules and activity which humiliate, degrade or dehumanise you? Are you forced to take part in criminal activity: shoplifting, neglect or abuse of children, or being gaslit to prevent disclosure to authorities? Are they preventing you from having access to transport or from working? If just one of these things rings a bell, we're here for you 24/7 - it is not ok, there is no excuse for abuse. Get in touch when it's safe to do so for support, for advice and/or for action: 0800 977 5690/online chat: . . #coercivecontrol #isolation #gaslighting #domesticabuse #itisnotok #itsnotok #noexcuseforabuse #suffolkdahelpline #suffolkdomesticabusehelpline
If you're a runner, a swimmer, a diver, a baker, a shaver, a roller, a shhhhhh... or just someone who likes to sit in a bath of baked beans, we'd be grateful to be your #nominatedcharity. Take a look at how you can help: #TIA #ThanksinAdvance . . #charitydonations #charitabledonations #raisingmoney #fundraisingevents #charityevents #charityofchoice #helpingcharity #suffolkcharity #charitynomination #nominatedcharity #empowermentfund
Today is #UniMentalHealthDay and the objective is always to raise awareness of the importance of mental wellbeing and how that can be protected. For students, volunteering is a great way of meeting new people, learning new things, gaining new skills and experiences alongside studying. Volunteering is a great way of enhancing student life and we have plenty of roles to suit different interests - timings work around studies too: 01473 622888 or . . #unimentalhealthday #studentmentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #charityvolunteers #volunteeringpositions #lifeexperience #angliacaretrust #ACT #suffolkcharity #volunteerwithus #ACTcharity #studentvolunteering #mentalhealth #supportingmentalhealth #suffolkvolunteering #norfolkvolunteering
This is Jane Simpson. Jane is our CEO and, as you can see, loves talking to other businesses to create mutually beneficial partnerships. If you're a business and are looking to fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility aims, Jane would love to hear from you and to chat about ways in which we can provide training and opportunities for your staff, and you can provide support to us and our service users: 01473 622888 / . . #charityCEO #charitypartnerships #corporatesocialresponsibility #CSR #CSRaims #multiservicecharity #supportcommunity #beneficialpartnership #stafftraining #charitysupport #suffolkcharity #norfolkcharity #staffwellbeing
Here's an article (although it comes with a Trigger Warning), looking at the question of why people don't 'just' leave their abusers. It ends with "When faced with women who are experiencing abuse, the question should not be why do they stay, but what is stopping them from leaving – and how do we remove those barriers?" We are here for you or anyone you're worried about 24/7. We can simply listen, we can advise and we can help you to plan - everything at your pace, helping to keep you safe. Get in touch when it's safe to do so: 0800 977 5690/online chat: . . #uksaysnomore #domesticabuseawareness #domesticabusehelpline #SDAhelpline #freehelpline #itsnotok #youarenotalone #DAsupportsuffolk #suffolkdahelpline #dasurvivors #sexualabuse #escapingabuse