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Boom Cymru

Boom Cymru

Media Production

Caerdydd, Cyngor Caerdydd 1,860 followers

About us

Yn creu cynnwys i S4C, BBC ac ITV Cymru Wales, mae adrannau Boom Cymru yn cynnwys Fflic, Alfresco, Apollo a Boom Plant; brandiau sefydlog a phrofiadol sy’n darparu cynnwys plant, drama, adloniant, ffeithiol, adloniant ffeithiol, ffordd o fyw a digwyddiadau byw. Mae Asiantaeth Talent Harlequin yn cynrychioli nifer o artistiaid cerddorol blaenllaw gan gynnwys y bas-bariton byd enwog Bryn Terfel. Creating content for S4C, BBC and ITV Wales, Boom Cymru’s divisions include Fflic, Alfresco, Apollo and Boom Kids; established and experienced brands that deliver children’s, drama, entertainment, factual, factual entertainment, lifestyle and live events. Harlequin Talent Agency represents a number of high profile musical artists, including the highly acclaimed bass-baritone, Bryn Terfel.

Media Production
Company size
201-500 employees
Caerdydd, Cyngor Caerdydd
Privately Held


  • Primary

    GloWorks, Heol Porth Teigr

    Caerdydd, Cyngor Caerdydd CF10 4GA, GB

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Employees at Boom Cymru


  • Miloedd o nodau wedi eu canu, degau o gantorion rhagorol o bob cwr o Gymru a thîm cynhyrchu anghredadwy yn dod a'r cyfan at ei gilydd...🎤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Gwyliwch gyfres gyfan Y Llais ar S4C Clic ac iPlayer nawr! Thousands of notes sung, dozens of incredible singers from every corner of Wales, and an outstanding production crew bringing it all together...🎤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Watch the entire series of Y Llais now on S4C Clic and iPlayer!

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  • Mae ffeinal Y Llais bron yma! Nos Sul ar S4C am 19:30, cawn ni weld pwy fydd wedi ennill y teitl a chipio’r wobr. Ymunwch â ni i fwynhau pob eiliad o'r canu a'r cyffro 🥰 The final is nearly here! Sunday night on S4C at 19:30, join us to feel the feels, enjoy every note and wait for the vote 😍

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  • Rydyn ni mor gyffrous am y rowndiau cynderfynol nos Sul am 19:30 ar Y Llais ar S4C! Cofiwch ymuno â ni i weld pwy fydd yn symud ymlaen ...🥰 We're so excited about the semi-finals on S4C on Sunday! Join us for Y Llais to find out who's going through ...

  • Heno ar S4C, mae Francesca Sciarrillo a Joe Healy yn ymweld â thalent ym myd cynllunio theatr, drymio a chreu zines, ac yn profi tirwedd ddylanwadol Merthyr Tudful. Tonight, we join talent in the worlds of theatre design, drums and zines, and experience the influential landscape of Merthyr Tudful.

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  • Tonight on Channel 5, this absorbing documentary offers a forensic analysis of one of the worst motorway crashes in UK history, on the M5 in 2011. The story is told through eyewitness accounts and interviews with key detectives. Rhaglen ddogfen sy'n archwilio i un o ddamweiniau ffordd gwaethaf y DU.

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  • Nos Sul ar Y Llais, mae'r hyfforddwyr yn troi at eu hartistiaid i gystadlu â'i gilydd - am newid! 😁 Peidiwch â cholli'r ail alwadau ardderchog ar S4C am 19:30. On Sunday, the coaches set their artists to compete with each other - for a change! Don't miss the cracking callbacks ...

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