BSG Ecology is an award-winning independent ecological consultancy.
BSG has offices in Oxford, Swansea, Newport, Newcastle and Derbyshire. We employ a large in-house team of professional ecologists capable of undertaking the most demanding of projects. We have in-house specialists in a wide range of technical disciplines: birds, bats, botany, invertebrates, great crested newts, reptiles, ecological impact assessment, habitat management and creation, biodiversity action planning and offsetting, green infrastructure and GIS. Many of our staff hold multiple protected species licenses and we have a high profile in terms of bat research, training and survey work. We also have experience of all aspects of ecological reporting and assessment, including EcIA and Habitats Regulations Assessment.
We are committed to providing high quality work. We routinely invest in training and research to strengthen the basis of our advice. We operate our own internal technical standards and a rigorous peer review process. Our ecologists are bound by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management’s (CIEEM) code of professional conduct.
BSG Ecology has a wealth of experience: a portfolio of well over 7,000 projects. Our key work sectors include renewable energy, heritage, mineral extraction, leisure, infrastructure and residential and commercial development.
Environmental Services
Company size
51-200 employees
Witney, Oxfordshire
Expert Witness at Public Inquiry, Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Environmental Appraisal and EcIA, bat, newt, badger, bird, botanical / NVC, dormouse & reptile survey, Ecological Clerk of Works, Mitigation and Licensing Support, GIS, Arboriculture, BREEAM Ecology, and Biodiversity Net Gain