CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites)

CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites)

Environmental Services

About us

CLS is a global company and pioneer provider of monitoring and surveillance solutions for the Earth, created in 1986. We are subsidiary of the French Space Agency (CNES) and CNP, an investment firm. Our mission is to create innovative space-based solutions to understand and protect our planet and to manage its resources sustainably. CLS employs 900 people at our headquarters in Toulouse (France) and in 30 other sites around the world. The company works in five strategic markets: sustainable fisheries management, environmental monitoring, maritime surveillance, mobility, and energy & infrastructures monitoring. CLS processes data from 100,000 transponders per month (such as drifting buoys, animal tags, VMS transponders, & LRIT tracking) and observes the oceans and inland waters (more than 20 instruments onboard satellites daily deliver information to CLS on the world's seas and oceans). In addition, we monitor land and sea activities by satellite (nearly 10,000 radar processed each year). Committed to a sustainable planet, the company works every day for the Earth, from Space.

Environmental Services
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Ramonville Saint Agne
location and data collection, radar images, observation of oceans, geolocation of land vehicles, geospatial and geoinformation, fisheries management, maritime intelligence, environemental monitoring, energy, satellite data, spatial oceanography, climate, fleet management, gestion de flotte, environmental and climate monitoring, sustainable fisheries, spatial, surveillance environnemental, wildlife tracking, oceanography, climatology, hydrology, offshore energy, wind energy, and maritime security


Employees at CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites)


  • 🌍 Bienvenue à nos nouveaux talents ! Cette année, de nouveaux collaborateurs nous ont rejoints pour contribuer à notre mission et enrichir notre aventure collective. Pour leur offrir la meilleure intégration, nous avons organisé une journée dédiée, marquée par de nombreux échanges et de belles découvertes. Au programme : 👉 Présentation de notre histoire et de toutes nos activités pour plonger nos nouveaux talents dans l’univers de CLS 👉 Speedmeetings pour que chacun puisse se présenter (ou presque 😉) et créer des liens au-delà de leurs équipes de travail 👉 Déjeuner convivial et atelier sur les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD), pour aligner nos ambitions de société à mission avec les enjeux de demain. Merci à tous pour votre participation et encore bienvenue à nos nouvelles recrues ! Nous avons hâte de bâtir ensemble un avenir durable. #Onboarding #TeamWork #Intégration #NouveauxTalents #ODD

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  • 🚙In humanitarian operations, the safety of teams is of utmost importance. However, managing excessive speed remains a significant challenge. Humanitarian vehicles often navigate difficult terrain at high speeds, increasing the risk of accidents, endangering drivers, and reducing mission effectiveness on the ground. Studies show that excessive speeding not only jeopardizes drivers but also compromises the reliability of interventions. It's crucial to find solutions that minimize these risks while maintaining the efficiency of humanitarian teams. 🤝Our experts have developed, hand-in-hand with humanitarian organizations, HUMANAV, a real-time solution for monitoring and controlling speed. Through an intuitive platform, organizations can track vehicle speeds in real time, generate alerts, and take immediate corrective actions. This ensures not only the protection of teams but also optimizes resource management on the field. 👉 Our teams were present at AIDEX in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 23rd and 24th to showcase our solutions aimed at supporting humanitarian organizations. We look forward to building on the connections made and continuing to support humanitarian efforts around the world. To learn more about HUMANAV:

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  • 🚜 Revolutionizing Livestock Management with Smart Herding Technologies 🌱 As agriculture evolves, smart technologies are transforming traditional livestock management, making it more efficient, sustainable, and data-driven. 🛰 The Argos Smart Herding solution, uses satellite tracking, #AI, and data analytics to help farmers monitor their herds in near real-time. From enhancing animal security and health monitoring to optimizing grazing patterns and resource use, this technology is paving the way for smarter, more sustainable farming practices. Key Benefits of Argos Smart Herding: 🟢 Near real-time GPS tracking for enhanced livestock monitoring & improved animal security 🟢 AI-driven insights into animal behavior and health 🟢 Sustainable grazing and land use management 🟢 Increased productivity and cost efficiency As the demand for sustainable food production grows, adopting smart herding solutions like Argos will be essential for the future of farming. Learn more about how Argos Smart Herding is transforming livestock management 👉 🌾 Ready to take your farm to the next level? Contact our team of experts: #SmartFarming #LivestockManagement #SustainableAgriculture #SatelliteTracking #Agtech

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  • Les femmes et l'IA : CLS, partenaire d'une data science plus diversifiée    🌍 A CLS l’une de nos missions est de libérer le pouvoir de la donnée au service d'une planète durable. La place des femmes dans l'intelligence artificielle est stratégique pour décupler les capacités des dataTerre que nous raffinons quotidiennement. C'est pourquoi nous sommes fiers de soutenir des initiatives qui encouragent davantage de femmes à s'engager dans les métiers de l'IA. Marie Atché est data scientist au sein de notre groupe, diplômée de l’ENSEEIHT en sciences du numérique, spécialisée en data science et big data. Cette jeune femme prometteuse est aujourd’hui experte en Deep Learning et Computer Vision pour les activités de gestion durable des pêches et de surveillance de l’environnement portées par CLS.   Sollicitée par Marjorie Allain-Moulet, responsable de la commission mixité au sein d'ANITI Toulouse , Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Intelligence Artificielle qui porte le pôle AI Toulousain, Marie est aujourd’hui mentor de jeunes talents féminins. Depuis trois ans, Marie accompagne des étudiantes, les aidant à découvrir le potentiel de l’IA et à faire leurs premiers pas dans ce secteur en pleine expansion. Marie partage une conviction forte :    « L’IA a besoin de regards différents, et les femmes et la diversité des profils en général apportent une grande richesse d'idées et de méthodes essentielles à notre métier. »   Marie espère que son expérience aidera à inspirer une nouvelle génération de femmes à rejoindre cet univers et nous encourageons toutes celles qui souhaitent nourrir cette initiative à intégrer ce genre de programme de promotion de la mixité.    💡 Le DataLab de CLS est une structure interne d’innovation transverse, regroupant data scientists, développeurs et ingénieurs en Big Data. Son objectif est de développer des logiciels de transformation des données à grande échelle et de créer des connaissances au-delà des données brutes. Grâce à des algorithmes d'Intelligence Artificielle comme le Machine Learning (ML) et le Deep Learning (DL), le DataLab propose des solutions innovantes pour résoudre des problèmes complexes et explorer de nouvelles techniques à la pointe de la technologie.  Avec des compétences variées, notre DataLab est un acteur clé de l'innovation chez CLS. 🧠Les poles #IA font partie d'une initiative nationale lancée par le gouvernement français pour renforcer la position du pays dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle. Toulouse a été sélectionnée comme l'une des villes phares pour le développement de cette technologie.   L'innovation technologique ne peut prospérer sans la diversité des talents et des perspectives. En encourageant les femmes à investir le champ de l’IA, nous forgeons des data sciences plus riches, plus inclusive et plus visionnaire, pour répondre aux défis de demain. Et c’est un fait, le futur de l'intelligence artificielle sera pluriel. #FemmesDansLaTech #DataScience #Mentorat #Innovation

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  • 🚀 CLS was pleased to welcome the Vanuatu Fisheries Department led by Mr. Yakar Silas - Principal Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) Officer, Mr. Jino Suaki - Senior Vessel Monitoring System (#VMS) Officer and Mr. Joe Morgan Lauru - Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) Officer for an immersive 4-day training session on our fisheries solutions and how our new products and services can be further implemented for a sustainable fisheries management. 🚢 It was a great opportunity to present the features of our Fisheries Monitoring Centre platform THEMIS (Thematic Maritime Information System), our e-MTUs (enhanced mobile transceiver units) for VMS (TRITON ADVANCED and NEMO), our expertise in marine ecosystem modeling and the soon to be launched Fishlog 2.0 ERS (Electronic Reporting System). 🤝 CLS has been a long-term partner of Vanuatu since 2013 supporting them through advanced solutions such as #THEMIS and CLS e-MTUs to monitor Vanuatu flagged vessels globally and with a strong commitment to protecting their traditional fishermen, the Vanuatu Fisheries Department have started equipping small scale coastal fishing vessels with the CLS #NEMO transceivers which is a hybrid cellular-satellite unit for compliance monitoring and more importantly for their general safety. This trusted collaboration between CLS and Vanuatu has evolved over time, enabling us to jointly promote sustainable resource management and secure the safety of all fisheries stakeholders. 🌍 Whether you manage industrial or traditional fleets, CLS offers innovative solutions to help governments and institutions sustainably manage their marine resources, combat IUU fishing, and track and monitor their fishing fleets. Want to learn more about how CLS can support your sustainable fisheries management goals? Let’s connect 👉 #Sustainability #Tech4Good

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  • 🛰 As the FASEP-Mongolia project, funded by the French Treasury, comes to a close after 33 months, we’re excited to highlight our satellite-based solution to address the challenges facing herders such as #climatechange, #land degradation, and resource scarcity, and promote sustainable #pasturemanagement across various regions. This technology provides critical information on pasture conditions, enhancing both national and local capacities in satellite image analysis for better resource management. Key benefits of our solution include: 👉 Real-time Monitoring: Track pasture conditions with a focus on climate variability and environmental changes. 👉 Improved Grazing Management: Optimize grazing patterns to prevent overgrazing and ensure sustainable use of resources. 👉 Data-Driven Insights: Provide herders with actionable information that helps them adapt to changing conditions and improve herd health. 🌱 CLS is proud to contribute to sustainable herding practices globally with a fully operational solution that is applicable anywhere in the world. 📞 For more information, please contact us: Our experts Justine Hugé, Alice Connault and Marine Payet are available to answer your questions! OREADE-BRECHE and AVSF - Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières, thank you for this great work General Authority for land administration geodesy and cartography.

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  • 🌍 CLS Expands its Environmental Solutions and Enters the Middle East with the Acquisition of EIS-ME. 🤝 We are happy to announce that we have acquired Enviro & Industrial Solutions ME (EIS-ME), marking a significant step forward in our commitment to protecting the planet and supporting sustainable resource management. EIS-ME brings valuable expertise in ambient air quality monitoring, indoor noise tracking, and industrial emissions control, further enhancing our capabilities in environmental protection. This acquisition not only strengthens our portfolio but also expands our presence into the Middle East, a region where CLS had no prior footprint. With this strategic move, we are continuing our growth, supported by our parent companies CNES and CNP. We warmly welcome the talented EIS-ME team to the CLS Group. Together, we are better equipped to deliver innovative solutions that contribute to a healthier planet 🌱. Learn more more 👉 #EnvironmentalMonitoring #Sustainability #MiddleEastExpansion #AirQuality #EmissionsControl #Tech4Good #GlobalGrowth

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  • 💡 How can AI help implement a sustainable management of small scale fisheries ? 🎤 Anna Conchon, Head of Fisheries Science at CLS was an invited speaker at the annual Fisheries Science Seminar, organized by the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries European Commission which took place on 25 September 2024. This year's seminar was focused on the potential contribution of Artificial Intelligence towards achieving fisheries sustainability. 🐟 It was a great opportunity to present our CLS expertise, discuss the role of artificial intelligence in sustainable fisheries and share insights from our work on the Fish-X Project. In Fish-X, CLS is pioneering the development of AI-powered solutions to enhance the digitalization of small-scale fisheries across Europe, to improve the sustainability of European fisheries and better protect marine ecosystems. We are providing solutions to support the modernization of small-scale fisheries, to increase traceability, transparency and also security at sea for fishermen all over the world. 📎 If you're interested in how AI can help monitoring fishing activities while protecting fishers’ privacy, check out more about Fish-X Project here: Want to get more info about the DG MARE seminar? 👉 #fisheriesscience #dgmare #europeancommission #smallscalefisheries

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  • 🌍 Combating Marine #OilPollution with CLS Maritime Awareness System ⚫ Oil spills at sea have devastating impacts on human health, marine ecosystems, and the #environment. 🛰 However, we have the solution. CLS leverages #space-based technology to detect and quantify #oilspills. MAS (Maritime Awareness System) harnesses cutting edge #satellite imagery and sensor data with in-depth analysis to provide an unparalleled #maritime picture. By complementing traditional methods, our solution helps streamline crisis response, enables time critical decisions with an unquestioned level of security and reliability to support maritime authorities and private companies worldwide. 🔍 Our solution not only helps identify polluters but also provides critical data for legal proceedings, ensuring those responsible for environmental harm are held accountable. 📊 Maritime Awareness System (MAS), integrates #BigData, #AI, and machine learning to monitor maritime activities in real-time. By fusing multiple datasets such as AIS, SAR & optical imagery, LRIT, coastal radar... MAS enhances operational capabilities by providing real-time insights and actionable intelligence. 🌐 Since 2009, our #VIGISAT network of stations has been a leader in high-resolution satellite image analysis, supporting missions against oil pollution, illegal fishing, and more, worldwide. With our commitment to innovation, we’ve contributed to halving oil spills in European waters over the past decade. Learn more about our cutting-edge solutions and how CLS is protecting our oceans 👉 #OceanProtection #MaritimeSurveillance #SpaceTech

  • 🙏 A big thank you to Rawdat Al Faras Center for Houbara Breeding the #Ministry of Environment & Climate Change for their hospitality last month!   📅 From September 17th to 18th, our specialist Sophie Baudel conducted a training session on CLS’ Argos services, specifically tailored to support houbara bustard conservation efforts.   🛰 During the 2-day session, 20 ministry employees gained valuable insights into utilizing Argos services for their conservation projects.    💡 With Argos, even the smallest transmitters in remote areas can provide critical data for informed conservation strategies.    Discover more about how Argos supports wildlife monitoring here 👉

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