Culture Connects: mapping UK Ireland arts & cultural connections:
Webinar: 19th March
Join us on 19th March from 12-1pm (GMT) for an online webinar on our upcoming research: Culture Connects: mapping UK Ireland arts & cultural connections .
This webinar will present an opportunity to virtually launch and disseminate this new research by British Council Ireland. Researchers Jane Morrow and Amberlea Neely of Starling Start will present findings and reflections from the research which explores UK Ireland arts and cultural connections.
There will also be an opportunity for audience members to ask questions. The webinar will be relevant to anyone working in the cultural or creative industries particularly in the UK and Ireland, or individual artists, practitioners or researchers in this area.
To register for the webinar
About the Research
The research combines survey responses with interviews, a desktop literature review of policy, and mapping of available data in recent arts and cultural connection between the UK and Ireland.
We are gathering insights from both individual practitioners and organisational representatives across the artforms of literature, music, theatre, dance, visual arts and multi-disciplinary practice as well as those engaged in creative and cultural work.
Our overall goal is to understand how to foster greater connectivity, mutual understanding, and stronger relationships in the arts / cultural sectors between UK and Ireland.
The study will comprise a mixed methods study - analysing quantitative data in addition to a series of semi-structured interviews with artists and key cultural stakeholders in the UK and Ireland.
The research aims to do the following:
Capture the connections between the UK and Ireland in arts and culture.
Understand geographic specificity and attraction across the UK and Ireland.
Explore the motivations (and barriers) associated with this attraction.
Generate recommendations for the type of interventions, initiatives or supports that could create, or enhance, mobility and connection across the UK and Ireland.
It will be of interest to government agencies, policy makers, analogue organisations, resource agencies and arts and cultural practitioners along with those interested in arts and culture in a UK Ireland context.