EMIS National User Group

EMIS National User Group

Medical Practices

Registered charity: Improving patient care through the use of IT for healthcare users by healthcare users

About us

The EMIS National User Group (EMIS NUG) is a non-profit making organisation set up to improve the use of health information. It is a registered charity. We support EMIS users to get the best possible use out of their computer system by providing training and educational materials. It represents its members and operates completely separately and independently from EMIS. We have a mutually respectful, cooperative and open relationship with them as critical friends. The group was formed in 1991 following a meeting of interested parties (largely drawn from the small number of Local User Groups that existed then) who thought a national user group would be useful. Since 1991 the group has grown considerably and it now has circa 1100 member practices, representing GPs, nurses and practice. The group’s mission statement is "Improving patient care through the use of IT for healthcare users by healthcare users” (note this is not the same as its charitable objects which are enshrined in its constitutional documents which can be viewed under the 'Governance documentation' tab above). Any Practice or Primary Care Organisation (PCO) working with EMIS can join. We encourage all team members to take full advantage of the NUG membership, whether they belong to a single-handed, extensive group practice or PCO. NUG membership will allow you to meet people like yourself who use IM&T to strive for better care and management and who face the same challenges.

Medical Practices
Company size
1 employee
EMIS resources from users, EMIS user conference, and Lobbying activities



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