We work in a diverse region which extends from Shetland to Argyll, and from the Outer Hebrides to Moray, covering more than half of Scotland’s land mass. We have offices across the region helping communities and businesses to develop and grow. Find out more: https://ow.ly/SOzJ50T1YxB
About us
We are Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), an ambitious organisation supporting economic and community development across half of Scotland from Shetland to Argyll, and the Outer Hebrides to Moray. We help businesses and community organisations across our region to develop and grow. And we support businesses looking to locate and expand in our region too. Our flexible support includes advice, funding, and property options to meet your needs. We can help you make the right connections, develop your workforce and skills, increase productivity, and adapt through innovation or benefit from climate action. Whatever your business needs, there’s no better place to base yourself than the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. *** We welcome your opinions and contributions on our platform, and we don’t delete, moderate or block content as long as posts: 1. respect other people. Comments should not be malicious or offensive in nature, and should not constitute a personal attack on any identifiable person’s or group’s character/s or professional ability; 2. don't constitute anti-social behaviour such as spamming or trolling, including excessive disruptive posting, and off topic posts. Comments should also be concise. 3. don't incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or another personal characteristic. Don't include swearing, hate-speech, or obscenity; 4. don't break the law - this includes defamation, condoning illegal activity, and breaking copyright; 5. are free from overtly political content; 6. don't advertise commercial products and services. We reserve the right to suspend comments at any time, and to terminate involvement with anyone who posts inappropriate content. You can contact us at enquiries@hient.co.uk.
- Website
External link for Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Industry
- Government Administration
- Company size
- 201-500 employees
- Headquarters
- Inverness
- Type
- Government Agency
- Founded
- 1991
- Specialties
- Supporting businesses, Community development, Developing growth sectors, Investing in infrastructure, Investing in digital connectivity, and Attracting inward investment
10 Inverness Campus
Inverness, IV2 5NA, GB
Employees at Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Chaidh Stuart Black are àrd-oifigear còmhla ri Joanna Peteranna, stiùiriche obrachaidh sgìreil HIE, airson coinneachadh ri Albert Allan, Manaidsear coitcheann aig Arnish agus Juan de la Cueva, àrd oifigear NAvantia UK an diugh ann an Arnish airson tachartas sònraichte ag aithneachadh Navantia UK a’ toirt a nall na gàraidhean aig Harland & Wolff. Bha e math cuideachd Cllr. Paul Steele, ceannard na Còmhairle agus Aonghas Caimbeul bho Bhòrd Stiùiridh HIE aig a’ choinneamh. Tha seo a’ comharrachadh caibideil ùr airson na goireasan aca a tha a’ toirt a-steach Arnish a tha na s-mhaoin air leth airson Leòdhas is na Hearadh. Tha luchd-obraich air a ghlèidhte le 140 obraichean agus 30 preantais nam measg, a’ libhrigeadh sàr obair agus a’ cruthachadh chothroman obair ionadail a bharrachd. Tha an luchd-obrach àrd-sgileil a’ toirt eòlas luachmhor a tha riatanach airson cùmhnantan a lìbhrigeadh le obair air leth, a tha deatamach airson soirbheachas a’ gharadh san t-àm ri teachd. Tha comas an aig Navantia leudachadh àite ann an roinn ath-nuadhachail na h-Alba a tha a’ fàs gu h-àraid gaoth-thìreach. Bha còmhradh soirbheachail againn le Navantia agus tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri daimh ladair a thogail fhads ’s a tha iad a’ leasachadh na planaichean aca airson Arnish. *** Stuart Black, our Chief Executive accompanied Joanna Peteranna, HIE’s director of area operations to a meeting with Albert Allan, general manager of the Arnish yard in Stornoway and Juan de la Cueva, Chief Executive of Navantia UK today at Arnish near Stornoway, at a special event marking Navantia UK’s acquisition of Harland & Wolff’s yards. It was also good to have Councillor Paul Steele, leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and Angus Campbell of the HIE Board at the meeting. This milestone celebrates the beginning of a new chapter for their facilities including the Arnish yard, which is a tremendous asset for Lewis and Harris. The workforce on the site has been secured, with 140 jobs including 30 apprentices, delivering excellent work and creating further local employment opportunities. These highly skilled workers bring valuable expertise, essential for fulfilling contracts and ensuring high quality work, which is vital for the yard’s future success. Navantia has great potential to expand its role in Scotland’s growing renewable energy sector, particularly offshore wind. We had a productive discussion with Navantia and look forward to building a strong relationship as they develop their plans for Arnish.
A bheil thu... ✅ Nad neach-labhairt fileanta sa Ghàidhlig ✅ Fo 35 bliadhna a dh’aois ✅ Le seòladh sa Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan Deagh naidheachd dha seanchas na Gàidhlig! Tha ar Maoin Dùbhlan Didseatach a’ tabhann cothrom seanchais ann an Gàidhlig a leasachadh a tha a’ cleachdadh comas nan àrd-ùrlaran didseatach ann an dòighean ùra agus ùr-ghnàthach a bhrosnachadh. Le còig thabhartasan de £5,000 rim faotainn, seo an cothrom agad luchd-èisteachd a tharraing ann an dòighean ùra is cruthachail. Ma tha thu dìoghrasach mu dheidhinn seanchais ann an Gàidhlig a ghlèidheadh, agus gabhail ri dòighean ùra agus ùr-ghnàthach didseatach, tha a’ mhaoin seo a’ tabhann nan goireasan agus an taic airson do lèirsinn a thoirt beò. Leugh tuilleadh: https://ow.ly/kMyv50UUJyk *** Are you… ✅ A fluent Gaelic speaker ✅ Under 35 years old ✅ With a Highlands and Islands address Exciting news for Gaelic storytellers! Our Digital Challenge Fund supports innovative projects that bring authentic Gaelic stories to life on digital platforms. With five grants of £5,000 available, this is your chance to engage audiences in fresh and creative ways. If you're passionate about preserving Gaelic storytelling while embracing digital innovation, this fund offers the resources and support to bring your vision to life. Read more: https://ow.ly/kMyv50UUJyk
Are you looking for a development site within Sandbank Business Park? A closing date has been set as 7 February for Plot 1.5, Sandbank Business Park. Interested? Find out more: https://ow.ly/Nt7q50UMAAl Graham + Sibbald
We are seeking an inspirational and experienced Chief Executive for Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Limited, one of Scotland’s best known, year-round visitor attractions. Possessing exceptional leadership, people management and communications skills, the CEO will lead a highly motivated and skilled team to promote Cairngorm Mountain as a leading Scottish attraction, plan sustainable growth and direct day-to-day operations. Interested? Find out more and apply by 9 February: https://ow.ly/U5CE50ULbMk
Today, staff at Cairngorm Mountain have begun a series of maintenance activities on the electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems that govern the movement of the two funicular carriages up and down the 1.8km viaduct. Find out more: https://ow.ly/Rgfp50UTVCe
📢 The next chapter for Inverness Campus Since opening in 2015, Inverness Campus has grown into a unique Highland hub for research, innovation and collaboration. Now, we’re planning for the next stages. ✅ More space for pioneering businesses and academia ✅ New opportunities for life science, renewables and advanced manufacturing businesses ✅ A key part of the Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport Help shape the future! Check out the plans and share your feedback today: https://ow.ly/NfeR50UTfQT
We're looking for a candidate with a professional accountancy qualification and proven effectiveness in operating at a senior level to join our team. As our Head of Finance you will: ✅ lead budget discussions and negotiations ✅ ensure alignment with our strategic priorities ✅ oversee the preparation and sign-off of our annual accounts ✅ provide financial expertise and guidance ✅ lead and manage our wider finance team to promote high standards of customer service Find out more and apply by 13 Feb: https://ow.ly/ahxB50ULHcO
🍩 Approaching it's 50th anniversary, Maclean's Highland Bakery is a multi-generation family business with over 100 staff and an annual turnover of £5 million. ✈️ At our Innovate To Go Global event, hear insights on their export successes in USA, Canada, Denmark, and more. Learn how they plan to work smarter, not harder! 🗓️ 13 February 🕘 9:30am 📍 An Lochran, Inverness and online Sign up: https://ow.ly/oq8E50URaLM
📢 Open day – Pairc Nan Craobh Industrial Estate in Skye Looking for the perfect business space? Our new units are designed for modern businesses, offering: ✅ Glazed office spaces with mezzanines ✅ Practical roller-door units for light assembly/manufacturing ✅ High energy efficiency and EV charging points Join us for an Open Day on Tuesday 18 February to see them for yourself! Don’t miss it – there’s a closing date on the new units for Friday 28 February. Find out more: https://ow.ly/vu0m50UR9BV