The LSE Law Review is now accepting submissions for publication in our Winter 2024 Issue!
The best submissions will stand to win cash prizes. Between 2023-2024, prizes ranging up to £750 were sponsored by Three Verulam Buildings, One Essex Court, 6KBW College Hill, Serle Court and the LSE Law Review. Furthermore, all successful submissions will be published on the LSE Law Review website, HeinOnline and vLex Justis, and will also be indexed on Thomson Reuters WestLaw.
Final Deadline: 8 December 2024, 11.59pm UK Time (BST).
Submissions should be made electronically through our website ( under “start a submission”.
Writings can be in the form of an article (4,000-20,000 words); case note (1,000-4,000 words); or a letter to the editor addressing current legal developments or drawing attention to a legal issue that the author considers important (up to 2000 words). All word limits exclude footnotes. Submissions should be on an area within UK, EU, and/or International Law. Submissions on Foreign Law may be accepted where there is a strong comparative analysis with UK, EU, and/or International Law.
Anyone is welcome to submit their work to us (including undergraduate students, postgraduate students, graduates, practitioners). However, we generally do not publish submissions from pre-university students or academics who have already attained PhD degrees.
For more information, please see our submission guidelines. Any further queries can be sent to
Interested in sharing a shorter piece of writing? The LSE Law Review Blog (which is separate from our Main Journal) accepts and publishes submissions on a rolling basis. Find out more about submitting a Blog Post here: