Marie Curie UK
Non-profit Organizations
We’re the UK’s leading end of life charity. Whatever the illness, with you to the end.
Meet some of the leadership team
No matter the area you work in, you are essential to helping ensure Marie Curie can best support people living with terminal illness.
Matthew Reed
CEO of Marie Curie : Chair of New Horizon Youth Centre : Lay Member of Council University of Liverpool : Board Member St George's House
Nina Vendemiati
Tiffany Willcox
Amanda Louise Oakley Smith
Bursar and Chief Operating Officer at Westminster School and Westminster Under School
Being a nurse at Marie Curie
We offer free nursing care to people with all terminal illnesses across the UK, as well as support for family and friends. Our nurses generally provide one-to-one nursing care and support overnight in your home, usually for eight or nine hours. In some areas, we also offer care for a shorter period of time, or during the evening or daytime, as well as care at very short notice in a crisis. In this video, Marie Curie Nurse Bindi explains why she enjoys her job.
The Great Daffodil Appeal
The Great Daffodil Appeal is Marie Curie's biggest annual fundraising campaign. Every March, millions of people across the UK support this fundraising event by giving a small donation to wear a daffodil pin. Taking part in the Great Daffodil Appeal and wearing your daffodil helps Marie Curie support everyone in the UK through all aspects of dying, death and bereavement – and fight for a world where everyone gets the care and support they need at the end of their lives.