Great news to see our landscape-led masterplanning and assessment work succeed. Great team work as always :-)
**Planning committee success** We’re thrilled to secure a resolution to granted planning permission for up to 11 new homes in Ashleworth, Gloucestershire. Working closely with MHP Design Ltd, Focus Environmental Consultants, Apex Transport Planning Ltd and Rappor, we were able to successfully argue that the scheme would constitute a sustainable form of development and there would be no adverse impacts arising that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits. Members of the Tewkesbury’s planning committee agreed with officers’ recommendation, noting in the debate that the development would make a positive contribution to the Borough’s housing land supply. The team had to navigate landscape, setting off a listed building and ecology considerations. The latter included BNG off-setting which involved close working with the experienced Lloyd C. at the Environment Bank. The development will deliver much needed open market and affordable homes, education contributions and biodiversity net gain. #Planning #Development #newbuildhomes #newbuild #biodiversitynetgain