My Daily Leadership

My Daily Leadership

Business Consulting and Services

Creating the world's best leaders one day at a time.

About us

At My Daily Leadership, we expand and maximize every leader’s unique potential. Leaders who follow our daily guided journaling program enjoy faster, deeper, longer-lasting growth and development for themselves, their people, and their business.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
leadership development, leadership assessment, journaling, coaching, self-awareness, Emotional Intelligence, EQ, leadership insight, and collaboration


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    When you’re scrolling on social media, are you often on the lookout for those feel-good type videos? We’ve all seen them - the guy who cuts grass for elderly people free of charge, the woman who saves the little kitten abandoned on the side of the road, the person who pays for a stranger’s meal or who leaves their server a really big tip. Seeing these acts of kindness have a tendency to brighten your day. They may even inspire you to go out and partake in spreading goodness yourself. As leaders, don’t forget to bring those good vibes to your team as well. You’d be surprised how much a little thanks and kindness can motivate and uplift your people. What small act of kindness can you perform today? Who from your team deserves a thanks? Tag them in the comments! #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    Let’s use our imaginations for just a second. You are sitting in your boss' office presenting a particularly thorny, messy issue. You’re not exactly sure what you should do next. Your boss says, “Hmm, this is a tough one. Can I give you some advice?” You say, “Yes, of course.” Partially because you are always open to feedback, but also because saying, “No thanks,” would be an odd way to quit your job! To your surprise, your boss offers up a solution that you hadn’t thought of. BUT, her way will be more time-consuming and less effective than what you already had in mind. Feeling uncomfortable yet? Yeah, we thought so. Imagine how difficult it would be to completely ignore your boss's advice and do something else. And six weeks later when she asks you about it and you tell her that you completely ignored her advice and did something else entirely… well, awkward to say the least. The point is, no matter how ‘nurturing’ we are when we give advice to our people, no matter how supportive we think we’re being, no matter how well-intentioned our suggestion was – they read it as an instruction. So here’s our advice: be a compass, rather than a map. Looking to become a better leader? Check out the award-winning book My Daily Leadership: A Powerful Roadmap For Leadership Success. You can download a free chapter here: #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    Do you feel like you are always chasing leadership success? Has it been a bit elusive? Well, first you may want to define what success means, but more on that in just a second. It’s important to remember that for leaders, success is NOT an event, it is a habit. Your daily agenda over time determines your level of success. The quality of the output of any system is determined by the quality of the inputs as well as the quality and integrity of the processes. The good news is that if you make good decisions and take appropriate actions, you can expect good things to happen. The not so good news is that your leadership life will never change until you change something that you do daily. Let’s take the first step toward change today and give ourselves a great foundation by defining leadership success: Leadership success is reaching one’s full potential. You are a leader, therefore, success is measured by reaching your own full potential while helping others achieve the same. What is something you do everyday to reach your full potential? Share in the comments to help inspire others! #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    What percentage of your team’s work would you categorize as ‘good?’ On average, most people do good work 50-60% of the time, and they do poor work 15-20% of the time. The other 30% of the time they are giving you the best of their best–truly excellent work. As a leader, what percentage are you focusing on the most? Are you laser-focused on correcting what is being done poorly? The good work is what we expect of the team, but how often are you celebrating when your team delivers something exceptional? If you follow us closely you’ve heard this from us before, but a friendly reminder never hurts: What gets rewarded, gets repeated. Take the time to seek out the exceptional rather than hunt for what’s lacking. Before you know it, you’ll see that 30% start increasing. Let’s celebrate together now - what is something your team did that was truly above and beyond expectations recently? Tell us about it in the comments and tag the brilliant individuals who turned it from an idea into reality! We love hearing your wins. #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    Such a great post. Keep on writing….:-)

    There’s one office item that we use more than any other at My Daily Leadership: Ink! We send hundreds of handwritten notes every month - to clients, to partners, to suppliers, to each other. Pros: It’s a very personal way to show the people we work with how much we care. We get to use our very own My Daily Leadership Phthalo Green ink. People often send us a handwritten notes in return and nothing makes us smile more. Cons: Aching wrists. Green fingers (ink refills have never been my forte). Seeing the difference between Katherine Lara’s elegant handwriting and mine.

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    The importance of core values is a given in leadership. (Or at least it should be.) But, can you list, define, and describe your core values CLEARLY? Tricky, we know. To truly harness the power of core values, leaders must go beyond merely stating them, writing them down, or simply discussing them in a casual conversation. They need to weave these values into the very fabric of their leadership and organizational practices. How do you go about doing that? Check out our latest blog post on how core values will always be a leader’s true north: #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    Let’s face it, leaders are easily distracted. With so much on our plates, how could we not be? There’s always some urgent matter that needs our attention, some fire somewhere in the business that needs putting out. So, how do we filter out the noise and keep our focus on what is most valuable? Let’s say, for example, that this month I’m focused on improving company productivity. Next thing I know, someone has offered me a copy of a great book about innovative marketing strategies. Do I want the book? Yes, of course! But does it align with my priorities right now? No, no it doesn’t. Instead of letting it distract me from what’s most important, I’ll set the book aside and pick it up when I’m ready to make marketing strategies a priority. Don’t allow the constant influx of distractions pull you away from achieving your goals, no matter how enticing they may be or pressing they may seem! Looking for more leadership development? Check out My Daily Leadership: A Powerful Roadmap For Leadership Success. Download a free chapter here: #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    What’s the stuff of your nightmares? Decreasing revenue? Endless spreadsheets? Your top performer being poached by the competition? Can you face those fears? Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the willingness to act in spite of fear. It takes bravery to step outside of your comfort zone, to take risks, and to pursue goals. The truth is, we are all capable of being brave, even in the face of adversity. We just need to practice it like we would any other skill. As leaders, it's essential that we learn to manage our fears and cultivate courage. Think about a time you acted in spite of fear. What were the positive outcomes from that? Tell us about it in the comments! #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    Even the best leaders have areas for improvement. What’s yours? Emotional intelligence? Coaching others? Strategic direction? People development? Eliminating blindspots? There are millions more possibilities, of course, but let’s take them one at a time. Have you ever heard of Sisyphus? He was condemned by the gods to push a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down again, over and over and over and over. Self-development is much the same. As soon as you have reached the summit with one problem, you start over again tackling another. You are a continuous work in progress. So, tell us below, what are you working on improving? #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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    In your opinion, who is the greatest leader of all time? There’s so many to choose from. Maybe it’s your old boss who taught you everything you know. Or perhaps a politician you really admire. It might even be a teacher from your school days who always believed in you. Many of us probably look up to an elder family member, such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle. Whoever it may be, they likely had a knack of really inspiring people, including you - and helping people through difficult or trying circumstances. You’re likely not thinking of someone who led or advised you and others through the easy and stress-free times – there’s really no skill in that, after all. As leaders, we inspire others by what we do, what we say, and our ability to help others to believe amazing things about themselves and their own capabilities. So, tell us in the comments, who inspires you? Or better yet, tag them and shout them out! #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipSkills

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