How could Ofsted impact your event #EventProfs? Here's how! #Ofted #EventChildcare #EventVenue
Ambassador for Children at Events. Helping create 'Safeguarding Savvy' teams & 'Child Friendly' environments.
The Call from Ofsted! (Dun Dun Duuun…) Yesterday, I got the call from Ofsted! For most childcare providers, those words send shivers down the spine. But for the Nipperbout Ltd - Event Childcare Specialists team, it’s just another Tuesday. We’ve had so many inspections over the years that we take it in our stride! Now, for the fun legal bit - #EventOrganisers and #venues take note (I promise to make it quick and painless!): 📌 In the UK, any childcare service operating for more than 4 hours on non-domestic premises, catering to children under 8, must inform Ofsted (or the equivalent regulatory body) at least two weeks before the event. 📌 In England, if we provide care in the same building for more than 14 days in a year, we must register on the compulsory part of the Ofsted register. 📌 Everywhere else in the UK? Just 6 days before registration kicks in. (It used to be 6 days in England too until Nipperbout and my relentless lobying led to a law change in 2008!) Because of this, we currently hold 4 compulsory and 7 voluntary registrations which means Ofsted inspections are a regular part of our world. So, here we go again! I’ll let you know how this latest one goes… wish us luck! 🍀 #EventChildcare #Ofsted #Nipperbout #RegulationsMadeFun #ChildrenAtEvents