Love this! If you are teaching #Passivhaus in the UK to #builtenvironment students - please let us know. #DYK there is a #FREE Design for Performance #ClimateAction course available to all #architecture #undergrads Coaction Training CIC RIBA scosa #ThursdayThoughts #PHPP #NextGenDesigners #Students
On Friday, Maria Buenaventura and Wong Boon Zhen had an inspiring day out supporting architecture students at the University of Central Lancashire with an exciting day of presentations and workshops focused on sustainability in architecture. The morning session was with the first-years and began with a presentation delving into the fundamentals of sustainable design followed by a sketching activity. The students explored key concepts such as operational, embodied and whole-life carbon whilst gaining insight into the importance of carbon emissions, how material conductivity impacts energy efficiency and the critical role of retrofit design in reducing global carbon consumption – all of which then sparked some pretty insightful discussions on the future of eco-friendly design. The afternoon session, which was with the second-years, focused on the practical application of #DesignPH and #PHPP. For this, Maria and Boon conducted an interactive tutorial in the computer lab, where the students explored how to model buildings, analyse thermal performance and optimise energy efficiency – and ultimately create energy-efficient, sustainable buildings which could be implemented in their University projects and their future real-life work - using these powerful #Passivhaus design tools. It was a fantastic day. Thank you to the University of Lancashire for welcoming us, to Wifiya, a third-year student who recently undertook her placement with #ECD, and to all the students for being so keen. We look forward to the next time! #ProvidingSocialValue #ECDStaff #UniversityLectures Passivhaus Trust