Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID)

Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID)

Civic and Social Organizations

RAID exposes corporate wrongdoing and human rights abuses, partnering with those harmed to hold companies to account.

About us

RAID is a UK based NGO that exposes corporate wrongdoing, environmental damage and human rights abuses, partnering with those harmed to hold companies to account. Through rigorous investigation, advocacy and the law, RAID seeks to strengthen regulation of business and achieve justice.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees


Employees at Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID)


  • This week in Ontario: Initial court hearings against Barrick mark the first time a case is held against the gold mining giant in Canadian courts for alleged human rights violations abroad. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/dhdjW6yH

    View profile for Anneke Van Woudenberg, graphic

    Executive Director, Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID)

    This week, I attended a pivotal court hearing in Toronto with my colleague Michael Elliot that could shape corporate accountability in Canada. The case involves Barrick Gold, a Canadian mining giant headquartered in Toronto and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, which is seeking to dismiss legal proceedings in Canada for alleged human rights violations at its North Mara Gold mine in Tanzania. Barrick argues the case should be heard in Tanzania, citing the doctrine of forum non conveniens. The lawyers for the Tanzanian plaintiffs contend that the chance of impoverished Tanzanians having a fair hearing in Tanzania against a well resourced Canadian company are far lower (if not impossible), due in part to the lack of legal aid, limited disclosure and the absence of robust public interest litigation. At Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID), we’ve published multiple reports raising serious concerns about human rights abuses involving Tanzanian police engaged by Barrick to provide security at the North Mara mine. This case is pivotal—not just for those affected by the abuses around the mine, but for how Canadian companies are held accountable for their operations overseas. We hope this case will significantly advance the law governing access to judicial remedy for communities affected by Canadian mining operations abroad, ensuring that victims have a clear path to justice. The outcome will build on precedents set by landmark cases such as NevSun, Tahoe, and HudBay, which have already signalled a shift in how Canadian courts address corporate responsibility for actions abroad. How the Ontario court applies these precedents remains to be seen, but this decision could play a crucial role in determining the direction of corporate accountability and human rights law in Canada. We will be watching it closely! #CorporateAccountability #HumanRights #AccessToJustice #Canada #GlobalJustice

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  • New Amnesty International report launched this week ranks EV car manufacturers by their environmental and human rights performance for the first time. It finds company responses have been lacking. None of the 13 car manufacturers have achieved ‘adequate demonstration’ of compliance with global guidelines. From forced eviction to pollution, EV global supply chains are rife with dirty practices. "Car companies need to use their massive leverage as global minerals buyers to influence upstream mining companies and smelters to mitigate these human rights risks," said Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnes Callamard. Visit the scorecards and the full report 'Recharge for Rights' here: https://lnkd.in/ejzNwhcg #EVs #EnergyTransition #Pollution #CriticalMinerals #Mining

    New human rights ranking of electric vehicle industry

    New human rights ranking of electric vehicle industry


  • The UK Court of Appeal has granted a landmark appeal in the claim of two Nigerian communities against oil giant Shell - the Bille and Ogale communities - whose environment has been devastated by pollution. The case can now proceed to trial. “Our clients were being asked to pinpoint exactly which oil spill or leak caused which incident of pollution on their land at the very outset of their claims. Yet, the sheer scale of the pollution allegedly caused by Shell’s subsidiary over many years makes this an impossible task.”

    View organization page for Leigh Day, graphic


    Court of Appeal makes landmark ruling in favour of Nigerian communities whose environment has been devastated by oil pollution allegedly caused by oil giant Shell. Dan Leader and Matthew Renshaw represent https://lnkd.in/e-Gs5yCW

    • Long shot of a polluted stream at Ogale. In the foreground, there is a yellow sign with the words "Warning: Do not drink, fish or swim here"
  • Will the UK lead on human rights and ditch dirty practices in the race for green energy? RAID's Anneke Van Woudenberg comments today in Inside Track, a blog by Green Alliance, responding to David Lammy's recent address in Kew Gardens, with a focus on DRC's critical minerals and EV supply chains. #GreenEnergy #EnergyTransition #Cobalt #DRC

    View organization page for Green Alliance, graphic


    🆕✍ New blog | "The fossil fuel economy has left behind a legacy of devastation… If we want the green energy transition to be different, it must be anchored in respect for human rights and a commitment to fairness". In our latest blog, Anneke Van Woudenberg, executive director of Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID), discusses the harsh realities of critical raw material supply chains: https://lnkd.in/etdQuePb #CriticalRawMaterials #SupplyChains

    • Cobalt mine in the DRC
  • Have you seen the U.S. Department of Labor latest list of goods produced by child or forced labour (the TVPRA list)? While risks of child labour and forced labour have been identified in the DRC’s artisanal mining sector in the past, cobalt sourced from industrial mines operating in the country is now also firmly on the list. This marks the first time that the US department of Labor has recognised a link between risks of forced labour and industrial cobalt mining in the DRC. Research by RAID and our Congolese partner CAJJ is cited in the US department’s report, including the exploitation of subcontracted workers who experience extremely low pay, dire working conditions, lack of health benefits, and other human rights abuses. Congolese cobalt is one of 29 new products added to the list, which means it is likely to be under closer scrutiny by US authorities. While this raises important red flags, it presents an opportunity for companies extracting and sourcing cobalt from the DRC to enhance their human and labour rights due diligence strategies and practices across the supply chain, rather than prevent trade altogether. Mining companies should implement strong systems to ensure minerals are responsibly sourced and free from exploitation of workers – starting with a pledge to pay all workers, including those hired via subcontractors, a living wage. RAID and CAJJ have calculated the monthly living wage in Kolwezi, the city at the heart of the Congolese copper-cobalt belt, to be $501 in 2024. The people of the DRC should be given the chance to benefit from the green energy transition. Read the full 2024 list and report here: https://lnkd.in/gwYN9ri3 Visit our workers' rights and living wage research here: https://lnkd.in/eJerQ8jZ #CriticalMinerals #Cobalt #Mining #IndustrialMining #DRC #Congo #Workers #WorkersRights #TVPRA #childlabor #Businesshumanrights


  • This week, US-sanctioned businessman Dan Gertler withdrew his last remaining complaint against Haaretz. This follows a series of defamation lawsuits (SLAPPs) used to silence critics. Gertler sued a number of publications following the “Undermining Sanctions” report, which was based on the testimonies of DRC whistleblowers Gradi Koko and Navy Malela. The case against Resource Matters and its employee is still ongoing.

    ** le français suit ** In 2020, businessman Dan Gertler, who is sanctioned by the US for corruption, and his associates launched a series of #SLAPP lawsuits against the Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (PPLAAF), Global Witness, and Haaretz following the “Undermining Sanctions” report, based on whistleblowers Gradi Koko and Navy Malela. These two courageous bankers were sentenced to death in the Democratic Republic of Congo for their disclosures. This week, Gertler has withdrawn his last remaining complaint against Haaretz, a clear win for truth and press freedom. Meanwhile, France’s Cour de Cassation upheld the conviction of Eric Moutet, lawyer for Koko and Malela’s former employer, for defaming PPLAAF and the whistleblowers. SLAPPs are a dangerous tool used to intimidate critics, wasting time and resources. Gertler’s lawsuits were no exception, many withdrawn or lost before any real hearing. They aimed to discredit those revealing how Gertler allegedly bypassed US sanctions. Shockingly, there are now talks of lifting these sanctions, a deeply concerning move. Gradi Koko and Navy Malela remain in exile, still facing death sentences from a fraudulent trial. Their fight for justice continues. We must keep advocating for accountability and push for the DRC to revoke their death penalties. *** En 2020, l'homme d'affaires Dan Gertler, qui est sanctionné par les US pour corruption, et ses associés ont lancé une série de procédures baillon contre la Plateforme de Protection des Lanceurs d’Alerte en Afrique (PPLAAF), Global Witness et Haaretz à la suite du rapport « Des Sanctions, Mine de Rien », basé sur les révélations des lanceurs d’alerte Gradi Koko et Navy Malela. Ces deux courageux banquiers ont été condamnés à mort en République Démocratique du Congo pour leurs divulgations. Cette semaine, Gertler a retiré sa dernière plainte restante contre Haaretz, une victoire claire pour la vérité et la liberté de la presse. Parallèlement, la Cour de Cassation en France a confirmé la condamnation d’Éric Moutet, avocat de l'ancien employeur de Koko et Malela, pour avoir diffamé PPLAAF et les lanceurs d’alerte. Les SLAPPs sont des outils dangereux utilisés pour intimider les critiques, gaspillant temps et ressources. Les poursuites de Gertler n’ont pas fait exception, beaucoup ayant été abandonnées ou perdues avant même une véritable audience. Elles visaient à discréditer ceux qui révélaient comment Gertler aurait contourné les sanctions américaines. De façon choquante, des discussions sur la levée de ces sanctions contre Gertler ont maintenant lieu, ce qui est extrêmement préoccupant. Gradi Koko et Navy Malela restent en exil, toujours sous le coup de condamnations à mort issues d’un procès frauduleux. Leur combat pour la justice continue. Nous devons continuer à plaider pour la responsabilité et exiger que la RDC annule leurs condamnations à mort.

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  • The RAID team mourns the loss of Mr Richard ILUNGA MUKENA from African Resources Watch AFREWATCH. We've had the privilege of working closely with Richard for many years. His courage in confronting injustices and his tireless commitment to amplifying the voices of local communities have left an indelible mark on all of us. Our full statement today: https://lnkd.in/eitEXbxQ

    #Obituary : Dear partners,  It is with deep sadness that the African Resources Watch, AFREWATCH, informs you of the death of their Director of the Human Rights Programme, Mr ILUNGA MUKENA Richard, on the morning of Saturday 14 September 2024 in Lubumbashi following an illness. This sad event comes just three weeks after the loss of his colleague and Director of Advocacy, Maître TSHIZENA TSHINATE Céline, whose grief is still raw. AFREWATCH offers its sincere condolences to his family, both biological and professional. His sudden departure leaves a huge void in our organization. The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. Let his name be glorified. The funeral programme will be announced at a later date. https://lnkd.in/eCyjsV3M

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  • Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) reposted this

    After 10 years of investigating mining giant ENRC for alleged corruption, the UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) dropped the mammoth case in August 2023 due to “insufficient admissible evidence”. In this new long read, Tom Burgis explains what was happening behind the scenes including why the SFO might have rejected compelling evidence. In this tug-of-war between truth and cover-ups, an investigation swayed by power and money, the article details how the corporation ultimately won. UK courts are now deciding just how much the SFO will pay out to ENRC as damages. Ultimately it seems its the UK taxpayer that will take the hit. https://lnkd.in/dy8g27Xt

    How oligarchs took on the UK fraud squad – and won

    How oligarchs took on the UK fraud squad – and won


  • After 10 years of investigating mining giant ENRC for alleged corruption, the UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) dropped the mammoth case in August 2023 due to “insufficient admissible evidence”. In this new long read, Tom Burgis explains what was happening behind the scenes including why the SFO might have rejected compelling evidence. In this tug-of-war between truth and cover-ups, an investigation swayed by power and money, the article details how the corporation ultimately won. UK courts are now deciding just how much the SFO will pay out to ENRC as damages. Ultimately it seems its the UK taxpayer that will take the hit. https://lnkd.in/dy8g27Xt

    How oligarchs took on the UK fraud squad – and won

    How oligarchs took on the UK fraud squad – and won


  • Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) reposted this

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    BREAKING 🔴 Over 2,000 land and environmental defenders have been killed for standing up for their homes, communities and the planet since 2012. 196 of these murders occurred in 2023 alone. Countless more defenders have been abducted, disappeared, criminalised. Yet defenders remain steadfast in their struggle. Their stories will not be erased – and their voices will not be silenced 📣 We join them in demanding protection, justice and immediate action to #DefendTheDefenders https://lnkd.in/ehJ7y3Wb #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #ClimateActivism #EnvironmentalActivists #EnvironmentalDefenders #PeopleNotPolluters

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