Great to see The New Yorker article (paywalled link below) 'The Long Quest for Artificial Blood' in the press. The in-depth article features the RESTORE trial, an ongoing clinical study testing lab grown blood in human participants, and the foundation for Scarlet Therapeutics Ltd spinning out from University of Bristol. Our founder and CSO Ash Toye had a great time with journalist Nicky Twilley, and we were delighted to show her around Scarlet Therapeutics Ltd Bristol lab space. It's great to see the amazing blood scientists we have here in the South West being recognised in the international press and hope this prompts exciting conversations around the potential of lab grown blood. #thefutureofmedicineisinourblood #redbloodcells #bristolbiotech #ScarletTx
Great to see The New Yorker Magazine Inc, featuring an article on the quest for artificial blood this week. It includes work in the USA on synthetic blood as well as our work in the UK on growing red cells from stem cells, including the RESTORE first in human trial. In RESTORE the cells are not artificial as such, they are just like the ones your body makes, except that we have grown them in the lab rather than the bone marrow. Its been a labour of love for myself, my Co-Chief investigator Cedric Ghevaert and the whole team of people behind it as part of the NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) Blood & Transplant Research Unit in Red Blood Cells led by Ash Toye. We are very fortunate to have radiopharmacy Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust label the cells for us and to be able to transfuse participants recruited through the NIHR BioResource at the state of the art shiny phase 1 floor of the NIHR Clinical Research Facility in Cambridge. Can't wait to be able to share the data with you all.