Today we are thrilled to share our newly-refreshed The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership (ATLP) One Trust Support Services intranet site with staff across our family of schools. 🖥️
Our fantastic Support Services team manage a range of central services across the ATLP, including Estates, Finance and HR (to name a few). Our aim is to support our 24 schools effectively by providing a 'one stop shop' for all their needs, such as the latest messages and updates, news and information, along with training and CPD opportunities.
We're pleased with how this core information and guidance service continues to take shape, and we hope to engage our 1500 plus staff by showcasing the very best of our customer services provision through clear and consistent content that is helpful to our colleagues.
Our recent refresh has made the site more user-friendly and dynamic, making it easier to navigate, signpost staff to the right place, and jump to key information, at the click of a mouse button!
We're continually developing and refining the service to ensure it's the very best it can be. Feedback is always important and we encourage our 'staff voice' so that we can create a dedicated communal space that is tailored to their needs.
We're always interested to hear how others use their intranet (or other platforms) to connect with staff in large organisations, so please feel free to share your experiences or suggestions with us so that we can keep on improving our 'One Trust' offer.