Thanks to Thwaites Ltd, I've had the amazing opportunity to undertake work experience, working across production/planning and engineering departments, under the purview of Paul Evetts, learning the intricate process of product design, mechanics and logistics.
As a part of the opportunity, I've greatly learned from a large number of Individuals about the integral role of stock management and process oversight to ensure production efficiency, while also integrating database management, understanding the complex architecture of a business's server infrastructure, allowing data to refined and manipulated when necessary using services such as Microsoft SQL Managment Studio and Access Databases.
Alongside, I managed to secure time with both the CAD and on-floor engineers to obtain a 'deep-dive' into product design, iteration and prototyping process. Gaining invaluable tips on CAD design, helping me kicks-start my study into the fields, along with testing my knowledge on automotive mechanics, with a tour of the company's prototype electric and hydrostatic units, delving into the intentional design and production of new and key components.
Finally I managed to personally spend some time with upper-management, sitting in on a number of meetings, discussing topics such as the company's production efficiency, environmental viability and expansion.
As a conclusive note, I'd love to thanks everyone involved in supporting my placement, along with the company itself, for its welcoming atmosphere!
Thank you Paul Evetts, Claire Hope, Mike Beard and a large number of other employees who have greatly supported me.