Being part of our TRIBE means that our colleague Harry Cresswell feels able to be his authentic self at work- supported, welcomed and encouraged to grow and thrive. It's the same with our guests - we want everyone to feel part of the TRIBE - welcomed, comfortable and valued. This Neurodiversity Celebration Week we're taking time to recognise how we can support our neurodivergent team members, guests and neighbours, and the contributions they make to our business. Hospitality is about honest communication and genuine connections - Thank you Harry for connecting with us - we're proud to have you as part of the TRIBE. #embracedifference #neurodiversity #inclusion #neurodiversitycelebrationweek #findyourtribe
╏ Hotel Sales Manager at TRIBE Manchester Airport ╏ ╋ New & Key Account Development 🌱 ╋ Rising Star 2022 💫
💭 As part of #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek, I want to share a little about my experience in the world of work living with Tourette’s Syndrome, not as a challenge to overcome, but as a part of who I am. 💪 Living with Tourette’s means having to constantly supress tics, worrying about the judgment of others, and managing my emotions - It’s a VERY tall order! But it has taught me the power of self-acceptance and authenticity. 🙌 Being neurodivergent in the workplace isn’t about overcoming our conditions as many believe; it’s about embracing it. It’s important to remember that every mind works differently- and that’s perfectly okay. Truly, I didn’t start producing my best work until I accepted myself as I am! So please celebrate the incredible diversity of human brains this week, and the people not letting their condition define or hinder them! 🧠 😊 #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek #TouretteSyndrome #Neurodiversity #Inclusion #EmbraceDifference