A great afternoon spent with the team on this brilliant project in Sunningdale. Now onto getting it finished!
🌲Topping out ceremony at sunny Sunningdale We celebrated in style this week with our project partners from Ascot Design, White & Lloyd Ltd, Paul Irvine Engineering and Southern Area Brickwork at the topping out of our Sunningdale project. With some careful crane control and coordination, we lifted the final piece into the stone pediment, completing the highest point of the structure. As tradition dictates, the Site Manager brought a Yew tree along to the ceremony - a British custom to signify longevity. It’s believed to ward off evil spirits, protect homeowners and provide good fortune for the life of the house. And it seemed to work straight away: bringing glorious sunshine to the event! ☀️ MD Christian Hale thanked the whole team on the day, commenting: “Reaching this milestone shows the exceptional teamwork and craftsmanship that's gone into the project so far. It’s been fantastic to bring the team together and take stock at this important moment in the programme.” #ToppingOut #FineBuilding #ModernNeoClassical #BerkshireHomes #PrimeResidential