Thank you Miss Kiran S. for the chapter that sparked this day and what you achieved for and with your young girls. This is the blueprint to show girls what they can achieve and let them fly. Amazing 🙋🏽♀️🧕🏼🤰🏻🙆🏻♀️👩🏼🎤👩🏼🎤👩🏼🎤👩🏼🎤
The Dream Gap Project was a dream to begin with whilst writing my chapter for WomenEd's third book Disruptive Women... Friday 21st March, 2025 - the dream became real. Watching the girls become leaders in front of our very eyes will be one of the stellar highlights of my career to date. Articulate, confident and champions of each other - they were beautiful beacons of light, hope and power. Building on Barbie's foundations are rooted in Ruth Handler's vision - before Barbie, girls only had baby dolls to play with - Barbie disrupted that! Barbie represents the *fact* that girls and women have choices - they have ownership of their destinies. Being able to share this project as part of the Oasis Community Learning and WomenEd collaboration Equitable Action in Education was a pure joy. Being surrounded by my WomenEd circle and OCL colleagues was a genuine feeling of alignment and hope Vivienne Porritt OBE FRSA FCCT. Emma Blake 💜 💜 Thank you Ruth Astley, Jess Gosling, Jess Mahdavi-Gladwell and Hannah Duncan - your participation was invaluable. Gemma Bolton-Hale - you are a true asset to Oasis and I'm so glad John Barneby FRSA made a point of celebrating you!! You were very quick to jump to the end before Vivienne or I could thank you for all you do 🤍 It was an amazing event and I'm so grateful to have been part of it and bringing it together with you. The seeds have been planted! 🌱🌱🌱 Thank you Joseph Darnley John Barneby FRSA Eugene Gilkes Paul Tarry - HeForShe trailblazers. Thank you Emily Hobson Suzanne Gill Abbe Barneby - the OCL equivalent of WomenEd and everything we stand for 🩷