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MGAA Next Gen

MGAA Next Gen


A group of forward thinking and highly knowledgeable young professionals representing the future of the MGA community.

About us

The MGAA Next Gen Committee represents the future of the MGA community. It comprises a group of forward thinking, socially conscious and highly knowledgeable professionals, motivated to pave the way for future leaders in the industry. Committee members are: Kaj Pankhania (Chair) - DA Strategy, Jack Harding (Events) - Bspoke, Charlotte Harrison (Mentoring) - Gallagher Bassett, Daniela Atentio-Martin (Mentoring) - AXA XL, Zoë Parsons (Social media) - REG UK, Lauren Stables (Social media) - Aurora, Thomas Pereira (L&D) - Munich Re, Alistair (L&D) - Pen. Our objectives are: - To represent young professionals within the MGA sector in the UK. - To promote training and education opportunities to members and to provide a forum for topical comment. - To provide networking opportunities for members through the organisation of educational and social events. - To contribute to MGAA initiatives and market projects, to make a difference to the insurance market.

Company size
2-10 employees
Insurance, MGA, Young Professionals, Next Generation, Networking, Mentoring, Education, Development, and Events


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