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Non-profit Organizations

Building on the legacy of the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation to support better mental health in sport.

About us

Our vision for the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation is to: embed mental health within sport and recreation to create a culture shift that removes the stigma around mental health. Since 2015, over 470 organisations have signed up to the Charter and great strides have been made across all areas of the sector demonstrated in our Seven years of changing culture report (https://bit.ly/MHCReport). But, there is still more to be done. Mental health problems impact 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 6 children and young people. The pandemic has led to the awakening of the role of physical activity in supporting good mental health and a realisation that we need to create environments where people thrive – whether they are spectating, participating, volunteering, competing or working in sport and recreation. This page is for individuals and organisations wanting to improve their approach to supporting positive mental health. It will help you keep abreast of new resources, research and case studies whether you are a Charter signatory or on your first steps to embedding mental health in your organisation. The page is updated by Mind, the PPF, the Sport and Recreation Alliance (the Charter steering group) and Charter signatories. We want to create a community of people who share knowledge and learning, and who are committed to keeping the conversation going. Please note our LinkedIn page is checked daily between office hours Mon-Fri and is not a crisis support service. If you need urgent support for your mental health please contact NHS 111 or the Samaritans on 116 123. Mind's Infoline provides information and support to people experiencing a mental health problem and is open 9am-6pm Mon-Friday except Bank Holidays. The number is 0300 123 3393. The PPF has details of how player associations offer support to their members with useful links and contacts in the Resources section of their website (www.ppf.org.uk/resources/mental-health).

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees


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