Wingfield Station’s cover photo
Wingfield Station

Wingfield Station

Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos

The rescue, repair and conservation of Wingfield Station near Alfreton, Derbyshire, is DHBT's live flagship project.

About us

Wingfield Station is a surviving example of a very early rural railway station - one of the earliest in the world. It forms part of the well-preserved early railway landscape developed by George and Robert Stephenson. It is an interesting building in its own right, designed by prominent architect, Francis Thompson, it displays a level of sophistication rarely found on railway buildings of the early pioneering period. The station is unique in being the only original station along the Derby-Leeds line to survive. The Grade II* listed station and the railway line are central to the area's industrial history, in particular the development of collieries; transforming the local landscape from agricultural to industrial. The station and adjacent goods shed buildings have been rescued from dereliction. The Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust, with support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Historic England, East Midland Railway Community Fund, The Association for Industrial Archaeology, Derbyshire County Council, Garfield Weston Foundation and others (including significant community support), are currently restoring the buildings. They will be repurposed as office space.

Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos
Company size
1 employee
South Wingfield
Heritage, conservation, architecture, railway, history, buildings, Derbyshire, project management, capital works, buildings at risk, and funding


  • Yesterday we had a visit from the RICS National Judges ahead of the RICS Awards Grand Final in October. In May we were delighted to win the Heritage category at the RICS East Midlands Awards 2024. We now go on to compete against the other regional winners including projects such as the Lord Leycester Hospital in the West Midlands, Oxburgh Hall in the East of England and The Old Curiosity Shop in London. Tough competition! We're very proud that Wingfield Station is amongst such prestigious projects For the full list see here: James Boon Ackroyd Construction Greenwood Projects Alan Staley Peter Milner #RICSAwards

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  • Last year, shortly before the October opening of Wingfield Station, we received correspondence from Jennie, daughter of Vic Nagle. Jennie had spotted some information about our restoration project and wrote to tell us all about her father, who had taken Jennie and her sister to Wingfield on many occasions when they were children. This was because Vic had been evacuated here from north London in 1940 when he was 8 years old. During this time Vic lived with a wonderful family in the adjoining Station House. He was allowed to play a big part in the daily signalling of trains and Jennie told us that he had many happy and special memories. Vic told his daughters that when he arrived at the station he was the last evacuee and was left waiting for a family to take him in. Nobody came forward. Vic was obviously extremely upset, having seen all the other children collected. It must have been very frightening. However, the Station Master kindly stood up and said he would have Vic and, as it turned out, he had the very best place to be; living on the station itself! Vic last visited Wingfield Station around 5 years ago, and was saddened by how run down it had become so he was absolutely thrilled to learn about the restoration. Very sadly Vic passed away in October, so the plans to bring him over to Wingfield to see the completed restoration didn't quite come to fruition. Some of you who have visited the station might well have noticed our dedication to Vic on the bench. Last weekend his daughters, Jennie (R) and Debbie (L) visited Wingfield. Here they are pictured on the bench.

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  • 2025 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of the modern railway. Railway 200 celebrates the past, present and future of rail. Yesterday we welcomed Mike Lamport, a Railway 200 steering group member, to Wingfield to discuss how we might get involved with this once-in-a-generation opportunity to make history and be part of something special. Here’s Mike, John (Wingfield Station 1947) and Peter Milner taking a closer look at the zigzag window as we walked round the exterior of the building in the rain! Check out for more information. #railway200 #greatbritishrailways #derbyshire #midlandrailway #midlandmainline #southwingfield #francisthompson #architecture #industrialheritage

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