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The Syrian Ambassador who met Qatari Foreign Ministry lately doesn’t represent Assad regime

The Syrian Ambassador who met Qatari Foreign Ministry lately doesn’t represent Assad regime

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Tuesday 11th September 2018

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Tuesday 11th September 2018

Pro-regime websites shared lately news titled”for the first time…. Qatari Foreign Ministry reveals a Syrian-Qatari meeting in Doha” and said that Qatari Foreign Ministry revealed a meeting between Syrian and Qatari diplomats on Tuesday September 11 in Doha.

The websites said that Qatari Foreign Ministry issued a statement on its website that the general secretary of the Qatari Foreign Ministry met with Nizar al-Heraki the Ambassador of the Syrian Republic at Qatar to discuss relationship between both countries and how to develop it.

The websites also said that “this meeting is the first since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis”.

Verify-Sy searched for the source of this news and it turns out that Ambassador Nizar al-Heraki who met the general secretary of Qatari Foreign Ministry doesn’t represent Assad regime but the Syrian opposition.

Back in early 2013, Qatar handed over the building of the Syrian Embassy in Doha to the Syrian Opposition after it withdrew its ambassador and cut diplomatic ties in mid-2011.

More corrections related to:   Qatar
