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Lying in the name of science

Social media pages and accounts circulated an image that allegedly showed the solar eclipse as it appears from space, but the claim is fabricated.

Social media pages and accounts circulated an image that allegedly showed the solar eclipse as it appears from space, but the claim is fabricated.

This image is imaginary and does not show the solar eclipse from space
A screen shoot of post contains an image shows " the solar eclipse from space" as its publishers said

This image is imaginary and does not show the solar eclipse from space

Fares Alsori Fares Alsori   Monday 11th April 2022

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Fares Alsori Fares Alsori   Monday 11th April 2022
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Public pages on social media circulated an image that allegedly showed the solar eclipse as it appears from space, and the Milky Way is clearly visible in the background of the image.

The photo was posted by (Curiosity) on Twitter on friday, April 8th.

“Solar Eclipse from Space” | Lying in the name of science
“Solar Eclipse from Space” | Lying in the name of science

The picture, attached to the aforementioned claim, gained widespread popularity after many personal accounts and public pages contributed to its publication. You can find some of them in the sources table at the end of this article.

Refute the claim

Verify-Sy team conducted research to verify the claim that this image “shows the solar eclipse as it appears from space”, It turned out that it’s fabricated.

The results, using reverse search techniques for images provided by search engines, showed that the image is nothing but an artistic design from the imagination of the Japanese designer (Ryuunosuke Takeshige) published on deviantart website, on November 21, 2009.

The imaginary image published on deviantart website
The imaginary image published on deviantart website

In the description box of this image, the designer indicated that he used software called (Terragen 2), which is a program used to build and design virtual environments similar to real ones, He also pointed that he used a panoramic image of our galaxy, Milky Way, from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and placed it in the background of his image.

You can watch the total solar eclipse from outer space in America on August 12, 2017, at an altitude of about 50,000 km.

How does a solar eclipse happen?

We all know that the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth, and over the years, the three celestial bodies (sun, earth and moon) happen to be in one straight line, and since any body that is shed by light forms a shadow in the opposite direction to the light source, any body passes in the shadow area will be blocked from light until it passes that area.

The same thing happens during a solar eclipse, where the moon is placed between sun and earth, blocking the sun’s light from earth, and since earth is larger than moon, the moon’s shadow blocks the sun’s light from a certain area of ​​the earth Causing the phenomenon of solar eclipse in that region.

You can watch this clip to get a better idea:

Why are eclipses not repeated as long as the moon completes a full revolution around the earth per month?

Solar and lunar eclipses do not recur monthly for a simple reason, which is that the three bodies are not in a straight line every month, because the orbit of the moon around the earth is not on the same plane earth’s orbit around the sun, since the moon’s orbit is inclined from the earth’s orbit around the sun by about 5 degrees, sometimes the moon’s shadow is higher than the earth and sometimes lower than it, and the following video shows the importance of the moon’s positioning between the earth and the sun so the phenomenon of a solar eclipse occurs.


1- The claim that the image appears to “show the solar eclipse as it appears from space”.

2- The image is an imaginary design by a Japanese artist, published in 2009.

3- This article was included in (lying in the name of science) section, according to (verify-sy methodology).

Keywords: Solar Lunar Sun Moon Earth
