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This photo of Israeli athletes is in Azerbaijan not Qatar

This photo of Israeli athletes is in Azerbaijan not Qatar

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Friday 26th October 2018

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Friday 26th October 2018

Social media news pages, personal accounts and news websites shared a photo from a stadium with athletes wearing uniforms and behind them the Israeli flag.

The websites and accounts said the photo is for the Israeli team participating in the World Gymnastic Championship 2018 in Qatar in Aspire Stadium which ends on November 3.

Verify-Sy searched for the source of this photo and it turns out it is old and not from Qatar but from the opening ceremony of the European Athletic Championship in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2015.
Embed from Getty Images
Worth to mention that an Israeli athletic team came to Qatar to participate in the Gymnastic Championship which started on 25 October and will end on 3 November, the team include a soldier in Israeli army who will participate in the championship too.

It is supposed that the Israeli flag will be seen in the Championship along with the Israeli anthem will but without printing Israel or putting the flag on the tracksuits and locker rooms.

More corrections related to:   Qatar
