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Yellow Vests activists didn't take the boats to protest in the Seine River

Yellow Vests activists didn't take the boats to protest in the Seine River

Dirar Khattab Dirar Khattab   Sunday 09th December 2018

Dirar Khattab Dirar Khattab   Sunday 09th December 2018

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo of dozens of people wearing yellow vests in small boats in Seine River in Paris.

The pages and accounts said this photo show Yellow Vests protesters took the boats to participate in the protests after the police closed the streets.

Following a research conducted by Verify-Sy, it turns out that this photo is old and from the annual Paris Rowing Race on December 2016 in Seine River and it was also held today but had no connection to the current protests. 

Worth to mention that an old photo of the French President Macron wearing a yellow vest was widely shared recently and claimed to be new and Macron wore it as an apology to the protesters but you can see the correction here
