video story

Old video being shared by the head of SDF press office with misleading information

Old video being shared by the head of SDF press office with misleading information

Dirar Khattab Dirar Khattab   Wednesday 10th April 2019

Dirar Khattab Dirar Khattab   Wednesday 10th April 2019

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a video lately showing a group of armed men executing several people.

Mostafa Bali the head of the press office of Syrian Democratic Forces SDF shared the video on his account and said: this is the mentality of #Turkey backed groups in Syria commit massacres against some civilians who did not accept the way these groups work.

He added: these terrorists will commit the most ugly massacres against the Kurds if they reach the Kurdish region.”

Verify-Sy would like to remind audience that this video is of a field execution in Aleppo eastern neighborhoods after armed opposition groups captured it in late July 2012.

Another video of the same incident was posted by Syrian activists on YouTube showing several members of pro-Assad regime Berry Clan in a school and some of them were injured and among them Ali Zein al-Abdeen Berry known as Zeino Berry the head of the group then they were taken outside and executed while some locals cheered the execution.

Worth to mention that the Joint Commandership of the Free Syrian Army issued a statement at that time following the incident and condemned the field execution against a group of regime militia.

The statement said the commandership condemns these irresponsible actions and demanded all the revolutionary forces to condemn it because it is not FSA morale and considered it an unacceptable act that the commandership takes no responsible for it.

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