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Fabricated Statement attributed to Le Pen: “We Won’t Admit Arab Officials to (Frane’s) Hospitals.”

Fabricated Statement attributed to Le Pen: “We Won’t Admit Arab Officials to (Frane’s) Hospitals.”

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Wednesday 25th March 2020

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Wednesday 25th March 2020

News websites and social media pages and users have recently circulated a statement attributed to a far-right french politician, claiming that she said she won’t “admit any Arab official into our hospitals to confront the coronavirus.”

The viral statement claims that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French far-right National Rally political party, explained her statement by saying that “they - Arab officials - had 60 years to build hospitals to save their honour but they didn’t.”

Syrian journalist Faisal al-Kasim was one of those who published the statement on his account on Instagram

The Statement is Fabricated

Verify-Sy Platform searched for the circulated statement on French news websites and found it doesn’t not exist.

During conducting our search, we found a similar statement attributed to the French politician. “We won’t admit any African official to our hospitals to confront the coronavirus,” the statement reads, which was published by Morocian news websites. However, all the websites that published the statement haven’t mentioned their source.

More corrections related to:   France

Keywords: coronavirus
