Just like software developer professionals, our consultants are committed to keeping up to date with the latest technologies helping to enhance user experiences. We’re here to walk you through the process and secure your next opportunity as a Front End Developer!
Get Job AlertsMachine learning and Python are among the most in-demand skills. Upskilling in such areas will help you stay ahead of the pack and help you to secure your ideal career; as the technology landscape continues to change.
A website or any digital application consists of a sum of layers; structure, data, design, content, and functionality. Front End, HTML and JavaScript developers are responsible for the building the client facing function, which is the part of the website that we see and interact with, using a variety of design techniques, languages, frameworks which include: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, React.js and Angular.
At Blu Digital, we work with clients, both agency and client side; as well as start-ups, luxury agencies and FMGC companies.
With websites playing a key role in almost every business today, Front End Developers have a vital responsibility to produce elegant, sophisticated and modern user interfaces, to attract customers and give them the best user experience possible.
Connect with Jack on LinkedIn or send a message about our Front end development vacancies and we’ll get in touch.