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pottery: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Books on pottery are fairly numerous, but of those that have been written for the popular market many are not always reliable and much information is duplicated among them. The following titles may be regarded as standard or major works.

Two good introductory surveys are George Savage, Pottery Through the Ages (1963), and Porcelain Through the Ages, 2nd ed. (1963). Robert J. Charleston (ed.), World Ceramics (1968), is a lavishly illustrated history of ceramics written by many noted specialists in Europe and the United States. Highly recommended is W.B. Honey, European Ceramic Art, from the End of the Middle Ages to About 1815, 2nd ed., 2 vol. (1963), which has a comprehensive list of marks and an excellent bibliography. Also useful is Emil Hannover, Keramisk Haandbag, 2 vol. (1919–24; Eng. trans., Pottery and Porcelain, 3 vol., 1925); and Warren Cok, The Book of Pottery and Porcelain (1944). George Savage, The Dictionary of Antiques (1970), includes information about continental wares on a less comprehensive scale, but its extensive bibliography has been brought up to date. It also differentiates between works in print and those available only in libraries or secondhand. Bernard Leach, A Potter’s Book (1940); W.B. Honey, The Art of the Potter (1946); and Paul Rado, An Introduction to the Technology of Pottery (1969), discuss the technical side of pottery. Factory marks are discussed and listed in W.B. Honey and John P. Cushion, Handbook of Pottery and Porcelain Marks, 3rd rev. ed. (1965); and John P. Cushion, English Ceramic Marks and Those of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland (1959), German Ceramic Marks and Those of Other Central European Countries (1961), and French and Italian Ceramic Marks (1965). Geoffrey Godden, Encyclopaedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Marks (1964), is another recommended source. William Chaffers, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain, 14th ed. (1931), formerly the standard work, has now been superseded and is sometimes inaccurate. More specialized is Arthur Behse, Deutsche Fayencemarken–Brevier (1955), which should be consulted for German wares. Ceramic terms are the subject of George Savage and H. Newman, Illustrated Dictionary of Ceramic Terms (1973); and Robert Fournier, Illustrated Dictionary of Pottery Form (1981).

Books dealing specifically with the pottery of the ancient Middle East and Egypt are scarce. Older sources include Walter Andrae (ed.), Coloured Ceramics from Assur (1925); and Henry Walles, Egyptian Ceramic Art (1898). More information will be found in books dealing with the combined arts of the ancient Middle East and Egypt.

Works on ancient pottery from the Aegean region and pottery from ancient Greece and Italy are fairly numerous. A selection is listed below. Henry B. Walters, A History of Ancient Pottery, 2 vol. (1905, reprinted 1971); Charles F. Seltman, Attic Vase-Painting (1933); Vincent d’Arba Desborough, Protogeometric Pottery (1952); Gisela M.A. Richter, A Handbook of Greek Art, 9th ed. (1987), Ancient Italy (1955, reissued 1982), Attic Red-Figured Vases: A Survey, rev. ed. (1958), and The Craft of Athenian Pottery (1923); Arthur Lane, Greek Pottery, 3rd ed. (1971); Robert H. Cook, Greek Painted Pottery (1960); T.B.L. Webster, Greek Terracottas (1951); Robert J. Charleston, Roman Pottery (1955); John D. Beazley, Etruscan Vase Painting (1947). Historical comparisons with 20th-century methods and procedures are the basis of D.P.S. Peacock, Pottery in the Roman World (1982).

There are few works on Islamic pottery easily available. The best are Arthur Lane, Early Islamic Pottery, rev. ed. (1958), and Later Islamic Pottery, 2nd ed. (1972). Also useful are Maurece S. Dimand, A Handbook of Muhammadan Art, 3rd ed. rev. (1958); and Robert L. Hobson, A Guide to Islamic Pottery of the Near East (1932).

Where they exist, the titles of English works on Western pottery are given below. Those listed in other languages are illustrated works that will supplement the deficiency of works in English. In the case of porcelain, English works that discuss the wares of individual factories are given only in special cases since they are extremely numerous and most general works on the subject include a bibliography. Contemporary European and American developments are well covered in Tamara Préaud and Serge Gauthier, Ceramics of the 20th Century (1982); and Richard Zakin, Electric Kiln Ceramics (1981). (Spain): Alice W. Frothingham, Catalogue of Hispano-Moresque Pottery in the Collection of the Hispanic Society of America (1936), Talavera Pottery, with a Catalogue of the Collection of the Hispanic Society of America (1944), and Lustreware of Spain (1951); Albert van der Put, Hispano-Moresque Ware of the XVth Century (1904). (Italy): Joseph Chompret, Repertoire de la Mojolique Italienne, 2 vol. (1949); Bernard Rackham, Guide to Italian Maiolica (1933), Catalogue of Italian Maiolica, 2 vol. (1940), and Italian Maiolica (1952)—through the late 20th century, Rackham’s books were the best source of information in English; Arthur Lane, Italian Porcelain (1954); Giuseppe Morazzoni, Le Porcellane Italiane (1935). (France and Belgium): Charles Damiron, La Faience artistique de Moustiers (1919), and La Faience de Lyon (1926); Jeanne Giacomoffe, Faiences françaises (1963; Eng. trans., French Faience, 1963); Hans Haug, Les Faiences et porcelaines de Strasbourg (1922); Arthur Lane, French Faience, 2nd ed. (1970), the best introduction to the subject; Francois Ponceiton and George Salles, Les Poteries Françaises (1928); Paul Alfassa and Jacques Guerin, Porcelaine française du XVIIe au milieu du XIXe siecle (1932); Emile Bourgeois, Le Biscuit de Sevres au XVIIIe siecle, 2 vol. (1909); W.B. Honey, French Porcelain of the 18th Century (1950); Eugene J. Soil de Moraine, La Manufacture imperiale et royale de porcelain de Tournay, 3rd ed. of Ceramique tournaisienne by Lucien Delplace de Formanoir (1937); George Savage, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century French Porcelain (1960); Pierre Verlet, Serge Grandjean, and Marcelle Brunet, Sevres (1953). (Germany and Austria): Karl Koetschau, Rheinisches Steinzeug (1924); Hans Meyer, Böhmisches Porzellan and Steingut (1927); Gustav E. Pazaurek, Deutsche Fayence and Porzellan-Hausmaler, 2 vol. (1925, reprinted 1970), and Steingut: Formgebung and Geschichte (1921); D. Riesebieter, Die deutschen Fayencen des 17. and 18. Jahrhunderts (1921), one of the most comprehensive general works on the subject; Edmund W. Braun and Joseph Folhesics, Geschichte der K.K. Wiener Porzellan-Manufaktur (1907); Hans Christ, Ludwigsburger Porzellan-figuren (1921); John F. Hayward, Viennese Porcelain of the Du Paquier Period (1952); Friedrich H. Hofmann, Frankenthaler Porzellan, 2 vol. (1911), Geschichte der Bayerischen Porzellan-Manufaktur Nymphenburg, 3 vol. (1921–23), Das Porzellan-Manufaktur Nymphenburg, 3 vol. (1921–23), and Das Porzellan der Europäischen Manufakturen im 18. Jahrhundert (1932); W.B. Honey, Dresden China, 2nd ed. (1954), and German Porcelain (1948); Georg Lenz, Berliner Porzellan: Die Manufaktur Friedrichs des Grossen, 1763–1786, 2 vol. (1913); Hugo Morley-Fletcher, Antique Porcelain in Color: Meissen (1971); E. Poche, Bohemian Porcelain (n.d.); Karl Roeder and Hiche Oppenheim, Das Höchster Porzellan (1925); Hak Sauerlandt, Deutsche Porzellanfiguren des XVIII. Jahrhunderts (1923); George Savage, 18th-Century German Porcelain, 2nd ed. (1967); Christian Scherer, Das Fürstenberger Porzellan (1909). (Switzerland): Siegfried Ducret, Zürcher Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts (1944). (The Netherlands): Caroline H. de Jonge, Delft Aardewerk (1965; Eng. trans., Delft Ceramics, 1969), and Nederlandse tegels (1971; Eng. trans., Dutch Tiles, 1971); Ferrand W. Hudig, Delfter Fayence (1929); Jean Justice, Dictionnaire des marques et monogrammes de la faïence de Delft (1920; Eng. trans., Dictionary of Marks and Monograms of Delft Pottery (1930); Elisabeth Neurdenburg, Old Dutch Pottery and Tiles (Eng. trans., 1923); Bernard Rackham, Early Netherlands Maiolica (1926), a discussion of the earliest pre-Delft wares. (Scandinavia): Richard Karsson, Die Stralsunder Fayencefabrik, 1757–1790 (1920); Arthur Hayden, Royal Copenhagen Porcelain (1911); Erik Vettergren, The Modern Decorative Arts of Sweden (Eng. trans. 1926). (Russia): Georgy Lukomsky, Russisches Porzellan, 1774–1923 (1924); Karvin C. Ross, Russian Porcelains (1968). (England): Harry Barnard, Chats on Wedgwood Ware (1924); Geoffrey Bemrose, Nineteenth Century English Pottery and Porcelain (1952); Frederick H. Garner, English Delftware (1948); John E. and Edith Hodgkin, Examples of Early English Pottery, Named, Dated and Inscribed (1891); Eliza Heteyard, The Life of Josiah Wedgwood, 2 vol. (1865); Ernest Korton Nance, The Pottery and Porcelain of Swansea and Nantgarn (1942); V.J. Pountney, Old Bristol Potteries (1920); E. Stanley Price, John Sadler, a Liverpool Pottery Printer (1949); Bernard Rackham, Mediaeval English Pottery (1947), and Early Staffordshire Pottery (1951); Bernard Rackham and Herbert Read, English Pottery: Its Development from Early Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century (1924); George V. Rhead, The Earthenware Collector (1920); Josiah Wedgwood, Selected Letters, ed. by Ann Finer and George Savage (1965); Donald Touner, Handbook of Leeds Pottery (1951); Frederick Williamson, The Derby Pot Manufacturing Known as Cockpit Hill (1931); Hugh Wakefield, Victorian Pottery (1962); Patterson D. Gordon Pugh, Staffordshire Portrait Figures and Allied Subjects of the Victorian Era (1971); Muriel Rose, Artist-Potters in England (1955); Joseph L. Dixon, English Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century (1952); English Ceramic Circle, English Pottery and Porcelain: Commemorative Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the Victoria and Albert Museum (1949); Stanley W. Fisher, The Decoration of English Porcelain (1954), and English Blue and White Porcelain of the 18th Century (1947); Geoffrey Godden, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of British Pottery and Porcelain (1966); W.B. Honey, Old English Porcelain (1948); William King, English Porcelain Figures of the Eighteenth Century (1925); George Savage, 18th-Century English Porcelain, new ed. (1964); Cyril Cook, The Life and Work of Robert Hancock (1948); William Duesbury’s London Account Book, 1751–1753, with an introduction by Mrs. Donald Mcalister (1931); William H. Tapp, Jefferyes Hamett O’Neal, 1734–1801 (1938). (American Indian pottery): G.H.S. Bushwell and Adrian Digby, Ancient American Pottery (1955); Wolfgang Haberland, The Art of North America (1964). (United States): John Ramsay, American Potters and Pottery (1939); Edwin A. Barber, Tulip Ware of the Pennsylvania-German Potters (1903); Warren Cok, The Book of Pottery and Porcelain, vol. 2 (1944).

(China): One of the best general works is still W.B. Honey, The Ceramic Art of China, and Other Countries of the Far East (1945, reissued 1954). R.L. Hobson, Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, 2 vol. (1915, reprinted in 1 vol., 1976), though old, is still consulted, and his The Wares of the Ming Dynasty (1923, reprinted 1978) and The Later Ceramic Wares of China (1925), are scholarly works, well illustrated for their period. Chinese Art, 4 vol. in 5 (1960–65), written by a number of internationally known experts and published by University Books, covers the whole field of Chinese art, including pottery and porcelain, and is of considerable value to the student. Other general works include Yutaka Mino, Freedom of Clay and Brush Through Seven Centuries in Northern China (1980), an exhibition catalog; Suzanne G. Valenstein, A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, rev. and enlarged ed. (1989); Margaret Medley, The Chinese Potter: A Practical History of Chinese Ceramics, 3rd ed. (1989, reissued 1998); Shelagh Vainker, Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, 2nd ed. (2005); George Kuwayama (ed.), New Perspectives on the Art of Ceramics in China (1992); and He Li, Chinese Ceramics: The New Standard Guide (1996, reissued 2006; also published as Chinese Ceramics: A New Comprehensive Survey from the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, 1996). The earliest Chinese wares are discussed in G.E. Wu (Chin-ting Wu), Prehistoric Pottery in China (1938); Basil Gray, Early Chinese Pottery and Porcelain (1952); A.L. Hetherington, The Early Ceramic Wares of China (1922), and Chinese Ceramic Glazes, 2nd rev. ed. (1948); and William Watson, Pre-Tang Ceramics of China: Chinese Pottery from 4000 BC to 600 AD (1991). Books on specific periods include Soame Jenyns, Ming Pottery and Porcelain, 2nd ed. (1988), and Later Chinese Porcelain, 4th ed. (1991); Basil Gray, Sung Porcelain and Stoneware (1984); Mary Tregear, Song Ceramics (1982); Rose Kerr and Ian Thomas, Song Dynasty Ceramics (2004); William Watson, Tang and Liao Ceramics (1984); and K.S. Lo, Lai Suk Yee, and Wing Chi Ip, The Stonewares of Yixing: From the Ming Period to the Present Day (1986). Wanda Garnsey and Rewi Alley, China, Ancient Kilns and Modern Ceramics: A Guide to the Modern Potteries (1983); and Suzanne Kotz (ed.), Imperial Taste: Chinese Ceramics from the Percival David Foundation (1989), an exhibition catalogue from one of the world’s premiere collections, are also of interest.

(Korea): W.B. Honey, Corean Pottery (1947, reissued 1955); Chewon Kim and G.St.G.M. Gompertz (eds.), The Ceramic Art of Korea (1961); Robert P. Griffing, The Art of the Korean Potter: Silla, Koryŏ, Yi (1968), an exhibition catalogue; Jon Carter Covell and Alan Covell, The World of Korean Ceramics (1986); and Youngsook Pak and Roderick Whitfield, Earthenware and Celadon (2002), are general studies of the topic. Among the works that address particular periods are G.St.G.M. Gompertz, Korean Celadon, and Other Wares of the Koryŏ Period (1963), and Korean Pottery and Porcelain of the Yi Period (1968); Gorō Akaboshi and Heiichirō Nakamaru, Five Centuries of Korean Ceramics: Pottery and Porcelain of the Yi Dynasty (1975; originally published in Japanese, 1965); and Claire Roberts and Michael Brand (eds.), Earth, Spirit, Fire: Korean Masterpieces of the Chosŏn Dynasty (1392–1910) (2000), an exhibition catalogue.

(Japan): Soame Jenyns, Japanese Porcelain (1965, reissued 1979), was long the definitive work in English on that subject. Other valued older sources are Tadanari Mitsuoka, Ceramic Art of Japan, 6th ed. (1964); and Soame Jenyns, Japanese Pottery (1971). General overviews include Herbert H. Sanders and Kenkichi Tomimoto, The World of Japanese Ceramics (1982); John Ayers, Japanese Ceramics (1982), and The Rise of a Great Tradition: Japanese Archaeological Ceramics from the Jōmon Through Heian Periods (10,500 BC–AD 1185) (1990), an exhibition catalogue; Richard L. Wilson, Inside Japanese Ceramics: A Primer of Materials, Techniques, and Traditions (1995); and Honolulu Academy of Arts, Yakimono: 4000 Years of Japanese Ceramics (2005). Particular periods or styles are treated in Joe Earle, Halsey North, and Alice North, Contemporary Clay: Japanese Ceramics for the New Century (2005); Samuel J. Lurie, Beatrice L. Chang, and Geoff Spear, Fired with Passion: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics (2006); Anneliese Crueger et al., Modern Japanese Ceramics: Pathways of Innovation & Tradition (2007); Ryoji Kuroda and Takeshi Murayama, Classic Stoneware of Japan: Shino and Oribe (2002); Douglas Moore Kenrick, Jomon of Japan: The World’s Oldest Pottery (1995); Donald Alan Wood, Teruhisa Tanaka, and Frank Chance, Echizen: Eight Hundred Years of Japanese Stoneware (1994), an exhibition catalogue; Hiroshi Mizuo and Kichiemon Okamura, Folk Kilns, 2 vol. (1981; originally published in Japanese, 1 vol. 1965); and Masakazu Kusakabe and Marc Lancet, Japanese Wood-Fired Ceramics (2005).

Works on the subject of Chinese and Japanese export porcelain include Michel Beurdeley, Porcelain of the East India Companies (1962; also published as Chinese Trade Porcelain, 2nd ed., 1963; originally published in French, 1962); Harry Garner, Oriental Blue and White, 3rd ed. (1970), about early blue-and-white export wares; J.A. Lloyd Hyde, Oriental Lowestoft, 3rd ed. (1964); Jean Mcclure Mudge, Chinese Export Porcelain for the American Trade, 1785–1835, 2nd ed., rev. (1981); John G. Phillips, China Trade Porcelain (1956); Walter A. Staehelin, The Book of Porcelain (1966), a book of Chinese illustrations relating to the export trade in the 18th century; Algernon Tudor-Craig, Armorial Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century (1925); and T. Volker, Porcelain and the Dutch East India Company (1954, reissued 1971), an examination of the records in relation to the import of Chinese and Japanese porcelain in the 17th century. Later volumes on the subject are Nancy N. Schiffer, Imari, Satsuma, and Other Japanese Export Ceramics (1997), and Japanese Export Ceramics, 1860–1920 (2000). Maria Penkala, A Survey of Japanese Ceramics: A Handbook for the Collector (1980); and Adalbert Klein, A Connoisseur’s Guide to Japanese Ceramics (1987; originally published in German, 1984), are geared toward the collector.

Article History

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Add new Web site: CORE - The emergence of pottery in Africa during the tenth millennium cal BC: new evidence from Ounjougou (Mali). Oct 01, 2024
Add new Web site: University of Colorado Boulder - Department of Classics - The Production of Pottery. Jul 12, 2024
Add new Web site: Royal Society of Chemistry - The chemistry of pottery. Apr 05, 2024
Add new Web site: The Spruce Crafts - The difference between Pottery and Ceramics. Feb 22, 2024
Add new Web site: Art in Context - What Is Pottery? - Learn About the History of Pottery. Jul 14, 2023
Add new Web site: Art Encyclopedia - Ancient Pottery. Jan 24, 2023
Add new Web site: Humanities LibreTexts - Pottery. Dec 17, 2022
Add new Web site: World History Encyclopedia - Pottery in Antiquity. Sep 30, 2022
In the Majolica section, changed “wich” to “which.” Aug 18, 2020
Add new Web site: The University of Iowa - The Office of the State Archaeologist - Prehistoric Pottery. Feb 13, 2019
Revised discussion on Jōmon pottery to indicate it is usually red or brown; the decoration is impressed rope or matting; and the translation can be "cord pattern" or "cord-marked." Sep 18, 2017
Media added. Jan 28, 2016
Added information about Edgefield pottery. Aug 11, 2014
Media added. Aug 11, 2014
Changed "the Crimea" to "the Crimean Peninsula." Apr 15, 2014
Media added. Apr 15, 2014
Add new Web site: - Pottery. Mar 05, 2013
Add new Web site: HistoryWorld - History of Pottery and Porcelain. Mar 05, 2013
Add new Web site: Old and Sold - Pottery and Porcelain. Mar 05, 2013
Adjusted dates of Jōmon period. Jul 03, 2012
Article updated and transliteration changed to Pinyin. Mar 16, 2011
Add new Web site: Old and Sold - English Pottery And Porcelain. Jan 16, 2011
Add new Web site: Old and Sold - English Pottery And Porcelain. Jan 16, 2011
Added image of a carved, slip-painted ceramic bowl from Oaxaca, Mex., 300 BCE–200 CE. Dec 15, 2010
Added images of a stoneware vase by Grand Feu Art Pottery, 1913–16, and an earthenware vase by Markham Pottery, 1913–21. Dec 15, 2010
Added image of a Chinese tea caddy made for export, Qing dynasty, late 18th century. Sep 30, 2010
"Western pottery" section of pottery article updated and transliteration changed to Pinyin. Jun 25, 2010
Added two images of 16th-century majolica bowls from Urbino, Italy. Apr 07, 2010
Article revised and updated. Oct 29, 2009
Media added. May 20, 2009
Added new Web site: The University of Texas at Austin - Texas Beyond History - Making Cordmarked Pottery. Sep 23, 2008
Added new Web site: Arts Work - Three Basic Pottery Techniques. Sep 23, 2008
Added new Web site: Old and Sold - The History Of Pottery. Aug 06, 2008
Added new Web site: Banglapedia - Pottery. Jun 03, 2008
Added new Web site: Purdue University - Women Artists of the American West - A History of American Indian Pottery. May 30, 2008
Added new Web site: Artistictileandstone - A History of Pottery. May 30, 2008
Added new Web site: - Pottery History. May 30, 2008
Added new Web site: Fact Monster - History - Pottery. May 30, 2008
Added new Web site: Old and Sold - Pottery and Porcelain. Apr 10, 2008
Article revised and updated. Mar 21, 2008
Added new Web site: History World - History of Pottery And Porcelain. Dec 14, 2007
Added new Web site: Indian Gifts and Handicrafts - Pottery. Nov 30, 2007
Added new Web site: Ancient Cultures of the SouthWest - Pottery-making Techniques. Nov 30, 2007
Added new Web site: China Finders - History of Adams China - Pottery. Nov 14, 2007
Added new Web site: Artistic Tile and Stone - A History of Pottery. Feb 19, 2007
Added new Web site: Old and Sold - Pottery - Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland.
  • Gaurav Shukla
Jan 22, 2007
Added new Web site: University of Massachusetts - Hollister Collection of Southwestern Native American Pottery. Jun 21, 2006
Added new Web site: University of Massachusetts - Hollister Collection of Southwestern Native American Pottery. Jun 21, 2006
Article revised. Dec 21, 2001
Article revised. Sep 05, 2000
Article revised. Aug 25, 2000
Article revised. Aug 03, 2000
Article added to new online database. Jan 12, 2000
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