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Hundreds of Amazon employees join an internal Slack channel to criticize its opaque performance-review system

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As professional services that help customers get onto their cloud providers are increasingly needed, analysts say AWS may want to bring specialized firms on board. AP Photo/Elaine Thompson
  • Employees are openly criticizing Amazon's performance-review system on an internal Slack channel.
  • The channel has drawn nearly 300 people since its creation late last month.
  • It shows growing frustration among employees over Amazon's opaque performance-improvement plan.

Amazon employees are speaking out internally about the company's performance-improvement system, breaking away from the culture of secrecy and confidentiality that typically pervades its workforce.

Hundreds of Amazon employees have joined an internal Slack channel called "I got pipped," which refers to the company's performance-improvement plan, or PIP, according to people familiar with the group and screenshots seen by Insider. They asked not to be identified discussing sensitive internal matters.

The channel has drawn almost 300 employees since its creation late last month. Employees openly criticize the company's performance-review system and vent about their employment status in the channel, while throwing self-deprecating jokes about being placed on the coaching plan. Some employees share advice on how to get out of the improvement plan, a result that's considered rare.

"Would be nice to know if it's even possible to survive PIP and remain hired," one employee wrote.


"We always hear about these scary things but this time it feels personal," another wrote. "As part of the [leadership principles], 'Strive to be Earth's best employer,' they should listen and help us feel safer at this company."

It's the latest example of growing frustration over Amazon's approach to performance reviews and coaching, which Insider has been investigating this year. Many employees have complained about the system's ambiguity and unfairness, alleging it gives managers too much power, and provides little recourse for those who think they were unjustly placed on an improvement plan.

"Your mgr would not trust you any more when he put you into the dev/pip. It's human nature," another Amazon employee wrote in the Slack channel. "Dev" refers to a part of the company's coaching system. A colleague posted that their friend survived the coaching but was put back into the system three months later.

"If you got off dev/pip and still want to stay in Amazon, internal transfer to a new team would be a good choice. But you might be hired for fire again," a different employee wrote. That's a nod to an Amazon practice known informally as "hire to fire," in which managers hire people they intend to fire within a year just to help meet their annual turnover target, called unregretted attrition (URA).


Amazon didn't provide a comment for this story. Earlier this year, a spokesperson said the company provides "managers with tools to help employees improve their performance and grow in their careers." It includes "resources for employees who are not meeting expectations and may require additional coaching."

"If an employee believes they are not receiving a fair assessment of their performance, they have multiple channels where they can raise this," the spokesperson added in a June statement.

'Stack-ranking' culture

Amazon has a complex performance-review system that some employees say is opaque and is rooted in a cutthroat "stack-ranking" culture, Insider previously reported.

Every Amazon employee is placed in one of five broad buckets of performance grades — top tier (TT), highly valued 1, 2, 3 (HV), and least effective (LE). Managers are encouraged to follow a fixed curve when assigning a grade, but are told not to share the explicit performance letter with employees.


On top of that, managers have to meet a metric called "unregretted attrition rate," or URA, which represents the percentage of employees they are not sad to see leave the company, whether voluntarily or otherwise. Even the most senior Amazon executives, including new CEO Andy Jassy, closely track a 6% URA target, according to internal documents previously obtained by Insider.

Underperforming employees are placed on a multistep coaching process that often gives unclear and unrealistic expectations, dozens of employees who spoke with Insider said.

Flowchart showing Amazon's performance improvement programs.
Joanna Lin Su/Insider

It's not hard to find current and former Amazon employees openly complaining about the company's performance-review process in online forums like Blind and Reddit. The internal Slack channel is different because it uses real identities, so employees are risking backlash from Amazon by speaking out so openly at work.

Not all the Slack posts are negative. One worker wrote that they got out of the coaching plan successfully. "I got off dev plan but got lucky because I switched managers halfway through, and my second one was a much better advocate for me," the person said.


And some employees appear happy with the unsolicited advice they're getting from coworkers.

One person wrote: "Do you have a Venmo? I would like to buy you a beer."

Do you work at Amazon? Contact the reporter Eugene Kim via the encrypted-messaging apps Signal and Telegram (+1-650-942-3061) or email (

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