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DEF CON 27 Hacking Conference

DEF CON 27 Voting Village Report!

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The DEF CON Voting Village has released its findings from DEF CON 27!

This is the third year we've hosted the Voting Village, and this year we were able to give attendees access to over 100 machines, all of which are currently certified for use in at least one US jurisdiction. The units tested included direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machines, electronic poll books, Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs), Optical scanners and Hybrid systems.

The hackers at DEF CON once again compromised every single machine over the 2.5 day event, many of them with trivial attacks that require no sophistication or special knowledge on the part of the attacker. In too many cases physical ports remain unprotected, passwords remain unset or left in default configurations and security features of the underlying commercial hardware are left unused or even disabled.

In addition to showing the security weaknesses found in the wide variety of election tech on display, the Voting Village team's report shares its strong recommendations for improving election security, most notably the urgent need for paper ballots and rigorous post-election audits.

For any of those recommendations to become real, voters need to get informed and get the attention of their elected representatives about these issues.

You can also share your thoughts and get involved in the ongoing Voting Village conversation on the Def Con Forums. We're very interested in what you have to contribute.

DEF CON 27 Voting Village Report is Out Tomorrow!

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The DEF CON 27 Voting Village Report is going to be released tomorrow! Congresspeople Rep. Jackie Speier and Senator Ron Wyden will be on hand for the discussion of all the new things we learned about election security this summer.

The event will be held in Washington DC at the US Capitol Visitor Center - Congressional Auditorium and Atrium at 2pm on September 26.

Of course, we'll be sharing the report when it's available as well, so stay tuned.

DEF CON in the news, Aviation Village Edition

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From the article " Aviation security is taking off—and taking after car security" on the Parallax:

“The hackers, security researchers, government organizations, and private airlines involved in the aviation-hacking exhibition of the world’s largest hacking confab, held here in August, all say the chances of your next commercial flight getting hacked are extremely small. But the scenario is also the inspiration for DefCon’s “Aviation Village”: They want to keep it that way.”

Early Release Video: CDC Panel!

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Some more early release video from DEF CON 27 to brighten your day - please enjoy the Cult of the Dead Cow panel. If you are familiar with cDc, you know why this is so cool. If you are unfamiliar, it's time to get familiar.

Soak in some True School vibes, learn some lore and pass it on.

DEF CON 27 Early Release Video!

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The first video in the early release chute is the Panel Discussion about DEF CON's exploration of the idea of running a SecureDrop. It's entitled "DEF CON wants to help hackers anonymously submit bugs to the government: Let's discuss."

You can join in the long-term conversation about this in the DEF CON Forums:

We're interested in your feedback. Check out the video and let us know what you think.

We <3 You!

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The DEF CON community never ceases to amaze. Thanks for bringing your endless compassion, curiosity and enthusiasm to our little party and making it amazing. DEF CON <3 you and we're already looking forward to doing this again.

Press Roundup from DEF CON 27!

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We’re in the final day of DEF CON 27, and it’s been pretty eventful. Here’s a quick roundup of some of the press coverage from this year’s con. Watch this space for a more complete list once we wrap.

NPR: Election Security Tested at DEF CON

Forbes: Warning as Macs Remotely Hacked by Malicious iPhone Cable On Sale for $200

Cnet: At DEF CON, Teaching Disinformation is Child’s Play

Threatpost: DEF CON 2019: Researchers Demo Hacking Google Home for RCE

The Parallax: A Hacker’s Fall Fashion Line Features Faux License Plates. Here’s Why

TechCrunch: 2020 and the Black-Box Ballot Box

Wired: Hackers Take on DARPA’s $10 Million Voting Machine

Check out Napoleon's Chillout!

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Napoleon's Piano Bar in Paris opened up today as one of our official chillout spots!

Chillout and Live Music, Stay or go food and drink options, and a great place to pause and reflect!

Friday Live Music!
21:00 - 22:00 - Steph Infection
22:00 - 23:00 - s7a73farm
23:00 - 00:00 - Acid-T a.k.a dj sm0ke
00:00 - 01:00 - Wil Austin
01:00 - 02:00 - ASHSLAY

Saturday Live Music!
21:00 - 22:00 - DJ Th@d
22:00 - 23:00 - Azuki
23:00 - 00:00 - Magik Plan
00:00 - 01:00 - E.ghtB.t
01:00 - 02:00 - Yurk

DEF CON wants to help hackers anonymously submit bugs to the government: Let's discuss.

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Here’s the use case. You learn of a problem with a government system or some technology, and you want to do the right thing. You want to get the information into the right hands, but you’d be more comfortable sharing if you knew you couldn’t be identified as the messenger of the problem. Sound familiar? This very problem has been the subject of a years-long conversation in the space between government and independent security research. The goal is to create a sturdy, anonymous system for hackers and researchers that shares your tip directly with the part of government that needs to know, and keeps you out of the equation. This is your chance to be part of the conversation. Join The Dark Tangent, the NYT’s Runa Sandvik, Leviathan’s Corbin Souffrant, SOFWERX and The Donovan Groups Pablo Breuer, the ACLU’s Jennifer Granick and the DHS CISA Christopher Krebs and have your voice heard.

Be there Friday at 09:00 in Track 1!

DEF CON 26 Badge Updates at DEF CON 27!

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Attention Badgelife enthusiasts! You’ll likely have plenty to do with the DC27 badge and all the unofficial badges and add-ons, but if you’ve still got some solving to do on the DEF CON 26 badge we have good news. We’re setting up four flashing stations in the Hardware Hacking Village just for you! Come by to get your updates and maybe meet some other folks to solve with!

If you want some heavily illustrated instructions to get you rolling, we have a thread in the forum.

Want to finish last year’s challenge but don’t have last year’s badge? We’ll have some available for sale in the Swag area fully updated and ready for action.

DEF CON CTF Details and Qualifying Teams!

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DEF CON CTF 2019 is held Friday, August 9th through Sunday, August 11th. 2019.

We’ll be located in Planet Hollywood in the Mezzanine for the duration of the competition, come say hi, and watch the best hackers on the planet duke it out.

Based on an excellent qualification round, 16 teams accepted our invitation to compete for the glory of DEF CON CTF.

The teams are (in no particular order):

KaisHack GoN
Plaid Parliament of Pwning
Tea Deliverers

Rabbit in the Moon at DEF CON 27!

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DEF CON brings you glad tidings of great joy - this year's musical headliner is the majestic Rabbit in the Moon! They'll be bringing you their intense fusion of soul-shaking beats and otherworldly performance art at midnight Saturday in Paris's Vendome. You won't want to miss this.

Speaking Schedule is Live!

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More pre-con recon - the DEF CON 27 speaker schedule is live now, just bristling with the kind of dates, locations and presentation names you crave. But that's not all! There's also a handy printable .pdf file for the analog wood-pulp and ink heads out there.

We're getting pretty excited - how about you?

Check it all out!

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Can you feel that? It’s getting close now. Just a few weeks. Time to get your pre-con recon together.

To that end, we’ve got a lot of stuff on ready to help you. You need maps? We got maps. You want to know the lowdown on contests? Villages? It’s in there. Parties, Demo Labs, Talks, everything you could want, just waiting for you to check on it.

And if any of that leaves you with questions, or suggestions, or the sudden urge to communicate, please stop by the DEF CON Forums, where the forum elves have thoughtfully left you a thread for just about any con topic you can conjure.

Let’s DO this thing, people.

Lend a hand to DEAFCON!


The wonderful people of DEAFCON have been providing ASL interpreters to DEF CON for years now. This year they're raising funds to expand - to bring out 8 volunteers to float around the conference and interpret by request. Please consider a donation.

DEF CON 27 Workshops!

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The v. popular Workshops are back for DEF CON 27 and workshops page is UP! You can dig into all the sweet details and see if any of the offerings call out to you.

If you want in, you’ll need to be ready Monday, July 8 at 3pm PST when registration goes live. Workshops fill up _very_ quickly. Be ready! Bookmark your favorites and keep your mousing finger loose and hydrated.

All DEF CON 27 Speakers are Live!

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DEF CON 27 is another step closer: speaker selection is complete! The speaker page has the full lineup waiting for your careful examination. Your planning can now begin in earnest.

We’d like to thank everyone who submitted presentations this year - Getting the speaker list into its final form is never easy, largely because of how many great submissions we get.

Also, much respect to the CFP review board, who must read through the tsunami of submissions, assist the promising and make the hard cuts. This is high-effort, low-visibility work, but anyone who’s ever been inspired by a DEF CON talk owes them some love.

It’s time to get psyched, people. The time of our reunion approaches.

Short Story Contest Winners Announced!

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Congratulations to the winners of the DEF CON 27 Short Story Contest!

from the official thread on the DEF CON forums:

"In FIRST place we have "Dye Sublimation" by Selene Sun! We loved the quick, well-told, and charming story about taking chances.

In SECOND place is "Parsnips" by David Hash Miller (@DavidHashMiller), a fun and creative romp with nanotechnology. Congrats!

People's Choice award goes to "Red Balloons Over China" by FengJiu! It was a hard choice, but it won majority vote amongst our judges for this year. What a wild and wonderful story that gives hope for tomorrow!

While we couldn’t give out badges to everyone, we absolutely loved all of the entries and highly encourage folks to go out and read them all! Congrats to our winners and thank you to everyone for making choosing just a few so difficult."

Consider reading these a DC27 homework assignment. Stop by the forum thread and show a little love for the literary champions of DEF CON 27.

First DEF CON 27 Speakers are Posted!

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Attention, luminous humans of the DEF CON Community! We bring you tidings of great joy - the first batch of accepted speakers are LIVE on the DEF CON website for your immediate perusal. Stay tuned to the DEF CON frequencies for more announcements - message output will increase from here on in.

Check it out, start your planning, and pass it on.

Plan your DEF CON 27 on the DEF CON Forums

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We’re getting into the home stretch, people! Less than two months until the doors open on DEF CON 27.

Please stop by our newly revamped DEF CON Forums for info, answers and discussions of all things DC27. While it’s true that the forums are still in beta, they’re also the perfect place to connect directly to the event organizers and attendees with your specific concerns or recommendations. You’ll be helping us smooth the rough edges, and we’ll help you get the most out of your Con experience. Wins all around.

A new feature you might find useful is the con calendar, with the dates of major DEF CON deadlines like calls and village CFPs, all right there to keep you on track!

Two months is nothing, Welcome to DEF CON season!

Open DEF CON 27 Village CFPs!

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Need a handy guide to which DEF CON 27 Village CFPs are still open? Look no further. /r/defcon has you covered.

TL:DR; there's still a bunch of open CFPs but they're closing really soon. Don't get left behind!

Reminder: DEF CON 27 Call for Services is Still Open!

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Friendly reminder for DEF CON 27 - The Call for Services is up and running. We’re looking for fun and interesting servers/services to hang out on the DEF CON onsite networks. That old-school MUD you’ve wanted to share, the impenetrable server you want to test on the DEF CON crowd - all good ideas are welcome. The rules and regs can be found on the DEF CON site, and you should read them. Show us what you’ve got, everybody.

Press Policy & Registration for DEF CON 27!

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Press Registration for DEF CON 27 is now OPEN! As always, we have a limited number of badges available, so act quickly to reserve your spot. You can get all the relevant details on the press registration page. Make sure to read it carefully as there have been some changes in policy that might impact your operation. Feel free to drop us a line if you have questions - we look forward to hearing from all of you!

Demo Labs are back for DEF CON 27!

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If you’re unfamiliar, Demo Labs is a space we set aside for the community to show off what they’re working on. The requirements are simple: it’s gotta be something interesting to your fellow hackers and it’s gotta be open-source. We give you a table and a time slot, and you get to share your new hotness with a pretty ideal demographic. Get feedback, find collaborators, impress complete strangers. Wins all around.

If you’ve got the goods, head over to the Call for Demo Labs and get the process underway. Show us what you’ve got, fam.

DEF CON 27 Voting Village Call for Papers!

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DEF CON Voting Village has an open Call for Papers! We're looking for people with something important to say about the issue of Election Security - if that's you let's talk. You have until July 12 to get your submissions in.

Come help us secure the vote!

DEF CON 27 Call For Services!

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We haven't done this one since DEF CON 22, but we're asking for your services! So if you want to put a box or service with something super cool on the DEF CON network, find out all about it on the Call for Services Page!

DEF CON 27 CFP Alert!

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NEW this year, if you submit to the Call For Papers and are selected to speak, DEF CON will cover three hotel room nights per talk! This is in addition to the existing speaker payment method you choose.

I hope that making speaking at DEF CON more affordable will bring in more submissions from a broader range of applicants, increasing both quality and diversity of topics.

The DC27 CFP is open, and we can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on.

- The Dark Tangent

Throw a Party or Meetup at DEF CON 27!

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t’s time to start thinking about DEF CON parties, people. DEF CON 27 is getting closer every day and our Call for Parties is officially OPEN!

This is a golden opportunity for everyone who has always wanted to try their hand at throwing a hacker party in Vegas. Submit your dream party, and if it’s cool (and possible, obvs) enough we will help you make that dream a DC27 reality.

We’ve got a lot of space and a lot of people looking to party. Let’s put our heads together and make this amazing. Are you in?

Call for Workshops at DEF CON 27!

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Boom! Another DEF CON 27 Call goes live!

Our wildly popular Workshops are back for DC27, and if you’ve got a fire abstract you could be leading one! The details and submission guidelines are on the workshops page, but the tl;dr is this:

You (singular or plural) have he perfect idea for a DEF CON training.

You take this idea and submit it to us before May 1, with all the information we ask for in the workshops page.

We are psyched about the magnificence of your idea and we maybe ask for some more info.

We allot you a projector, a whiteboard and a time slot to make magic with at DC27.

Dozens of hackers pick up what you’re putting down, depart the Con wiser and embiggened.

You feel awesome. They feel awesome. Your Speaker badge looks awesome.

Sounds good, right? If you’ve got the goods, get busy submitting.

DEF CON 27 Vendor App is Live!

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Attention merchants and purveyors of quality hacker-centric products and/or services: the Call for Vendors is now Open! Let’s get your goodies and gear in front of many thousands of hacker types, many of whom enjoy shopping for cool stuff.

There are a few rules to learn and an application process, so please head to the vendor application and get familiar. Please also note that we have a limited amount of space to offer, so the early birds have an advantage.

Operators are standing by, metaphorically speaking. Act now!

DEF CON 27 CFP is Open!

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Yes, hacker fam, the Season of the Con is upon us all. Our elite team of reviewers is standing by, ready to examine your proposals for DC27 talks, offer feedback and begin shaping the speaking tracks.

The details are here. Follow directions carefully to stay in the good pile.

Some pro tips:

Link to the theme if you can. We are giving a little extra consideration to proposals that can link DC27’s 'Technology’s Promise' motif.

Get on it ASAP. The reviewers can sometimes help get a worthy though undercooked idea over the finish line, but only if it arrives early enough. Once we get in the red zone you’re kind of on your own, so don’t wait until the last minute.

However it feels right now, summer will be upon us sooner than you think. Get your best ideas together and let’s get busy proposing.

Pencils up!

DEF CON 27 Call for Villages!

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It’s officially DEF CON 27 Open Call season, and we have a nice big one for you today: the Call for Villages is officially open!

Did you look at last year’s 20+ villages and say to yourself, “You know what Village they really need”? Have you been sitting on an idea you know could change the Village game? This is your moment. Share it with us, and if we agree with you we’ll help you make it happen.

A word to the wise, however. The Villages are a lot of work. They require a lot of planning and thinking through, and a lot of personnel support. If you want a chance at getting your idea on, it’s in your interest not to wait until the deadline. The sooner you get in touch, the more we can help. Procrastinating entrants will be fighting for limited space and limited attention from the team making the decisions. Don’t let that be you.

The rules and regulations are available online, and our operators are standing by. Get your ideas together, assemble your team and let’s do this one big.

That rumble you’re feeling? It’s the DEF CON machinery coming online for 2019. Feel free to get psyched.

DEF CON 27 Call for Music!

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Attention, singers of songs, players of instruments and spinners of records, both real and imaginary!

The DEF CON 27 Call for Music is live, and your services are urgently required. DC27 has a great deal of space, and where possible we want to fill it with music and merriment. If you’ve got the requisite crowd-moving skills, we want to hear from you. Thousands of hackers are depending on you to bring the beats - do not let them down.

Your move, bards and troubadours.

DEF CON 27 Call for Contests & Events is Live!

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Happy 2019, everyone! The DEF CON 27 train is picking up speed, and today’s milestone is the Call for Contests and Events!

If you want to host a new Contest or Event or renew an ongoing, you have until March 1 to get your proposal emailed to contests[at] For a list of the questions you’re required to answer, head over to

Don’t procrastinate - March 1 will get here faster than you think, and the more time we have, the more chance we can work with you to get your proposal over the finish line.

We can’t wait to see what you’ve got cooking. Let’s light this candle!

DEF CON 27 Theme guide!

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Tidings of comfort and joy, luminous humans of DEF CON! It’s almost 2019, which means we’re that much closer to DC27.

In anticipation, we’ve created a little 'Technology’s Promise' ePub with homework assignments for the eager, and color and style suggestions for those of you looking to create themed content.

There will be plenty more prompts and inspirations in the coming days, but we encourage you dig in and start preparing. Marinate.

As always, we thank the whole community for the love and enthusiasm you bring to all things DEF CON. We love you right back. Big things are brewing, y’all. Let’s get it underway!

DEF CON 27 Theme!

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Preparations are well underway for DEF CON 27. Meetings are being met, plans are being planned, and the theme is ready for its unveiling.

DEF CON 26 was about the inflection point between disorder and dystopia - the moment before point of no return. This year's theme, in a way, responds to '1983' with new questions. What does it look like when we make the better choice? What kind of world do we hack together in the sunniest timeline? How does our real best-case scenario compare to the future we've been dreaming of for generations?

So, we offer you 'Technology's Promise'. It's a break from the dystopian imagery into a major-key, blue-sky thoughtscape, full of color and light. It's a future where we have tamed some of the more intractable problems that plague us in the present, where technology supports and inspires instead of controlling and surveilling.

To get you in the proper mindset, here's some media to sample:

Star Trek TOS - because the series is based on a future Earth that has learned to manage itself, make working alliances with neighbors and turn its attention to the disciplined exploration of the broader universe. Also LCARS is still cool.

Asimov's Robot series - a future where humankind has built AI android tech that supports rather than supplants humanity, and (usually) behaves itself admirably.

BioShock - a genuinely thought-provoking game about the promises and limits of tech-based utopia.

Kraftwerk, Com Truise, Tangerine Dream - the beautiful sounds of our neon future, rendered in the gorgeously synthesized tones that can only come from the fruitful marriage of human and machine.

We'll be posting more of this as DC27 approaches. Lots more. This is going to be fun.

Join us, won't you?
