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DEF CON 27 Hacking Conference



AI Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:30, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:30, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Bally's, Skyview 3

The AI Village at DEF CON is a place where experts in AI and security (or both!) can come together to learn and discuss the use and misuse of artificial intelligence in computer security. Artificial Learning techniques are rapidly being deployed in core security technologies like malware detection and network traffic analysis, but their use has also opened up a variety of new attack vectors against such systems.

Come participate in the AI-CTF, a jeopardy-style CTF with a variety of challenges suitable for participants of all experience levels with help in the evenings after the tals. Or come checkout some deepfakes and AI generated art and listen to some of the latest research into security with ML.The AI Village at DEF CON is a place where experts in AI and security (or both!) can come together to learn and discuss the use and misuse of artificial intelligence in computer security. Artificial Learning techniques are rapidly being deployed in core security technologies like malware detection and network traffic analysis, but their use has also opened up a variety of new attack vectors against such systems.

Come participate in the AI-CTF, a jeopardy-style CTF with a variety of challenges suitable for participants of all experience levels with help in the evenings after the tals. Or come checkout some deepfakes and AI generated art and listen to some of the latest research into security with ML.

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AppSec Village

Friday: 10:00 - 17:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00
Location: Flamingo, Mesquite BR

Join the first-ever AppSec Village and immerse yourself in everything the world of application security has to offer. Whether you are a red, blue or purple teamer, come learn from the best of the best on how to attack software vulnerabilities and how to secure software. Software is everywhere, and Application Security vulnerabilities are around every corner making the software attack surface attractive for abuse. If you are just an AppSec n00b or launch complex deserialization attacks for fun and profit, you will find something to tickle your interest at the AppSec Village.

Village Schedule:


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Aviation Village

Friday: 10:00 - 16:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center

Aviation is a cornerstone of our global infrastructure and economy. While passenger safety is at an all time high, the increasing adoption of connected technologies exposes aircraft, airports, and the interdependent aviation ecosystem to new types of risks. The consequences of cybersecurity failure can impact human life and public safety; a crisis of confidence in the trustworthiness of air travel can undermine economic and (inter)national security.

The aviation industry, security researchers, and the public share a common goal: safe, reliable, and trustworthy air travel. For too long, negative perceptions and fractured trust on all sides have held back collaboration between the aviation and security researcher communities that has advanced safety, reliability, and security of other industries. As the traditional domains of aviation safety and cybersecurity increasingly overlap, we will be safer, sooner, together.

The Aviation Village will create a first-of-its-kind platform to bridge the gap between the security research community and the aviation community. The Aviation Village will do this by:

Building connections, trust, and understanding among all Village participants.
Developing aviation security skills among DEF CON attendees through workshops and hands-on activities.
Promoting constructive dialog through talks and interaction.
Through the Aviation Village, the security research community invites industry leaders interested in aviation security, safety, and resilience to attend, understand, collaborate together to achieve our common goals. Empathy and understanding build common ground, while acts and words likely to increase division between these two communities undermine these efforts. The Aviation Village welcomes those who seek to improve aviation security, safety, and resilience through positive, productive collaboration among all ecosystem stakeholders.

Village Schedule:

Twitter: twitter @aviationvillage

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BCOS Block Chain Village

Friday: 10:00 - 16:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Flamingo, Laughlin III

After making a solid debut at DEF CON 26, BCOS Village is back again as Blockchain Village. Along side Monero group we had a great event comprising of 26 talks, Panel Discussions and back2back multiple contests, diving deep in to various security and privacy aspects of Blockchain & Cryptocurrency.

As we are seeing Blockchain getting more main streamed, and the huge support we got from the community at DEF CON, this year we are planning to bring in more variety, wider range of topics, contests, research papers and more representatives from around the world.

Right from Governance, Election management, Education credentials and certification management, Logistics, supply chain to property records management, every field where blockchain is being implemented, will be included at Blockchain Village.

Not to forget various cryptocurrency, Exchange houses, Academia and also the IT-Gaints which provide one click deployment for Blockchains, all are eager to extend their support and share their security & privacy practices with the community at DEF CON, will be integral part.

As innovations in Blockchain Technology are making new breakthroughs every day, we have a lot to catchup on security front. We have lot to research, break, demonstrate, discover and educate to make the Blockchains more robust and better.

So get involved with us as we bring you brand new & awesome talks, contests, workshops, discussions and celebrations with Blockchain Village at DEF CON 27.

Twitter: @bcosvillage

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Bio Hacking Village

Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00/19:00, Friday: 10:00 - 20:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Planet Hollywood, Melrose 1-3

The Biohacking Village celebrates global health ingenuity arising from maker communities with the dynamic perspective of emerging biology, technology, and human-enhancement. Whether your interest lies in security, technology, engineering, devices, or fabrication, BHV donors can be assured they are reaching an audience of unapologetically enthusiastic innovators.

The BioHacking Village will bring together attendees, along with featured inventors, world-class makers, cybersecurity researchers, self-made entrepreneurs & workshop experts from around the world, to create real solutions for some of humanity's most pressing challenges and opportunities in the areas of health, education, security, and more.

You will be immersed in the biomaker community on a local grassroots level that allows you to build relationships with makers, hackers, and others. We encourage the development of an ongoing dialogue and the forging of lasting relationships.

We will have three rooms dedicated to the bio ecosystem:

Speakers Room: Presentations on cool new tech, hacks, or discoveries
Medical Devices: Hospital setup with various medical devices for your hacking pleasure
Hands-on Lab: Work on experiments and get your hands a little dirty

Biohacking Village Workshop

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Location: Planet Hollywood, Melrose 1

Biohacking Village: Hands on Lab

Friday: 1000-1900, Saturday: 1000-1900, Sunday: 1000-1400
Location: Planet Hollywood, Melrose 1

Attendees will be actively working on various projects/experiments by watching and interacting with researchers in a hands-on environment. Practical skills are the key to success and some scientific jargon used in labs will be clarified. These courses are not a comprehensive biology course, so do not expect too much theoretical knowledge. This course will provide you with relevant information in real-time during the hands-on exercise. By the end you will be able to successfully perform their own experiments.

Village Schedule:

Biohacking Village: Speakers

Friday: 1000-1800, Saturday: 1000-1900, Sunday: 1000-1430
Location: Planet Hollywood, Melrose 2

Like all hackers, we are looking to subvert the dominant paradigm of life itself. How can we use technology to enhance our raw abilities, specific skills, overall health, or well-being? How can we usher in an age where we not only fix what is broken, but we make our world and ourselves, better? Just as the early computer hackers challenged the status quo to introduce us to the real possibilities of computing, we dare to sit on the cutting edge to create our own miracles from the raw materials of biotechnology.

The Biohacking Village (BHV) is a collaborative movement focused on breakthrough information security, DIY biology, human augmentation, medical technology, and related communities in the biotech ecosystem. Our village will excite, elucidate, enlighten, and engage participants in the technical, mechanical, procedural, and human side of biohacking.There are multiple instances of DIYBio overcoming conventional science which we support and present through a compendium of talks and demonstrations. We invite you to come and expand your understanding of what it means to be a biohacker!

Village Schedule:

Biohacking Village: Devices

Friday: 1000 -1800, Saturday: 1000 - 1900, Sunday: 1000-1200
Location: Planet Hollywood, Melrose 3

The Biohacking Village, in collaboration with I Am The Cavalry, runs a Medical Device Lab at DEF CON to improve trust and trustworthiness of the public health system. The Lab is a high-trust, high-collaboration environment where security researchers can learn and build their skills alongside patients, medical device makers, hospitals, the FDA, and others. We welcome participants who will act in good faith, in the best interest of patients, when researching, disclosing, and addressing security issues.

Village Schedule:

Twitter: @DC_BHV

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Blue Team Village

Friday: 09:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00
Location: Flamingo, Savoy BR

Welcome to the other side of the hacking mirror. Blue Team Village (our friends just call us BTV) is both a place and a community built for and by defenders. It's a place to gather, talk, share, and learn from each other about the latest tools, technologies, and tactics that our community can use to detect attackers and prevent them from achieving their goals.

BTV packs more fun and learning into three days than any defender can possibly fit in. If you like to compete in CTFs, we have two: This year we are again hosting the uniquely blue Network Defense OpenSOC CTF, and we’ve also added the equally creative BiaSciLab's Bia Hak Lab CTF. Maybe you just want to hang out in the Village with like minded defenders. Maybe you prefer to learn from over a dozen defender focused talks, or get hands-on training in a half dozen defender workshops. Maybe you'll want to buy the insanely cool BTV badge that gives you access to our underground networking, threat intel meet-up, and party at Blue Team Village After Dark (BTVAD). We're not gonna say if there will be live entertainment, but who knows? We guess you'll have to see that for yourself. Oh... Did we mention that the BTV badge is a hackable platform based on the Pi Zero W and that it will have WiFi AP mode, badge to badge comms, and various honeypots?

BTV promises to be an all out firehose of Blue Team learning, sharing, and fun for the defenders that build stuff, defend stuff, and just make it generally hard for attackers. Come celebrate the other side of the hacking mirror with us. We'll keep a blue light on for you!

Village Schedule:


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Car Hacking Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:30 - 12:30
Location: Bally's, Event Center

Learn, hack, play. The Car Hacking Village is an open, collaborative space to hack actual vehicles that you don't have to worry about breaking! Don't have tools? We'll loan you some. Never connected to a car? We'll show you how. Don't know where the controllers are? We'll show you how to take it apart.

Additionally we'll host a Donkey Car race. Check out our web site for up to date info.

Want to race? Check out of full car simulator(s).

Want to learn more about automotive hacking and cyber security? Check out our talks.

Want to hack mobility scooters? Yes! We'll do that to.

Also, check out the CHV CTF.

Check out for the latest information.

Village Schedule:

Twitter: @carhackvillage

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Crypto & Privacy Village

Friday: 10:00 - 19:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:30
Location: Planet Hollywood, Celebrity 1 & 2

At the Crypto & Privacy Village you can learn how to secure your own systems while also picking up some tips and tricks on how to break classical and modern encryption. The CPV features workshops and talks on a wide range of crypto and privacy topics from experts. We’ll also have an intro to crypto talk for beginners, some crypto-related games, and puzzles.

Village Schedule:

Twitter: Twitter: @Cryptovillage

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Data Duplication Village

Thursday: 16:00 - 19:00, Friday: 10:00 - 17:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 11:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center Office

Yes, the Data Duplication Village is back and better than ever for DC 27! If you're looking for something to fill up all your unused storage, may I recommend a nice hash table or two with a side of all of the DEF CON talks and everything else on It's all part of our "free-to-you" service of simply handing you terabytes of useful data.

Check the schedule and/or for up-to-date information.

DEF CON provides a core set of drive duplicators and data content options. We accept 6TB drives on a first come, first served basis and duplicate 'till we can no longer see straight. Bring in 6TB SATA3 blank drives and check them in early to get the data you want. Come back in about 24 hours to pick up your data-packed drive. Space allowing, we'll accept drives all the way through until Saturday morning - but remember, it's FIFO!

We're still working out the details but this is what was provided for DC26...

- 6TB drive 1-3: All past hacking convention videos that DT could find, built on last years collection and always adding more for your data consuming appetite.
- 6TB drive 2-3: hash tables (1-2)
- 6TB drive 3-3: GSM A5/1 hash tables plus remaining data (2-2)

But wait - there's more! We had a great round of inagural talks last year and are looking to improve on a good thing! It's submission dependent, of course, but we pick the best so check for the schedule of talks. This year, our stretch goal is to add pick-and-pull data stores to the DDV. Come see if we actually made it happen!

All the details can be found on or in the DC Forum thread and you are encouraged to ask any questions you have there.

Welcome to Vegas!

Village Schedule:

Twitter: @DDV_DC

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DEF CON Hardware Hacking Village

Friday: 10:00 - 19:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center

Join us for another DEF CON adventure! Another year, another set of hardware hacking tricks and tips to show off! We are again sharing a (very) large space with the Soldering Skills Village and are colocated with other villages that love hardware. This puts all of your hardware hacking/making resources in one place. For more details on hours and other events, see

Village Schedule:


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DroneWarz Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center


choose a side ...

A Drone is an Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV)/Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) capable of autonomous flight and DroneWarz allows you to adapt these aircraft to fight in flight. Get ready to see something straight out of a sci-fi movie. Introducing.... DroneWarz!

Our big event is our CTF (Capture the Flag) Drone Cage Match held annually at DEF CON. This is a CTF like no other. The DroneWarz CTF offers unique flags that bridge all villages of DEF CON into a single game. You will need some serious skill to win in this highly competitive arena. Enter at your own risk and be ready to make friends because the audience may also choose sides and join the game!

In addition to our CTF, DroneWarz also offers drone hacking training, unique games, hacking objectives, contests, and challenges which are designed to harness innovation and have fun with emerging UAV technologies. Join us and engage our drone testing benches with several challenges that will allow you to explore drones in ways that will inspire and ignite an industry in flight! Get ready to Fight in Flight! Join DroneWarz today!

Flight | Fight


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Ethics Village

Friday: 12:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 12:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 11:00 - 14:00
Location: Flamingo, Reno II

The DEF CON Ethics Village is focused on fostering a discussion about ethics in the security domain. Unlike the professions of medicine and law, information security does not have a codified standard of ethics. Professionals in information security have yet to agree upon common ethical principles and many remain unconvinced of the possibility of establishing a universal framework that can address the realm of information security.

As a community, we need to explore the ethical situations arising from the information security domain. We are in need of innovative approaches to information security education that will equip information security professionals with more than just technical skills. We also need to cultivate dispositions that will incline those in the community to act ethically. We need to cultivate a wide range of knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will both enable and motivate us as a community to act ethically in the practice of our profession. The Ethics Village is sponsorsed by DC 217 an interest group for computer security topics.


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Hack the Sea Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center

In 1995, when the fictitious Dade Murphy and his friends stopped oil tankers from being capsized by a virus in the movie “Hackers”, “digital piracy” was just a euphemism for sharing music with disregard for the DMCA. By the 2000s, frequent DEF CON speaker Moxie Marlinspike showed one could have a passion for both the sea and hacking.

Today? To quote The Conscience of a Hacker “This is our world now… the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud.” Modern ships are increasingly automated industrial control systems (ICS) and Operational Technology (OT), networked via satellite and cellular broadband communications, to make them a floating extension of the Internet of Things (IoT).

The organizer’s of Hack The Sea 2019 believe it is possible to “To build a future that doesn’t limit our love of modern technology and socialization at the expense of freedom…”. Seasteading, for example, may hold the key to realizing many of same ideals as crypto-anarchy. The sea offers a place, which like the internet, could let us build a future for humanity beyond national boundaries. Threats to that future will include not only threats from the surveillance state to privacy, but also threats from pirates to human life and vital infrastructure. But we’re hackers, we’ll figure it out.

Join us at the DEF CON 27, for Hack The Sea 2019, as the voyage begins.

Village Schedule:


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Ham Village

Thursday: 15:00 - 18:00, Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Flamingo, Virginia City II

Wait, isn't ham radio what my grandpa does in his basement with that old tube radio? Well, yes, that is ham radio too, but it's more than that.

Village Schedule:


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ICS Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center

Mission. ICS Village is a non-profit organization with the purpose of providing education and awareness of Industrial Control System security.

• Connecting public, industry, media, policymakers, and others directly with ICS systems and experts.
• Providing educational tools and materials to increase understanding among media, policymakers, and general population.
• Providing access to ICS for security researchers to learn and test.
• Hands on instruction for industry to defend ICS systems.

Why. High profile Industrial Controls Systems security issues have grabbed headlines and sparked changes throughout the global supply chain. The ICS Village allows defenders of any experience level to understand these systems and how to better prepare and respond to the changing threat landscape.

Exhibits. Interactive simulated ICS environments, such as Hack the Plan(e)t and Howdy Neighbor, provide safe yet realistic examples to preserve safe, secure, and reliable operations. We bring real components such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), Remote Telemetry Units (RTU), actuators, to simulate a realistic environment throughout different industrial sectors. Visitors can connect their laptops to assess these ICS devices with common security scanners, network sniffers to sniff the industrial traffic, and more!


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Internet of Things Village

Friday: 09:30 - 18:30, Saturday: 09:30 - 18:30, Sunday: 09:30 - 13:00
Location: Flamingo, Eldorado Ballroom

Organized by security consulting and research firm Independent Security Evaluators (“ISE”), IoT Village advocates for advancing security in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. IoT Village hosts talks by expert security researchers, interactive hacking labs, and competitive IoT hacking contests. Over the years IoT Village has served as a platform to showcase and uncover more than 300 new vulnerabilities, giving attendees and sponsors the opportunity to learn about the most innovative techniques to both hack and secure IoT. A DEF CON 24 Black Badge ctf, players compete against one another by exploiting off-the-shelf IoT devices. These 15+ devices all have known vulnerabilities, but to successfully exploit these devices requires lateral thinking, knowledge of networking, and competency in exploit development. CTFs are a great experience to learn more about security and test your skills, so join up in a team (or even by yourself) and compete for fun and prizes! Exploit as many as you can over the weekend and the top three teams will be rewarded.

Village Schedule:


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Lock Bypass Village

Friday: 11:00 - 17:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Flamingo, Carson City I

Lock Bypass Village explores all the ways you can hack physical security that don’t involve lockpicking. Try your hand at door hardware bypass techniques, disabling alarm systems and cameras, and applying a hacker mindset to secured physical spaces. Come learn advanced methods for physical red-teaming in today’s world - or just learn the ropes (and we mean that literally, too)!

Just about every type of locking hardware has a bypass vulnerability, which we have here for you to learn and try out. If you want to up the stakes, try disabling alarms and security systems by attacking the sensors, communication lines and everything in between.

We’ll run a few village talks to teach the basics, and to cover exploits we can’t easily reproduce at DEF CON -

• Come out to “Lock Bypass 101” to do a whirlwind tour of the exploits available, and how to use them in context.
• Learn about alarm and response timing, avoiding and interacting with security, and other practical considerations for redteaming by attending “So You Want to Rob a Bank: Overt Ops Timing & Practise”.
• Finally, see what you are capable of doing by climbing, jumping, squeezing and pulling in “The Human Body’s Promise: How Your Bare Hands can Defeat Physical Security”.

Finally, we’ll have all of the blue team’s tools for you to try as well - for every exploit you learn, we’ll show you the patch. We’ll also demonstrate integrated approaches to secure facilities by considering security as an interconnected system rather than a bunch of individual boxes to be checked. Finally, we’re happy to discuss at length how to apply this methodology to whatever specific facility or operation you have in mind - it is our job, after all!

Village Schedule:


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Lock Pick Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Bally's, Platinum BR

Want to tinker with locks and tools the likes of which you've only seen in movies featuring police, spies, and secret agents? Then come on by the Lockpick Village, run by The Open Organization Of Lockpickers, where you will have the opportunity to learn hands-on how the fundamental hardware of physical security operates and how it can be compromised.

The Lockpick Village is a physical security demonstration and participation area. Visitors can learn about the vulnerabilities of various locking devices, techniques used to exploit these vulnerabilities, and practice on locks of various levels of difficultly to try it themselves.

Experts will be on hand to demonstrate and plenty of trial locks, pick tools, and other devices will be available for you to handle. By exploring the faults and flaws in many popular lock designs, you can not only learn about the fun hobby of sport-picking, but also gain a much stronger knowledge about the best methods and practices for protecting your own property.

Village Schedule:

Twitter: twitter:

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Monero Village

Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00, Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Bally‘s, Skyview 4

The Monero project is a privacy ecosystem which consists of several cryptocurrency relevant projects and workgroups. The village presents technology serving privacy-conscious novice and advanced cryptocurrency users, inviting participation in a well-equipped and comfortable environment. Aside from our village keynotes, panels, workshops, and networking programs, you’re invited to stop by to learn about parties, films, prize giveaways, and person-to-person guidance regarding blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.

Village Schedule:

Other: irc://

Packet Hacking Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:30
Location: Bally‘s, Skyview 5-6, 1-2 (Indigo Tower, 26th Floor)

The Packet Hacking Village is where you’ll find network shenanigans and a whole lot more. There’s exciting events, live music, competitions with awesome prizes, and tons of giveaways. PHV welcomes all DEF CON attendees and there is something for every level of security enthusiast from beginners to those seeking a black badge. Wall of Sheep gives attendees a friendly reminder to practice safe computing through strong end-to-end encryption. PHV Speakers, Workshops, and Walkthrough Workshops delivers high quality content for all skill levels. Packet Detective and Packet Inspector offers hands-on exercises to help anyone develop or improve their Packet-Fu. WoSDJCo has some of the hottest DJs at con spinning live for your enjoyment. Finally... Capture The Packet, the ultimate cyber defense competition that has been honored by DEF CON as a black badge event for seven of the eight years of it’s run.

Village Schedule:


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r00tz Asylum

Friday: 10:00 - 17:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Planet Hollywood, The Studio

r00tz Asylum at DEF CON is a safe and creative space for kids to learn white-hat hacking from the leading security researchers from around the world. Through hands-on workshops and contests, DEF CON’s youngest attendees understand how to safely deploy the hacker mindset in today’s increasingly digital and prone to vulnerabilities world. Only after mastering the honor code, kids learn reverse engineering, soldering, lock-picking, cryptography and how to responsibly disclose security bugs. r00tz’s mission is to empower the next generation of technologists and inventors to make the future of our digital world safer.

Village Schedule:

Twitter: Twitter: @r00tzasylum

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Recon Village

Friday: 12:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Planet Hollywood, Celebrity 5 and Some Celebrity 6

Recon Village is an Open Space with Talks, Live Demos, Workshops, Discussions, Beginner Sessions, CTFs with a common focus on Reconnaissance. The village is meant for professionals interested in areas of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Threat Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Cyber Situational Awareness, etc. with a common goal of encouraging and spreading awareness around these subjects.

Village Schedule:


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Red Team Offense Village

Friday: 09:00 - 19:00, Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00, Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00
Location: Flamingo, Laughlin I and II

The Red Team Offense Village is a first year village at DEF CON. The Village goal is to give back to the community by helping others learn how to build or improve their RED TEAM concepts, skills, and tool kits.

Things happening in the village will include:

The village will have 5 different stations with numerous exercises where participant can practice their skills and learn new ones. Exercises include red team methodologies, several exploitation, evasion, persistance and obfuscation techniques, and much more.

The village has a dedicated area for numerous talks from Red Team experts all three days.


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Rogue's Village

Friday: 13:00-19:00, Saturday: 13:00-19:00, Sunday: -
Location: Flamingo, Carson City II

Rogues Village is a place to explore alternative approaches to existing security concepts by looking to non-traditional areas of knowledge. Incorporating expertise from the worlds of magic, sleight of hand, con games and advantage play, this village has a special emphasis on Social Engineering and Physical Security. Talks will cover topics ranging from secret communication methods used by nineteenth century mediums to physical techniques of a modern pickpocket. Demos and workshops will also give attendees hands-on opportunities to experience these non-traditional methods.

Village Schedule:


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Social Engineering Village

Thursday: 10:00 - 19:20, Friday: 10:00 - 19:20, Saturday: 10:00 - 19:20, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Bally's, Jubilee Tower - Las Vegas BR - 3rd Floor

Established at DEF CON 18 the SEVillage at DEF CON has been the one-stop shop for all things social engineering. From our humble beginnings with a small room and our sound proof booth to now running 4 events and a “Human Track” where social engineering talks are given. The SEVillage at DEF CON is the place for not only our flag ship event, the Social-Engineer Capture The Flag (The SECTF), but also Mission SE Impossible, the SECTF4Kids and the SECTF4Teens!

Village Schedule:


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SkyTalks 303

Thursday: 18:30 - end of a party?, Friday: 09:00 - 19:00, Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00, Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00
Location: Bally's, Jubilee Tower - Pacific BR - 2nd Floor

Skytalks is an ongoing talk series presenting sensitive and fringe talks on a number of topics. In our 12th year at DEF CON, we are proud to bring you the best of Old School DEF CON. No shills. No Bullshit. No cameras. No Kidding.

Website: Twitter: @dcskytalks

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Soldering Skills Village

Friday: 10:00 - 19:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center

The Soldering Skills Village is the soldering and badge-building arm of the Hardware Hacking Village. It provides a dedicated place for building, repairing, and modifying badges and other electronic devices. It is a place to learn and improve electronics skills as well as to pass along knowledge to others. We have a variety of parts and random hardware to include in or support hacking projects.

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Tamper-Evident Village

Friday: 10:00 - 17:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Bally's, Platinum BR

Tamper-evident" refers to a physical security technology that provides evidence of tampering (access, damage, repair, or replacement) to determine authenticity or integrity of a container or object(s). In practical terms, this can be a piece of tape that closes an envelope, a plastic detainer that secures a hasp, or an ink used to identify a legitimate document. Tamper-evident technologies are often confused with "tamper resistant" or "tamper proof" technologies which attempt to prevent tampering in the first place. Referred to individually as "seals," many tamper technologies are easy to destroy, but a destroyed (or missing) seal would provide evidence of tampering! The goal of the TEV is to teach attendees how these technologies work and how many can be tampered with without leaving evidence.

The Tamper-Evident Village includes the following contests and events:

* The Box; an electronic tamper challenge. An extremely realistic explosive with traps, alarms, and a timer ticking down. One mistake and BOOM, you're dead. Make every second count! Sign ups on-site when the TEV begins.
* Tamper-Evident Contest; a full-featured tamper challenge. New for this year: KING OF THE HILL! Instead of the weekend-long contest we're hosting a King of the Hill format where you tamper single items at your leisure and attempt to beat the current best. There can be only ONE! No sign ups required, play on-site when the TEV begins.
* Badge Counterfeitting Contest; submit your best forgery of a DEF CON human badge. Other target badges are also available for those looking for more counterfeit fun!
* For your viewing pleasure, collections of high-security tamper-evident seals from around the world.
* Sit-down presentations & demonstrations on various aspects of tamper-evident seals and methods to defeat them.
* Hands-on fun with adhesive seals, mechanical seals, envelopes, and evidence bags.

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Voting Machine Hacking Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Planet Hollywood, Wilshire Ballroom A-B

The Voting Machine Hacking Village (“Voting Village”) returns for its third year at DEF CON! As the only public third-party assessment of voting infrastructure in the world, the Voting Village attracts thousands of white hat hackers, government leaders, and members of the media to partake in the mission of rigorously researching voting systems and raising awareness of voting vulnerabilities.

The Voting Village gives hackers a unique opportunity to directly audit voting machines and other election equipment. With the 2020 elections looming and efforts to combat election vulnerabilities ongoing at the state and federal levels, the educational mission of the Voting Village remains as critical as ever.

Voting Village Speaker Room

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Location: Planet Hollywood, Melrose 4

As in previous years, the Voting Village will include a day-long set of panels and keynotes where attendees can hear from cyber and national security experts, elected officials, and hackers. Among this year’s selection of speakers are state and local election officials, homeland security leaders, world-renowned hackers, media personalities – and much more.


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Variety eXploitation Village

Friday: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00
Location: Bally's, Event Center

Powered by VXRL Hong Kong — VXRL is founded by a group of passionate cybersecurity researchers and white-hat hackers in Hong Kong. The team has deep expertise in software and hardware security, and hands-on domain knowledge in several vertical industries. VXRL mission is to make the cyberspace a safe place for the future. The VX(Variety eXploitation) Village will be powering an in-depth hands-on playground.

Village Schedule:


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Wireless Village

Thursday: 12:00-17:00, Friday: 10:00 - 19:00, Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Ballys, Palace Meeting Rooms 1-7

Do you have what it takes to hack WiFi, Bluetooth, and Software Defined Radio (SDR)? RF Hackers Sanctuary (the group formerly known as Wireless Village) is once again holding the Wireless Capture the Flag (WCTF) at DEF CON in the Wireless Village. We cater to both those who are new to radio communications as well as to those who have been playing for a long time. We are looking for inexperienced players on up to the SIGINT secret squirrels to play our games. The WCTF can be completely done with a little knowledge, a pentester’s determination, and $50 or $5000 worth of equipment. The key is to read the clues and determine the goal of each challenge. Each WCTF event begins with a presentation: How to WCTF. There will be clues everywhere, and we will provide periodic updates. Make sure you pay attention to what’s happening at the WCTF desk, on Twitter: @wctf_us,@rfhackers, and the interwebz, etc. If you have a question ASK! We may or may not answer at our discretion. FOR THE NEW FOLKS Bring your laptop, wifi dongles, SDR, Bluetooth, IR, and anything else you think may help. Read the presentations at: Check out the resources at: Read the Blog at: Follow on Twitter: @wctf_us, @WIFI_Village, and @rfhackers

Village Schedule:

Website: @wifi_village
Twitter: @wctf_us
Other: @rfhackers

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