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Final Profit:
A Shop RPG
36 Accessibility Features

Our accessibility experts are yet to assess Final Profit: A Shop RPG. If you'd like to suggest accessibility features we should record for Final Profit: A Shop RPG, let us know on Twitter or via email. You can also Tweet, to invite the developer  to complete our accessibility questionnaire.Final Profit: A Shop RPG is a shop simulation adventure where you become a business lord and take down a large corporation to save your kingdom. Play cycles between selling items in your shop for profit and exploring the outside world to find new customers, stock and business deals. It stands out from other adventures by insisting you progress through commerce rather than combat.

External examiner, Brent Arnold, first checked Final Profit: A Shop RPG accessibility 4 weeks ago. It was re-examined by Brent Arnold and updated 4 weeks ago.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 06/03/2023

Out Now: PC

Skill Rating: 11+ year-olds

Players: 1

Genres: Collecting, Simulation, Strategy (Adventure, Narrative, Role-Play and Sequencing)

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 2D Overhead, Day and Night and Pixels

Developer: Brent Ryan Arnold (@BrentRyanArnold)

Costs: Purchase cost


System Accessibility Settings

In addition to the accessibility features provided in the game, you can also use system-wide accessibility settings:

Windows has extensive accessibility features. Some, like colour correction, work with games. Lots of accessibility software can be used with PC games, from voice recognition to input device emulators.
Read more about system accessibility settings.

VSC LogoAccessibility Report supported by VSC Rating Board, PlayabilityInitiative and accessibility contributors

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