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We're here to help parents and guardians navigate the world of gaming. We have 3,016 Video Games and 197 Board Games in our database. Each one is hand-picked, deeply researched and tested with real families. Start your family gaming journey today:

Get ahead of the curve by checking out what's Just Released, Coming Soon, Just Discovered, Bargains or trending Board Games:

Image of the cover of the hardback edition of the Taming Gaming book  by Andy Robertson

Family Gaming Advice

Family Gaming Database was inspired by journalist Andy Robertson, who wrote the Taming Gaming book (read the first chapter for free). Now our editor, he writes regular features for us about video games from unusual perspectives to shed light on this new media:

Along with the Taming Gaming book, we also run Family Gaming Zones at Expos, Festivals and Community events. Unlike other video game stands, this isn't just a bunch of game kiosks for kids to play. We create hosted, calm, welcoming spaces for families to play together, discover new games, laugh and recharge.

Image 325Play YouTube video

Family Gaming Charts

These are the games that are the talk of the playground and making waves in bedrooms around the world. We start this with Today's Top 10 games families are checking, drawn from our Live Trends, Like Trends and Most Wanted game data:

Bargains Of The Day

We track the best prices and discounts for our favourite games. Because we don't get any money from these sales, they are a uniquely independent way to find bargains for your family -- often for just a few pounds or dollars. Have a browse of today's picks, or view all our bargain games.


Lists - Surprising Ways To Play

A big reason parents use our database is for the curated lists of games. These are hand-picked selections by our team, to help you find unusual and interesting games for your family. Here are some popular lists at the moment, or you can browse the full selection:

New Lists

These lists have just been added to the database in the last few weeks.


These are games that are helpful for mental health. This includes games that have been helpful for specific mental health challenges, as well as games that help us understand the challenge faced by the people we love. Some of these are designed to be used as a source of games that offer wellbeing in different ways.


These relate to games with different educational benefits. Along with games that are designed to be educational, this includes games that can inspire learning and knowledge because of the worlds and stories they create. The collateral learning uncovered here is a glimpse into the ways games can help children learn about themselves, their community and the world.

Pathways - Real Life Gaming Stories

Game Pathways uncover the real experiences children are having with the games they play. They are created from interviews with real families, teachers and professionals who have found games lead to positive outcomes in their lives.


Recent Accessibility Reports

We have worked with a range of accessibility experts to add key accessibility data to the database for both video games and board games. This includes areas of Difficulty, Reading, Navigation, Controls, Visuals, Audio and Communication.

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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