HRC Equidade BR: Global Workplace Equality Program

Produced by the HRC Foundation

The HRC Equidade BR report is the leading workplace assessment designed to grow LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality across Brazil.

Click here to connect with us and participate.

The Equidade BR 2024 Report is now available, view the full report here.


In 2021, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation expanded its LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion efforts in Latin America to include Brazil. Our Global Workplace Equality Programs were established to grow and promote LGBTQ+ inclusion among national and U.S. multinational companies in Latin America and recognize businesses with the HRC Foundation's designation of “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality” or Melhores Empresas Para Pessoas LGBTQ+ Trabalharem for their efforts to become inclusive workplaces.

In partnership with Instituto Mais Diversidade and Forum de Empresas de Direitos LGBTQIA+, the Global Workplace Equality team built upon the existing HRC Equidad MX and HRC Equidad CL to establish Equidade Brazil. HRC Equidade BR will further recognize employers in Latin America who have demonstrated a commitment to LGBTQ+ equality by adopting crucial LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices for their employees.

90% (more than ¾) of companies

Responded to implementing a formalized Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) policy

94% Of companies

Said they offer equal healthcare coverage for their transgender employees

~850,000 Employees

Are impacted by the efforts of this program based on estimates gathered from survey responses


Equidad/e One-Pager

Download One-Pager

Equidade BR 2024 Report Release

Equidade BR 2024 Survey Launch

The Equidade BR 2024 Survey will remain open until February 23rd, 2024. Contact or click this link to participate.

View this Instagram reel where Thiago Roveri discusses why you should participate,

Our Equidade BR 2023 Report Launch


The HRC Equidade BR survey assessed major Brazilian businesses and multinational companies based on four core pillars of LGBTQ+ inclusion:
  1. Adoption of non-discrimination policies

  2. Creation of employee resource groups or diversity and inclusion councils

  3. LGBTQIA+ Training and education

  4. Engagement in public activities to support LGBTQIA+ inclusion

Our Team

  • João Torres (he/him), Implementing Partner

  • Thiago Roveri (he/him), Implementing Partner

  • Helen Faquinetti (she/her), Implementing Partner

  • Joyce Harabara (she/her), Implementing Partner

  • Gabriella Gontijo (she/her), Implementing Partner

  • Bruno Bertazzi (he/him), Implementing Partner

HRC Equidade BR & Instituto Mais Diversidade

HRC’s Brazilian partner, Instituto Mais Diversidade, advocates and supports LGBTQIA+ people in key aspects of life with a particular interest in promoting professional opportunities, financial empowerment and full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ employees in Brazilian workplaces. Additionally, Fórum de Empresas e Direitos LGBTQIA+, a nonprofit that works specifically to improve the lives of Brazilian LGBTQIA+ workers, have been critical allies in successfully expanding Equidade BR into the country.

Published reports: 2024, 2023, 2022.

Learn More

Email us at or visit

Visit HRC's Global Workplace Equality Programs.

Visit our other program pages: Equidad MX, Equidad CL, Equidad AR.

Visite nuestras otras páginas del Programa Global de Equidad Laboral: Equidad MX, Equidad CL, Equidad AR.

The Human Rights Campaign reports on news, events and resources of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that are of interest to the general public and further our common mission to support the LGBTQ+ community.