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Bayard Bradford Reaches Elite Tier and Accelerates Growth by Creating Datawarehouse.io App Business

Bayard Bradford built an app business with rapidly growing revenues that drives more customers to their services. Their popular apps maintain an average review rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, and combined with their services, enable their customers to excel.
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Accelerate Growth with HubSpot

Bayard Bradford: A Solutions Partner Providing More than Just Implementation

Bayard Bradford, a HubSpot Elite Solutions Partner, specializes in implementing (or re-implementing) and merging HubSpot portals. Since 2017, they've made HubSpot great for a range of B2B clients, allowing them to focus on their business while relying on Bayard Bradford for technical services, RevOps, and integrations support. 

Like many HubSpot partners, Bayard Bradford helps clients use HubSpot for maximum performance and ROI. What sets Bayard Bradford apart is their success in developing apps that remove friction and make HubSpot easier to work with. 

In 2020, Bayard Bradford launched their HubSpot app business Datawarehouse.io. Today, Datawarehouse.io offers 16 apps built specifically for HubSpot.

Creating this app business has proven incredibly successful for Bayard Bradford and Datawarehouse.io. It has both driven revenue for the Datawarehouse.io and created a strong acquisition channel for Bayard Bradford's services. 


Why Partner with and Invest in HubSpot? 

Before Bayard Bradford became an Elite HubSpot Solutions Partner, and before Datawarehouse.io was created, the agency originally was a Salesforce consultancy working primarily with private equity-owned companies. 

When the HubSpot CRM was released, they realized its potential as a cost saving mechanism from both an integration standpoint and a licensing perspective. In addition, the HubSpot interface was easy to implement and use. 

Their first few years with HubSpot revolved around moving people out of Salesforce into HubSpot, saving their customers hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in licensing costs.

Bayard Bradford now fully focuses on HubSpot as they believe in the product roadmap and that it will continue to capture more enterprise customers - customers that need integrations and apps that Datawarehouse.io provides and will continue to build. 

Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder James Elmer states,

"We bootstrapped our agency and took on no debt to grow it. We invested our profit into building apps and the result was Datawarehouse.io. Building two companies with minimal outside funding was difficult but worth it as we are now set to scale rapidly." 

Their commitment to HubSpot's customers has contributed to Bayard Bradford and Datawarehouse.io's success. They boast over 5,000 current installs across their 16 apps and as a result of their app business, they were able to achieve Elite status, the top tier of the HubSpot Solutions Partner Program. 


Collaborating with the HubSpot Community

As a Solutions Partner that builds apps for HubSpot's App Marketplace, Bayard Bradford prioritizes communicating with HubSpot's teams that can help ensure the betterment and value of their apps. For example, they have worked with HubSpot's Solutions Architects team to get feedback on their apps. They also leverage their deep knowledge of HubSpot APIs to continuously improve their offerings. 

Two popular apps created by Datawarehouse.io are the HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator and Ultimate Data Export. The HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator allows users to easily migrate data from one HubSpot portal to another. Ultimate Data Export delivers an Excel file with all of a user's HubSpot data with the click of a button. 

The Datawarehouse.io platform is entirely self service and fully automated. According to CEO John Elmer, "Datawarehouse.io apps have proven invaluable to HubSpot customers because they are easy to try for free, easy to use, and are usually more cost-effective than competing alternatives."

For Bayard Bradford, using Datawarehouse.io apps reduces Bayard Bradford’s project costs and improves customer retention.

"The HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator App enabled me to reduce friction in the sales process and reduce the time to close the sale. Instead of having to wait for the client to scope out a migration that often costs thousands of dollars, I was able to provide them with a point and click solutions for migrating one portal into another. The team at Datawarehouse.io is very responsive and goes above and beyond when supporting you and your clients."

Jim Eckenrode, Enterprise Account Executive at HubSpot

In addition to having good relationships with HubSpot’s internal teams, Bayard Bradford has worked closely with the Product Partnerships team at HubSpot through programs designed to help app partners build and grow their apps.

This gave them valuable insight into customer needs and developed solutions that have provided immense value to HubSpot customers, partners, and flywheel teams. 


Why Should Solutions Partners Build and Promote Apps?  

The answer to this question for Bayard Bradford includes a number of things: revenue, customer retention, and increased brand awareness.

By building apps for HubSpot’s App Marketplace, Bayard Bradford saw an increase in deals as a result of Datawarehouse.io referrals. Those deals were worth a total of greater than $1 million USD.

In addition, in 2022, Datawarehouse.io apps experienced over 140% revenue growth, bringing their app revenue to over $1 million USD. Because they sell services, Bayard Bradford takes a strategic view when pricing their apps.

For apps where there is a need but unwillingness to pay, Bayard Bradford views them as part of an acquisition strategy for paid apps and services.

Their Ultimate Data Export app, for example, is a free app. Bayard Bradford focuses on converting these free users to purchasing the Portal to Portal Migrator app. Portal to Portal Migrator users can then be upsold to their HubSpot implementation services.

Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer James Elmer advises HubSpot Solutions Partners who are investing in building apps, “It is critical to separate your app brand from your solutions partner business so that customers are not confused when attempting to purchase services or apps from either business unit.”

Separating Datawarehouse.io from Bayard Bradford in 2020 clarified the positioning of each business, which led to accelerated growth.

As a HubSpot Solutions Partner, Bayard Bradford provides services such as HubSpot Implementation, Data Migrations, Custom API Integrations, and much more. These services helped inspire some of the apps that were created for Datawarehouse.io. 

James Elmer states, “create your services niche as an app.” This concept of leveraging your unique services to create an application that helps customers self-serve not only differentiates your business as a solutions partner, it also contributes to overall business growth.

Overall, Bayard Bradford's wide range of services have not only served as valuable resources for clients, but have also sparked innovation within the realm of Datawarehouse.io. This strategic approach has allowed them to cater to customers' needs more effectively, ultimately setting them apart and driving their continued success in the HubSpot ecosystem. 



Read more partner stories to discover other ways that partners have found success in the HubSpot ecosystem. Check out how OrgChartHub and Arrows grew with HubSpot.

Advice for Success

Bayard Bradford's Tips for Winning in the HubSpot Ecosystem


Make judgment calls based on customer feedback and demand

A group of customers may have voiced business needs, but making an app for the purpose of resale to solve those needs may not always be the best course of action. You have to carefully consider customer feedback to assess the real market desire. Making an app because you notice a gap in functionality does not always equate to commercial success and performing as much market research as you can before investing in building an app is critical.


Leverage apps to cross-sell into other apps or services you provide

Just because there is a need or desire for an app to be developed, does not mean that customers are necessarily willing to pay for it. For apps where there is a need but unwillingness to pay, the strategy should be to cross-sell your other apps and services. Bayard Bradford, for example, converts, free users of their Ultimate Data Export app to paying customers of the Portal to Portal Migrator app and Bayard Bradford's HubSpot implementation services.


Customer service is the cornerstone of developing apps

Accept feedback in a productive way and do your best to make yourself available when your customers need you. This will make a big difference in growing your customer base. Customers are a critical source of feedback and treating customers as your partners can result in some amazing feedback that can be used to improve your applications.

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I believe there is a tsunami of enterprise account growth for HubSpot on the horizon. We ourselves were able to generate 59 net new deals worth over $1 million USD for Bayard Bradford services. Find your niche as an App or Solutions Partner and prepare yourselves to catch that wave. You may find yourself paddling for a while, but that wave is coming, and those who are prepared will be in for a wild ride.

John Elmer


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Join the HubSpot App Partner Program

The IDC estimates app partners will earn $6.1 billion in the HubSpot ecosystem in 2025. There is no better time to become a HubSpot app partner. You can read more about our partner program or reach out to the app partner team with any questions.
