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Accelerate Sales and Close Deals Faster

Start closing more deals faster and streamlining your sales process with HubSpot’s AI-powered deal management tools.
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Leverage AI insights and customer data to focus on sales outcomes, not activities.

Today, sellers spend hours on tasks that aren’t directly tied to closing deals. The result is a slow and ineffective sales process.  That’s why it’s so important to focus on sales outcomes rather than activities. Here’s how:

1. Increase the productivity and efficiency of your sellers.

2. Use AI-powered deal management and sales forecasting tools to close deals faster.

3. Drive buyer engagement with a sales content library.

sales hub user interface showing meeting scheduling

1. Increase the productivity and efficiency of your sellers.

Guide your reps to the right deals at the right time with HubSpot’s sales software. Cut down on admin time by letting your reps automatically track all their interactions in the Smart CRM.

  • Skip the email threads and book meetings faster without the hassle.
  • Track emails to know exactly when to follow up with a prospect.
sales hub simple user interface showing deal list panel

2. Use AI-powered deal management and sales forecasting tools to close deals faster.

The best sales teams offer a consistent and streamlined customer experience. Help your sellers move each deal from qualified lead to quote with HubSpot’s deal management tools.

  • Use pipeline automation to create tasks, send notifications, control deal movement, and more.
  • Get a holistic view of your sales pipeline and track progress with forecasting.
sales hub simple user interface showing discovery call playbook

3. Drive buyer engagement with a sales content library.

Your team needs to be able to identify and refine sales tactics that increase conversion rates and close deals faster.

With Sales Hub, customers experienced these results:

  • 94%

    increase in deal close rate in 12 months
  • 7%

    increase in deals created after 9 months
  • 17%

    increase in average deal amount in 1 year

Sales Hub — accelerate revenue growth and streamline the sales cycle.

Close more deals faster with HubSpot's end-to-end sales software. Improve sales rep effectiveness and efficiency, streamline your sales process, and measure sales KPIs with ease.

Discover how businesses like yours are closing more deals:

Related Resources


How to Close a Sale: Tips and Techniques

Discover the top tips to enhance your team’s sales closing techniques.

How to Create a Deal in HubSpot

Watch an overview on how to create a deal in your HubSpot account.

Designing your Sales Process in HubSpot

Learn how to define your sales process and turn it into a deal pipeline with HubSpot.

Start Closing More Deals With Sales Hub

Get a demo or get started with our free version of Sales Hub today to consistently follow up with leads at the right time and close more deals.

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