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HubSpot 2024 Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Report

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At HubSpot, our mission is to help millions of organizations grow better, and we can’t do that without a deep commitment to diversity, inclusion and belonging. 

Building a sustainable, equitable, and high-performing company is one of our core strategic objectives. Our annual Diversity Report serves as an important point of reflection for us on the progress we’ve made, and where we know we need to improve. It provides an opportunity to recognize and celebrate what’s working, while pinpointing opportunities for more progress. Check out a snapshot of this year’s data below!

2024 Data

Below is HubSpot employee data as of January 1, 2024. Gender and age data is global, and ethnicity data is U.S.-only. To view more data and information, download the PDF below.

Download 2024 Report

* We have removed 'Not Declared' data within this category.
**We round to one decimal place throughout the report. This rounds the population of certain racial/ethnic groups to 0.0%, though the actual total of these employees is greater than zero.

Self-Reported Categories

We recognize that age, gender, and ethnicity are imperfect categories. So, we collect self-reported data annually to better understand how HubSpot employees identify. This survey is entirely optional and voluntary. Of the 38% of employees who chose to identify:
  • 35.3%

    are parents

  • 14.7%

    are members of the LGBTQ+ community

  • 1.6%

    are non-binary*

  • 1.2%

    are transgender

  • 11.8%

    are persons with disabilities

  • 1.2%

    are veterans

  • 48.2%

    are first-generation**

*Non-binary data reflects the self-reporting survey population only. The non-binary data earlier in the report reflects EEOC data.
**This data reflects our U.S. employee population only.

The Path Forward

As we enter 2024, we remain committed to our core priorities in diversity, inclusion and belonging and in promoting equity and fairness throughout our systems and processes. We continue to cultivate a culture anchored in empathy, inclusion & respect, where the diversity of our employees, clients, and partners is celebrated consistently. Some of our focuses this year include:
Refine and expand programs that foster talent, such as sponsorship and mentorship initiatives.
Provide our managers with the necessary tools to create inclusive, high-performing teams.
Engage more closely with our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), whose collaboration is vital in fostering community and connection across our organization.

Download the 2024 Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Report

Download 2024 Report

Past Reports

Want to learn more about HubSpot's diversity, inclusion, & belonging journey? Check out our past DI&B Reports and diversity data below.

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