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By Building a Powerful Integration, CallRail Sees an Increase in Deal Size and Strong Customer Retention

CallRail is one of the most popular calling apps in the HubSpot marketplace and they continue to grow by working closely with HubSpot's internal teams and Solutions Partners.
CallRail quote image case study

Investing in HubSpot

CallRail's Journey in the HubSpot Ecosystem

CallRail is a call tracking solution that is loved and leveraged by many HubSpot users and customers. As a HubSpot app partner, CallRail understands the value of building an integrated martech stack, and, more specifically, how a tool that utilizes phone, text, and chat channels can be incredibly powerful when integrated with a CRM and marketing automation tool. 

CallRail has continued to invest in a great integration experience for customers. In June 2015, CallRail launched its initial integration with HubSpot. A few years later, they became a certified app partner.

In 2021, after listening to customer and HubSpot feedback, CallRail upgraded their app's functionality to enhance the value it delivers to customers in a wide variety of industries, including agencies, legal, home services, real estate, financial services, and automotive. Their integration improvements have driven continued growth and adoption. In the year following the integration upgrade, installs increased by 47%. 


A Change in API

Prior to 2021, CallRail's integration was leveraging HubSpot’s Forms API which helps collect lead information about visitors and contacts. Essentially, CallRail was sending calls from their app to HubSpot as form fills.

CallRail was using the Forms API because that is what was originally available to them at the time they built it. While this API was reasonable to leverage in order to get call data into HubSpot, CallRail realized this version of their integration was not serving joint customers best.

As an app partner, CallRail kept close to HubSpot product and API updates. After HubSpot updated their Calling API, CallRail made the switch to leveraging the Calling API for their integration. This API allows for logging and managing calls on CRM records.

CallRail provides businesses of all sizes with tracking and analytics for phone calls, texts, and forms. Businesses get clear visibility into what marketing campaigns, ads, and keywords are driving their best leads so they can spend their budget on what works. CallRail's Conversation Intelligence tool auto tags and summarizes conversations and shares that information back to HubSpot so shared customers can optimize their marketing dollars in real time. You can even request a 14 day free trial.  

By making the switch from the Forms to the Calling API in their integration, CallRail was able to more seamlessly provide that value to joint customers within the HubSpot ecosystem.

After the change, CallRail saw a considerable uptick in integration adoption. Over time, the CallRail team continued to make enhancements that were meaningful for their customers.

Marius Smyth, CMO at CallRail elaborates,

"The partnership between HubSpot and CallRail was born out of a demand from customers to track leads and customer attribution all in one place. Our integration solves the problem of knowing which marketing campaigns are driving inbound phone calls, text messages, and forms, and how those convert into sales. The data is a meaningful way to track attribution and as a result customers that activate the HubSpot integration have a 42% higher conversion rate from a free to paid user."

This dedication to continuously improving their integration is just one of many ways CallRail has focused on solving for HubSpot's customers. 


Community and Go-to-Market Engagement

In addition to prioritizing the strength of their integration, CallRail has really leaned into working with the HubSpot community in a number of ways. 

For instance, CallRail has sponsored and spoken at INBOUND a number of times. INBOUND has proven to be a great way for CallRail to connect with existing customers and solutions partners to engage in new opportunities. They have primarily measured success based on their net new lead generation.

The relationship with HubSpot’s solutions partners has also played a key role in CallRail’s involvement in HubSpot’s ecosystem. In 2019, CallRail launched their own partner program. This has been a key strategy for their growth and customer acquisition. 

Part of their partner acquisition strategy includes reaching out to HubSpot solutions partners and agencies that already understand the partner motion.

By partnering with HubSpot’s solutions partners such as SmartBug Media, ClearPivot, and Connection Model, CallRail was able to accelerate the success of their own program because these agencies were already experienced in driving results with SaaS companies.

To date, CallRail has scaled their role in the ecosystem by working with nearly 1,000 of HubSpot’s solution partners.

Community engagement is a key pillar of success for CallRail. In 2022, CallRail conducted a training session with HubSpot’s solutions engineering team. How this training came to be was not through a traditional channel such as formally coordinating with someone internally at HubSpot. Rather, a solutions engineer at HubSpot filled out a form on the CallRail website asking questions to help out a prospective customer and from there, CallRail offered to train the entire team.

Since this initial training, CallRail has built 1-to-1 relationships with HubSpot solutions engineers and account managers to ensure CallRail and HubSpot joint customers are getting the most value out of the integrated solution. 

CallRail understands that by working with HubSpot's internal go-to-market teams and their solutions partners, they can create more wins for all stakeholders in the HubSpot ecosystem.


CallRail's Accomplishments

When it comes to CallRail's success in HubSpot's marketplace and ecosystem, the numbers speak for themselves. Not only do they boast a less than 1% churn rate when their customers use the HubSpot CallRail integration, but they also see higher active users. 

At CallRail, active customers generate 100 calls a month. 82% of their customers using HubSpot fit that criteria. Users leveraging their HubSpot integration see 70% more phone call volume on average, which makes HubSpot customers highly engaged CallRail users. 

In addition, CallRail has seen customer MRR (monthly recurring revenue) growth over time. CallRail's customers that use the HubSpot integration are worth 2x more than their average customer. This data demonstrates the value of the partnership to shared customers and how it has helped CallRail grow. 

"It's great to see the growth of CallRail in the HubSpot App Ecosystem. Thousands of our joint customers have seen value from CallRail's powerful call tracking, analytics, and AI powered insights to help them grow their business. It's also terrific to see CallRail's success with so many of HubSpot Agency/Solutions Partners - that's leveraging the full power of the HubSpot ecosystem." 

- Scott Brinker, VP Platform Ecosystem, HubSpot



Read more partner stories to discover other ways that partners have found success in the HubSpot ecosystem. Check out how OrgChartHub and Arrows grew with HubSpot.

Advice for Success

CallRail's Tips for Winning in the HubSpot Ecosystem


Track positive reviews and uninstall feedback

CallRail takes action on their listing reviews. They want to know why a customer stops using the integration and what they can do in order to provide the right solution the business needs. By constantly collecting feedback, customers help shape CallRail's product roadmap for the partnership with HubSpot as positive feedback is shared and negative feedback is addressed. 


Transparent pricing model

CallRail and HubSpot understand that businesses of all sizes value clear and transparent pricing. CallRail is an addressable price point and offers a flexible free trial option for customers to test and easily get started with their solution. The HubSpot integration is available on all CallRail and HubSpot pricing plans, allowing use of the integration to scale as a customer's use of HubSpot evolves.


Lean into Solutions Partners

HubSpot has a large ecosystem of solutions partners that work with HubSpot customers every day. If this makes sense for your business, leverage this ecosystem to help with distribution of your app as well to build further connections within HubSpot's community. There is no need to start from scratch as there's a well developed ecosystem with HubSpot.  

Mike Stocker headshot

CallRail has been able to grow our business by being a member of the HubSpot App Ecosystem. Investing in developing our powerful call tracking plus AI and analytics platform to meet the needs of the entire HubSpot ecosystem has enabled us to democratize powerful call tracking capabilities. CallRail now has thousands of HubSpot customers (and 1,000 joint HubSpot agency partners) leveraging our platform to drive real insights and ROI.

Mike Stocker

VP of Partnerships


Join the HubSpot App Partner Program

The IDC estimates app partners will earn $6.1 billion in the HubSpot ecosystem in 2025. There is no better time to become a HubSpot app partner. You can read more about our partner program or reach out to the app partner team with any questions.
