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Snowflake Data Share

Connect your HubSpot data to your Snowflake instance quickly, easily, and securely, to save time, reduce costs, and get better insights.

  • Reduce costs and improve efficiency — no need to tinker with APIs

  • Access the latest HubSpot data within Snowflake in real time

  • Reduce operational risk, manual errors, and data corruption

  1. Unite your data in Snowflake Cloud Data Platform.

    As your company grows, data gets more complex. It gets harder to make connections between data points and to empower your organization with robust reporting.
    That's where Snowflake comes in.
    Snowflake is an integrated platform that enables users to unite data, discover trends, and execute analytics tasks all in one place.
    To get the most out of Snowflake, you need all your data connected to it. HubSpot’s Snowflake data share integration enables instant, frictionless, and secure sharing of HubSpot data to Snowflake, giving you better and faster insights as you scale.

  1. Break down data silos.

    Combine your HubSpot data with all your other data sources in one central data platform. Level up your reporting, align your company, and improve your customer experience with holistic and connected insights.
  2. Scale with confidence.

    With Snowflake’s unique technology, no data is copied or transferred between accounts as part of data sharing. That means shared data won’t drive up your monthly storage bill, and it ensures your connection stays fast and reliable as your business grows.
  3. Get insights faster.

    Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes can be slow and painstaking. HubSpot's Snowflake data share is quick to set up and provides ready-to-query data specifically designed for reporting. Plus, it updates in minutes, not days, so your data is always relevant and up to date.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 857-829-5060

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Thousands of customers deploy Snowflake Cloud Data Platform to derive all the insights from all their data by all their business users. Snowflake equips organizations with a single, integrated platform that offers the only data warehouse built for any cloud; instant, secure, and governed access to their entire network of data; and a core architecture to enable many other types of data workloads, such as developing modern data applications.

  • Once enabled, the Snowflake data share integration connects most of your HubSpot data to your Snowflake instance. For more information on specific data schema, explore the developer documentation here.
