This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Megan Bakel of Landsea Homes joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builders can merge sales and marketing to convert more leads and create a better home buying experience.
➡️ Home builder sales and marketing teams sometimes have different objectives when it comes to acquiring new leads. Megan says, “Focus on quality over quantity because it's probably a truism in our industry that sales is always going to want more traffic, and marketing is always going to say, you've got enough traffic, convert more sales. You probably have, for the most part, enough traffic, and a lot of times we can fine-tune our skills and convert more sales and get to know our buyers a little bit better.”
Whether it’s sales or marketing, connecting with the home buyer is key throughout the whole customer journey. Megan says, “It really starts from community launch and understanding who our buyers are so that we can tailor the products, how the experience is going to go, the sales rep, the models, everything to that information that we're gathering very early on. So, we absolutely believe in incorporating that data and the technology focus into approaching our communities, and it really does start from the beginning.”
Home builder sales and marketing teams can achieve extraordinary success when their goals are aligned. Megan says, “So, I think everything with sales and marketing is a bit of science and art, right? The marketing is more the science, the sales is a bit of the art, and merging those together is kind of where that magic moment happens.”
Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how home builder sales and marketing teams can work together to achieve an exceptional home buyer journey and increase sales.