Last week, Bollinger Shipyards had the privilege of paying tribute to two American heroes, Vincent Danz and Jeffrey Palazzo. Both men were U.S. Coast Guard reservists who were also New York City Police Department (NYPD) and New York City Fire Department (FDNY) members who tragically lost their lives attempting to save persons trapped in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Two pieces of recovered steel from the World Trade Center were escorted from NY/NJ and arrived at our Lockport yard aboard the "Spirit of Louisiana". These sacred artifacts will be incorporated as centerpieces on USCG Fast Response Cutters currently under construction. Standing alongside state and local law enforcement, Chief Bryan J. Adams, USCG Rear Admiral Dave Barata, Coast Guard District 8 Commander, and others, we reflected on their bravery and ultimate sacrifice. Their legacy will live on forever. Their courage will never be forgotten. #NeverForget #AmericanHeroes Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal Louisiana State Police The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Lafourche Parish Government Thibodaux Police Department