CIAT aspiration reposted this
Fantastic day today at BYGGERI-messen with this lovely bunch from CIAT Europe Centre & aspiration Thanks our aspiration co-chairs Šimon Novosad and Štěpán Zaňka for organising and thanks for attending Natalia, Kevin Demenyi, Cristian, Jerry Lepo, Cristian Poting, Stanislava Kostova, Fanni Bodzsar, Daniel, Agáta Gonščáková, Magdalena Leyk, Laura, Julia Ann Cremona, Michael Kormanik and Ruirui. It’s been an absolute pleasure to spend the day with you. You are all future international stars 🌟 in the Danish construction industry. Looking forward toward to attending Building Green DK with you next month! Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) CIAT aspiration