Collective Impact reposted this
To my white friends and colleagues in San Francisco, I urge you to see clearly at this dark hour — the city of San Francisco is no sanctuary city for our Black neighbors, and by extension, is no sanctuary for us. The city of San Francisco does not pursue progressive policies on behalf of our Black neighbors, and by extension, we are also harmed. Our city, in its most honest skin, is no different than a city in the confederate deep South. Over the last several years, the city has solicited hundreds of millions in services from Black-serving organizations, who have dutifully stepped up on behalf of their communities to provide these services on a reimbursement basis, only to have the city weasel its way out of paying. It seems San Francisco is comfortable exploiting Black residents for unpaid labor. And if that were not disgraceful enough, San Francisco is going to the extreme to cover up its numerous and egregious mistakes by trashing the moral character of these same selfless leaders instead of taking responsibility where responsibility truly rests. Read more here: Sheryl Evans Davis, EdD Shamann Walton Saidah Leatutufu-Burch, Ed.D. James Spingola Tinisch Hollins Randal Seriguchi, Jr. and all the other inspirational Black leaders who have been racially targeted by City and County of San Francisco San Francisco Chronicle The San Francisco Standard and all the other big scared bullies out there SURJ Bay Area