The Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR) reposted this
I can't wait for this book. Alex Hanna, Ph.D. and Emily M. Bender have such a great way of speaking about AI and the people who build it (See AI Mystery Hype: I am looking forward to the rigorous analyses about as much as the punchy humour, which kinda leaves one between a cry and a laugh.
Not to "I have a book coming out while the world is on fire" meme, but THE AI CON is getting 🔥 reviews. From Karen Hao -- "Come for the piercing observations; leave with the tools to slice your way through the absurdist narratives that prop up the AI industry and to hold it accountable." While Timnit Gebru says -- "Alex and Emily M. Bender cut through the dizzying hype to provide the clearest picture yet of what AI is, what it is not, and why none of us need to accept it being shoved down our throats." Pre-orders are critical to helping us get the book onto best seller lists, so if you haven't ordered it yet, what are you waiting for?? Head to and pick up a copy wherever you obtain fine books. (Preferably a local bookstore!)